This guy's post history consists entirely of complaints about Pokemon Go.

217  2018-05-27 by snallygaster


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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/u/NewtonPippin why do you still play Pokémon go when there is a new Jurassic Park game coming out? Dinosaurs 🦖 > Pokémon

What game?

Jurassic World: Evolution

Best of both worlds

Pokemon propagating the superiority of the dinosaurs scum. 2nd dinocide when?

Yes! My man. Always waiting for the second dinocide. Trust me comrade, it'll come.

tbh xe should shave.

Pokemon after the last series I watched as a kid was a mistake

Hopefully they've fixed the numerous game-breaking bugs of Pokemon Go by then!

One can hope

How many mental disabilities do you have?


What kind of fucking nerd still plays Pokemon go

I redownloaded and started playing again with normie friends, since the weather is nice out and it's a lot better than it was two years ago

Don't bully it pls :(

What did u catch?

AIDS hopefully.

just kidding - he should keep himself safe




The Jurassic Park game will just be one of those mobile "strategy" building games, but with better graphics. Have fun paying two dollars to turn your non-interactive sprites from green to red.

Nah I hope not. I hope it’s like operation genesis. More similar to the old zoo tycoon type stuff but with dinosaurs 🦖

Your contribution to this sub makes me smile warmly. Just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks friend 🦖

I was expecting AlwaysTryAgain.

I totally forgot about his hard-on for Pokemon Go, lol.

He is the weirdest dude.

I wish I could crawl into his mind and take a look around.

I can't imagine how noisy it is in there.

Wasn't it because the game is racist or something?

I figured it was because playing it requires going outside

it was because reddit liked it, any other reasoning was to justify the impulse

Yeah, you are right of course. I clearly was overthinking that one.

Have you ever seen, "The Cell"?

Is it actually any good?

It's alright, really cool concept, but not the kind of movie you would go back and rewatch.

Yeah, the recent I found him is because someone referenced him in another thread. He seems to have attracted a lot of attention with his complaints.

I don't understand why people would still play Pokemon Go, like when it was a fad for a few weeks, sure, but now not so much.

It's still fun imo. If you're in a situation where you do a lot of walking or biking then it makes the commute a little more tolerable. Plus Niantic has really stepped up its game recently in terms of making the game less repetitive.

I can get how people could enjoy the game, but I always wonder about people like this, who seem to hate the thing they're so obsessed with. Maybe they just have a pathological need to complain about things?

who seem to hate the thing they're so obsessed with.


I guess I hate the idea of doing something that involves interacting with ppl irl that are randoms.

Eventually you get to know the people in your area. It's a good way to make friends if the people in your area aren't dicks.

If I wanted to get to know the people in my area playing Pokemon Go I'd just research the neighborhood sex offenders.


That makes sense. It sounds like having a dog except without the 24 hours/day of the damn thing insisting on being entertained.

Lol, /r/pokemongo downvoted him into oblivion for it too. They deserve him, tbh.

Fake news.

He's an idea man, too. Try doing actual journalism next time, chups


Playing Pokémon Go instead of an actual Pokémon game

Lmao look at this fag

pokemon "game"

consists of pressing A and switching to water types when they send their Arcanine out

People complain about the lack of turn based JRPG's these days, but seriously, there were so many games where you'd just spam one action endlessly without strategy.

If you want turn-based weeb shit that requires you to think, avoid JRPGs and try tactics games instead.

final fantasy tactics was the shit, had the misfortune of being released the same year as ff7 and got overlooked by a lot of people

Other than XCom

Switching "to" water types? What the fuck were you using before?!

At least it's a relevant issue

Ass burgers at its finest

Are you implying that there's anything worthwhile on Reddit other than complaining about video games and other hobbies?

no but complaining about video games is different from complaining about video game

If this is not autism I don't know what is

80% chance dude is in his thirties.

So, the average age of a Pokemon player.

ew pokemon

I don't post entirely complaints... I've also posted discussion topics, ideas, etc for the game. I tend to only post complaints when they've gone a long time without acknowledgment by Niantic.

I've also posted discussion topics, ideas, etc for the game.

That's true, I didn't give you enough credit. But why do you feel motivated to make so many complaints? If I were that unhappy with the game I would have stopped playing.

If I had to compare it to something, you know how when you're driving on the freeway and some asshole cuts you off and you kinda just like to scream and yell and do a little road rage for a bit? But it's usually more exaggerated - I'm not REALLY that angry, it just feels good to let off some steam. And i'm still going to be driving tomorrow all the same.

That's the closest analogy i can give! I still love the game and I want it to be better. Plus i'd be afraid if I'm reduce the rate of complaint posts that the sub might feel a little empty :P

Oh so you have the temperament of a toddler. That answers the question.

Be nice to him

has it occurred to you that maybe the reason the sub is so empty is that your constant complaining is harshing everyone's vibe, maaaaaan?

I don't post entirely complaints...

Your last 36 posts were complaints before there was one non-complaint.

Don’t feel bad, dude. Somebody has to man the barricades.

I wonder if he knows how Pokemon Go is pro-eugenics

The best day of my life was the day I decided to Pokemon Go to the polls and vote for Trump.

Your life sounds pretty damn shitty.

You don't have a Pokemon Go alt?

No, I'm a filthy casual.

Has anyone ever done a venn diagram of Pokemon Go players and r/braincels members?

ha im LITERALLY the same way except my posts are complaints about the heebs

Niantic doesn’t sit there and decide who gets shinies and who doesn’t. It’s just completely random.

see that's what you think but I disagree

This is less respectable than the guy who posted about Garfield all the time.