/u/Pizzashill is an incel and I have proof

75  2018-05-28 by BIknkbtKitNwniS

Another day, another rant against women by pizzashill


I'm so glad social media is a thing so I can read the incoherent screeching of women. Social media is the worst thing to ever happen to women. Really exposed them

The bolded bit is the proof that he's incel. He thinks that people don't know about women already. He think his autistic ranting about women being stupid and crazy is some sort of new thing that people need to hear about.

Reality check

Everyone knows this shit already. Women are stupid are irrational. In order to get pussy, unless you are a top, top, chad you have to suppress the autistic urge to point this out at every opportunity. Incels and normal people have the same views of women, incels just don't have the good sense to know not to sperg out about it.

When bluepillers say "improve your personality" what they actually mean is "don't point out stupid shit women if you want to sleep with women" Simple, effective.

Incels are simply too autistic to understand this. They are too concerned about what's "fair".

Happy wife, happy life. It's trite but it's 100% true.


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comm... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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I honestly think you’ve invented the easiest and most efficient way to get ppl worked up and I love it

It's kind of boring tbh, he uses it too much.

How can it be boring when it so effortlessly makes people upset?

You might be on to something or on something with your second point though

r u ok?

/u/pizzashill please comment

Some newfaggot is going off on pizza in that thread too. Smh he hasn't even taken the time to learn the pizzashill saga.

Don't talk about pizzasill if you haven't read the manga

You can't appreciate Pizza today without watching how he got here.

I hate newfags smh.


there should be a required reading list for new dramanauts. id make one but like, im busy, and stuff


help him out roastie

What's with the critisim of the robust labias? I suspect it has to do with proportion. Three inch protrusion on a three inch protrusion vs three inch protrusion on a seven inch absolute wrench really makes you think.

Not me. I have a bf.

You can't fire me I quit



I don't consider myself an incel. I gave up on dating awhile back and have decided to go my own way.

People are fucking boring to talk to. I would rather be working (day trading crypto), shitposting on reddit, watching Netflix, etc.

The only thing I ever got out of a relationship was sex and affection. I don't understand the hype. Your girlfriend is not a special snowflake. People chemically bond to people they are sexually attracted to. That's it. I can chemically bond with literally any decent looking woman who is nice to me. That's "love". Oxytocin and dopamine. If you want dopamine so bad, there's something called the dark net markets where you can buy drugs. There's something called cough syrup in an everyday pharmacy that will fuck you up in high doses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09lYqdxqzo

Also, you need food to survive. You don't need sex to survive. It's called jacking off my dude. Adults don't need affection to survive (apparently babies do or whatever). People with sexual market value don't give their affections freely. You have to be useful to them in some way. Men are pussy beggars so they give sex and affection out very freely. Women don't have to work for it. So women have all the leverage here. They can demand your resources. My last gf was not materialistic at the time that we dated (she started being materialistic after she dumped me because then I think she realized that simps were willing to buy her shit). But she was an emotional vampire with Borderline Personality Disorder (a lot of women have Cluster B personality disorders) who demanded a big chunk of my time and wanted me to give her attention to feed her narcissistic ego. And wanted me to treat her like she was the most beautiful woman on earth or something and that I couldn't live without her or whatever. If you want to be mentally intoxicated that bad, get fucked up on cough syrup. The world is not a Disney fairytale. You are not a special snowflake. Neither am I. You should see the things that my ex-girlfriend admitted to me about her new boyfriend while she was drunk. lmao. She admitted that she didn't love him even though he said he loved her. That's why you liberals virtue signal for starving homeless people from your child slave labour-made conflict mineral blood diamond iPhones while telling incels they are entitled for wanting sex. lmao. You need food, you don't need sex.

Women are so needy. They want you to text them regularly. Talk on the phone with them. Then once they have sex with Chad, they pretend like you never even existed and they never loved you. Women will chemically bond with you. And then when they find a genetically superior male who provides her with all this excitement and takes her on an adventure, she will no longer have those gina tingles for you anymore. It hurts me to remember how my last gf did me that way. But at the end of the day, it was just basic biology on both ends. She was the best I could looks-wise without paying for it, this is why my brain tricked me into thinking I loved the bitch. And women can get fucked by literal Chads on demand so they will never fucking love you. At least not for long.

If you're not Chad and you believe your wife/girlfriend loves you, yous a cuck. If this tall cocky successful Chad tatted low-inhibition badboy white rapper with a big cock approached her https://i.imgur.com/Udg5GYb.jpg

, you think your girl would be faithful to you? ROFL There's nothing stopping your girl from having sex with Chad or Tyrone. And that's NEVER going to change. No matter how much you vote for Trump and think that is magically going to change the clock. Tradcon women never loved their husbands. They always wanted Chad. And with the sexual revolution, their sexuality is unleashed in free market sexual capitalism. Ancapistan but with genitals.

r/incels are complaining about nothing. Complaining about not being Chad is like complaining about not being a billionaire. Life is unfair. Life is an injustice. That's why most of the world is in poverty.

Fuck bitches, get money. Money is literally the most important thing in life. Other than health. Like my nigga Drake says, "All I care about is money and the city that I'm from".

