Talcum X is making his claim to turn the NFL into must-see Drama

20  2018-05-28 by ArlenBilldozer


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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The chances of this happening are absurdly low. Either of them being unsigned this early in camp wasn't even unexpected.

As if NFL players, who mostly have very short careers, would sacrifice a year's salary for some activist cause.

And I've seen some of those behind the scenes shows about football teams and most of the players are morons so it's not as if they actually have an real career choices after retirement either.

Sportscucks are morons, news at 11.

The fact that he still has a career should embarrass every single leftist in existence.

The fact that he still has a career should embarass human beings, period.

More Thurgood Marshmellow news? Can't the dude just go away?