Literal Incel god arrives

33  2018-05-27 by gardar15


I was excited for the return of the governmentgetsgfs guy.

I haven't seen anything looking like one of his alts recently. I'm willing to assume he's either dead, or incarcerated. Third possibility would be he found a job and quit his bullshit, but I'll never believe that.

This is pretty sad tbh

Yeah no drama to my post, but i guess it was interesting enough to go here

What do you think your next steps are from here? Strangely enough there are a few fetish communities where women would be really into you, but fetish probably isn't a foundation for a meaningful relationship in most circumstances. In this case exploring the 'sex positive' community could be helpful, even if there are a lot of weirdos there.

Also, I don't know if it'll make you feel better, but throughout histories many men were eunichs (usually either balls cut off or dick and balls cut off depending on the culture and situation) or otherwise incels, so it's not a freak case or anything. It's much rarer now, but a lot of people have been through something similar to what you're going through. But without the ability to even pursue sexual contact in most cases.

Its just getting over the part that theres nothing to blame anything on. I dont want anyone to know about this so i cant complain about it, like i would if i lost a foot or something. This is entirely internal due to the nature of it so i just have to be a better person overall to make up for this, while also having this happen. bit of a catch 22

Start prepping your bussy for a life of dick.

You'll learn to love it.

It's not over for you.

Look at this article -

And a much more extreme case -

If I were in your shoes I would contact the doctors that have successfully performed this kind of surgery, get an estimate of what it's going to cost and start saving.

It's like a bald guy asking for advice in a hair forum.

no drama


not making some


I thought they worshipped the st blackops

How do you know it's not him?

The best thing are the people who are saying "it's not just about sex" at the bottom of the thread.

You can still sexually please a woman, you have a brain, a tongue, vocal cords, arms, legs, feet, hell you might even have both eyes.


just have telepathic sex with her bro

> he doesn't know about

Oral sex? How the fuck do you have sex with your mouth? 😂😂😂

You take a dildo, bite on one end, and then shove it into the woman's vagina using only your mouth.


why name all those body parts and not hands or fingers

why not just stop at tongue

you can jam your whole foot up there man its not all over!

why would you even want to if youre not getting anything in return lol

A woman i didn't have sex with said she's been with like 20 dudes in the last year or so. And only one of them managed to give her an orgasm, and even that was orally. You can still sexually please a woman, you have a brain, a tongue, vocal cords, arms, legs, feet, hell you might even have both eyes. You're 6 years ahead in the game of me. Your confidence is probably waaaaay higher than mine. The whole package. Don't lose your balls just yet.

idk why a dick less man would wanna have sex with a women tho. Like it's unironically over for him

u/doubledickdude help a brotha out?

Yeah, maybe he could photoshop a dick onto his crotch

12-inch was the last time, now it's time for 14

I love drama but I don't feel right laughing at a guy with no dick.

Let me guess you're white?

I didnt realize there was a racial disparity on "laughing at guys who lost their dick". I guess I have to check my dick privilege.

I guess I have to check my dick privilege.

Damn straight man, a reg from this sub writes out their cope; seen their oneitis (yeah, they're coming up to the BP) with Chad. Goes home and has a tug - OP reads this as a humble-brag

He should become a Femboy and get anal

This is just sad, not really any drama. Fuck you OP.

I thought Elliot rogers killed himelf

I'm not saying he's lying, but it would be nice if he provided a picture for proof.

poor fucker

[Here is your solution](, /u/slipper432.

That guy needs to just drink some bleach already and get it over with


Holy shit man, I'm not even an incel. Maybe a normie-betbux going by the labels used here. Anyway - man, the idea of the classic "High School Jock" or "Chad" turning 21 and losing his fucking dick has just made me laugh out loud. Seriously - if it's any consolation and I know it's not - because you lost your fucking dick - you've just made so many people appreciate all these people playing life on the easiest level there is, getting to level-21 and suddenly the game detects he pirated it or something and flicks it onto "unbeatable".


Everything can be a video game analogy if you're retarded enough, right /u/CptBeetle?

I used the vidya analogy because it's a trope/meme/running-joke in this sub. But you can make as many retarded vidya analogies as you like, Bro, don't let me - or anyone else - stop you!