What is this sub's honest opinion of normal people.

36  2018-05-27 by pvijay187

Normal people seem to run the world? Do you fear them?




I want a normie to absolutely wreck my bussy, ream me like a lemon

Came here to come to this.

But normies only like gussy

The dinosaurs 🦖 let normal people believe that they are in control

Please accept my request cdace


I’m beyond desires of the flesh like the dinosaurs 🦖


Goodbye Reddit

Normies get free helicopter rides

Use helicopters to drop Dodge Challengers on normies.


Chevy Camaros and old Z24's are also acceptable.

I don't care for them tbh.



I’ve never met a normal person in my life, so dunno tbh.

We should be isolated from them, for their good.

they’re kind of boring and have bad taste in television

its only good if its japanese

japan mostly has terrible rock and pop honestly. all their other western music is good though, they killed soul and bossa nova

I watch Normal Porn For Normal People twice every day.

Helps me keep perspective.

Not afraid, just disappointed.

We're normies, fuck off.

no YOU fuck off.


Hi Stranger.

It's been a while. I've missed you. It's okay, you can look at my butt. I feel like I can be vulnerable around you Do you like this tree I made? Cool, right? I thought it was cool. It's so hard to make things sometimes, you know? It just takes so much mental energy and I get so tired. I just wanna sit here and relax with you.

Wow, check out this sunset. It's so nice to stop and take all this in. Really makes you enjoy being alive. Even you. I love looking at you. I want to remember all your shapes

Ah, beautiful

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I see you trying to do so many things at once, worrying about a decision you made, or worried that you said the wrong thing to someone. You're so hard on yourself. But you're wonderful and worthy of being loved. You really are. You just have to let yourself believe it.

Well, I know you're really busy, and you probably have to go but I'm glad I got to see you for a minute.

I love you

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

Trying to be nice to someone and this is what I get.

Normies are inferior and should be segregated into the slums where they belong.

I'm glad to have inspired such a shit post.

They should be made to wear little felt patches that look like jars of mayo until we figure something out.

They may have the centrism down, but they aren't radical enough. Also, many of them are unrepentantly mayo, which is simply unacceptable.

I like normal people. They are much better at concealing their neuroses, autism and hopeless self-hatred than we are here. That's to be admired.

They're mostly pretty fucking boring.

And they''re mostly pretty fucking boring due to being pretty fucking dimwitted.

normal people pull everyone towards mediocrity. centrism can't be radical as long as normal people are in control. Everyone should find where they are on the political compass and if they're not in the center or one of the outer corners then they should be forced into slavery under the extremists to carry out their agenda.

Only through the conflict from such diametrically opposed extremists can radical centrism be instated in its entirety. moderates are the enemy of society.

Hey, that's something a normie would ask....GIT EM!

Don't you just autistically screech just to flex on normal niggas

To use an analogy: normalfags are grass; we are flowers.

Flowers are the main reproductive mechanisms of plants.

Fine. We're flowering plants.

I love normies. Normies get up at 5 in the morning to go do manual labor in the scorching sun while I play around in computer code all day in the AC and make fun of people on Reddit.

Somebody's got to do the hard work and it sure as fuck ain't gonna be me.

Dude that's boring as shit

Lol normies

Normal people sit at work and do normal people stuff. They occasionally yield to REEEEEEing fanatics to make them shut up for a while. Never works for long.

They are better than this.