One of the main people capitalizing off of the Qult reveals himself by accidentally posting with the wrong tripcode (Q's) ON STREAM, then lies about how 8chan works to cover it up.

67  2018-05-28 by snallygaster


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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This is what happens when you let neocon boomers on the internet

I would congratulate boomers on learning a lesson about the internet I learned when I was ten, but they're brains may be too leaded to learn anything from this.

Was hoping Q would end up being some deranged paint drinking gas station attendant in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

I'm sure these people check some of the boxes, but it's still kinda disappointing.

Same. I was hoping in was a dumb teen getting in over his head, but instead it's a group of wannabe internet celebs who wanted to extract as much money as possible out of the group they apparently belong to.

Here I was thinking Q was the work of classic Chris-chan era trolls that were in it for the joy of fucking with people. This is so lame, everything is a cash grab now.

Here I was thinking Q was the work of classic Chris-chan era trolls that were in it for the joy of fucking with people.

Nah, this doesn't follow the M.O. of most 'classic' trolls, and most of them have gotten out of the game for some reason or other or just stick to their old communities. There are a few still active, but they're so dysfunctional at this point that they wouldn't be capable of pulling off something like this. Pretty much all of the old CWC trolls in particular were either kids who grew up and grew out of it or were extremely broken people themselves and were able to successfully troll CWC because he's the lowest of hanging fruits.

I never got the impression the O.G. CWC trolls were broken, they just had a slightly twisted sense of humor that Chris played into with his unchallenged gullibility. BlueSpike (was he even original?) was the exception, he just wanted to make Chris hurt himself like a sociopath. I wouldn't be surprised if BlueSpike is in prison or at least become a lolcow in his own right by now.

Every dedicated troll I know of from that era or any other had something seriously wrong with them or something missing from their life. I can't even think of any exceptions.

To be fair I only had the totally unconnected spectator's perspective of CWC's golden eras as they played themselves out. Reflecting on it more I guess I shouldn't be surprised. There's probably something malformed upstairs when you're roleplaying relationships with an autistic manchild on the reg for humorous payoffs of diminishing returns.

Does anyone know what happened to bluespike? I can't even imagine how he feels about his involvement in CWC if he didn't grow up to be a complete cunt.

I heard on /cow/ that he ran the videogame parody news site r/play4real (when it was still running).

Huh, I wonder how they managed to figure it out. Also, wtf is up with /cow/'s culture? It's such a strange place.

Most of the best either ended up dead or flew to close to the sun and did time (almost all of them were / are extremely broken comes with the territory. Cwc was always low hanging fruit (literally picking on a special needs kid even if he was a cunt)

you know what's up

His autism wasn't disabling, CWC fell back on his 'tism to make excuses for himself. Chris turned out the way he did largely thanks to his coddling parents who enabled him to become an undersocialized idiot sucking down disability neetbux. Some of the people fucking with Chris were probably more autistic than he was, in the literal clinical sense.

Totally unrelated but I'd feel weird PMing you so...

Snally do you know the name of that lolcow that has autism or something and wrote a book in some insane writing style? He would describe everything in excruciating detail. Every sentence would be something like "The sun with a diameter of 10.6 trillion km shone on the earth which is 70% water, 30%land at a brightness of 832 gigalumens"

That was Ulillillia, and last time I checked he's actually doing really well for himself. Also, feel free to PM me, but I almost never check my PMs so there's a good chance I'll never see it. I don't like to face the consequences of my actions.

Yes that was it! Gracias

You're perfect. Never change 🤗

Ulillillia was a saint. He was just too pure for this world.

He sounds like someone who could enjoy Dwarf Fortress on a level I could never understand.

You made Q your target this year Snally?

snally is Q

bf5 dev is Q

I'm just completely drawn in. It has everything:

✓ Is crazy belief system that steals from other crazy belief systems
✓ Is developing before our eyes in real-time
✓ Has suspicious resemblance to a cult
✓ Key figures are capitalizing off of it
✓ Lots of in-fighting and hysterics involved
✓ Lots of true-believers
✓ Followers are smug and self-righteous

It's impossible to look away. It's also so aggressively stupid and so malicious that I feel compelled to debunk it, which is totally new for me.

Does it have me shaggin' yer nan m8?


Then it doesn't have everything m8

I feel like his explanation on why the guy is lying isn't great. That Pam fellow says that Q forgot to put the hashtag. So instead of Q#h3r3c0m3sth3p@in or whatever to get Q[unique garbled letters] he supposedly wrote Qh3r3c0m3sth3p@in, which would then show as Qh3r3c0m3sth3p@in. Would that make sense? I've never tripfagged so I am not sure.

You could be right, I'm not sure. Someone in the comments said something along the lines of that this happens when google stores the password. Q's password was leaked a few days after that and it was another variation of 'herecomesthepain'. Now that you mention it I'm not sure how damning this is, but put into the broader context it's pretty obvious that this guy is Q.

Yeah, if this was the only thing you might give him the benefit of the doubt, but this happened just after the email leak that pointed at that Pam fellow's direction, right? Like the Qultists love to say: ThErE Is No SuCh ThInG aS a CoInCiDeNcE

but this happened just after the email leak that pointed at that Pam fellow's direction, right?

I think so. There has also been some other evidence pointing towards him, e.g. that he admitted that he was able to change the 'Q drop numbers', which he would only be able to do if he were Q, and that after "Q" accidentally posted his password on the board, someone under Pamphletanon's IP pretty much immediately posted with Q's tripcode saying 'wtf man please change your password', which is suspicious because there was no reason to immediately assume that the password was a password. The guy's a fucking idiot. I'm sure more evidence will come out in the future, but the problem is that tptb are so good at controlling the narrative in Q's main hub (greatawakening) that it's difficult to show all of this to the Qultists. And even then it's a total crapshoot regarding whether or not they'll accept it.

Thanks Snally, always quality from you.

Sublime work as always.

I didn't do anything aside from browse through a different debunker's twitter feed and read some steemit articles. Apparently in the conservasphere beyond reddit there are quite a few people dedicating a lot of time to calling the people behind Q out. This particular guy is apparently pretty unreliable, but you can't really argue with a stream where the guy accidentally posted with Q's trip.

Anyone have a great awakening thread on this? Or are they removing posts of it?

There's no way that they'd allow it. The people running the sub are the ones making money off of the phenomenon.

Have those people never been tricked before? Some random guy posting on the internet sounds like a primary suspect for lying just about anything.

You just know there are dozens of scammers 24/7 datamining r/greatawakening posters and all of them think they're the only ones clever enough to uncover such a rich vein of gullible saps.

If they were then they're probably gullible enough to not have noticed. Since most of them are older, I think that their internet literacy is poor enough that they don't understand that "Q" could be anyone, and because American education is abysmal, they never learned how to think and read critically. There's a reason why the country's full of weird religious groups and extremist movements. It seems like more than a few qultists have had previous experience with those.

I blame the disparity between rural and urban areas.

Yeah, quality of education varies wildly by state, municipality, city vs rural, etc. Really doesn't do any favors for class mobility. Plus there's an anti-intellectual streak among 'certain demographics' wherein they believe that formal education is indoctrination. Which is a sentiment echoed very frequently among the Qultists. Oh well.

That is a huge mistake on their part. Given how many college students these days rejects what those schools supposedly teach, the indoctrination isn't a very successful one.

Ive noticed the indoctrination meme come up with flat earthers and anti vax weirdos

It's pretty much found in the conspiracy circle at large.