You can use all the shaming language you want. You have nothing of value to offer me. The social contract that society hands over to men is fucking bullshit. Be a citizen-slave in exchange for what exactly? A couple warm wet holes, some affection and "social acceptance". Oh and possible divorce rape losing half your shit, paying out child support and paying out alimony for life. The terms of that trade aren't worth it. Normies are boring as shit. I don't receive any dopamine when I listen to some normie talk about his life and his problems. But I get a hit of dopamine when I trigger SJWs on reddit. So I have no incentive to honor that social contract.

After you normies wage slave for the man, you logon to reddit to make fun of people you think you are better than in order to feel better about your shit wage cuck life and the fact that you can't satisfy your wife/girlfriend the way her bull Tyrone can with your average penis.

You have way too much time on your hands if you actually typed this up yourself.

Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V take very little time

oh shit, i'm the linked source in the /r/copypasta thread

Lmao we've gone full circle

Who typed you response, mong?

This is the most pathetic pasta I've ever read

Not to mention the statistic in 2017 that showed women have cucked men non stop for 8000 years in a row. And no it wasn't war that selected men's genes. Females just aren't faithful. Similar to how they start getting invested with other men when they feel their relationships getting shaky, and how the fuck new men 1 day to a week after break up.

Lol at needing proof

I see a lot of people here saying that female bodies are wonderful and the negative things said about them aren't true, but I don't understand you. I hate female human bodies (not other species). I don't mean any offence to those who occupy them. I think they're objectively one of the worst designs ever, and it seems like being trapped in one ought to be a terrible injustice. As I understand it: human evolution was defective, particularly in the switch to bipedalism and the development of bigger heads, and it resulted in bodies that are too small to carry and give birth to oversized babies, as well as impractical fat pads on the chest added to increase attractiveness in the new form. AFAIK human breasts serve no other purpose. No other primate has those, and trans men breastfeed (chestfeed? (Nah.)) without them. Human females also develop a uterine lining and messily leak it out every month regardless of whether it's actually needed, which seems wasteful and like it would attract predators, and it's a very rare thing found in almost no species. Why this one?

I don't much like the existence of a female sex (or of sex at all, really) in general either -- even in other animals it so often involves females being weaker and dominated by males. It also seems unfair that in mammals the responsibility of carrying the unborn falls entirely on females. I believe that patriarchy is natural, but unlike others who use that as a justification, I consider it extremely depressing and proof that nature is not some perfect all-knowing miracle worker. I think so many things would be so much better if there were no biological sex. Why does it exist? Life isn't fair. Evolution isn't fair. It settles on a system that works, not one with no flaws at all.

I admit part of the reason I hate my own body is the way society views it. I'm dirty and obscene and I need to be covered up so I don't distract men and boys (who have no self-control, you know). Blah blah. But even if it weren't for that, I still wouldn't like it. I have these floppy things that just get in the way and are sensitive. I "have to" wear a sports bra when exercising, which sometimes makes me want to kill myself because with my sensory issues it seems to be just about impossible to find one that's comfortable. I hurt and make a mess every month, and not any old mess but the kind that's really hard to get out of things. (And if your clothing is stained, you're not looking pretty enough.) I'm inherently weak. I feel so short and wimpy. Maybe I'm inherently emotional and mood-swingy because of cycling hormones. Why should I like these things? Is it really just because of the patriarchy that I hate them, or could it be that there is something truly inferior here, a mistake of nature?

These aren't rhetorical questions. I'm not trying to be a jerk or a concern troll. I want to know why you think human female bodies are actually really good and statements to the contrary are misinformation. I'm stuck in one*, so I suppose I ought to suck it up and find reasons to not hate it. If I could actually like it, that would be wonderful. I don't.

I know there are women who have flat chests and/or don't have functional reproductive systems. I'm jealous. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I don't want children, so that's another reason I resent these things -- I'm forced to carry a pile of equipment that's just plain inconvenient and annoying outside of the one thing I'll never use it for. I'm also aware that if I were one of those women I probably wouldn't feel the way I do. The grass is always greener on the other side. Always.

My feelings about female bodies also make me feel kind of bad about being a lesbian, though I'm not sure I'm a real lesbian because I have pretty much no sex drive. But I digress.

Sorry if I'm derailing your space with this. There's not really anyone else I can properly discuss this with, especially not my dad. He's out of his depth.

I should probably do actual research into this topic, but I don't know where to start.

PS -- I know women live longer. That's great, but I don't personally value it because I prefer quality over quantity. I can't say I'm that fond of human male bodies, but from where I'm sitting they seem like the lesser of two evils. There, now I've bashed pretty much everyone.

I know it's gay but I can't masturbate to women because of two reasons

It feels really unrealistic. I know the sincarios in my head would NEVER happen in real life and im constantly reminding myself unintentionally "she things your an ugly incel" so i can't really feel happy doing it.

I feel like by masturbating to femoids I'm giving them validation of superiority. I mean i can say what I want but if I masturbate to them that's an indirect way of respecting them. I am basically saying they are so beautiful I can get off just thinking about them. Fuck that, now it's only dudes because I heard that you can't be a gaycel since men are much more promiscuous than women.

Lots of other species have periods btw- it's not just a female human thing. Having a female body is def a huge disadvantage- I mean look at how people talk about it and treat it it's a freaking curse. Idk if this sub is the best place for you to find people who can relate to this this stuff because I honestly feel that a lot of people here genuinely hate women and think they are subhuman. A lot of women feel the same way as you though- being a female ain't as easy as Reddit make it out to be. There's a lot of self loathing and being made to feel awful whether you are a "madonna" or a "whore" basically of you can never win in this world. Someone will always hate you because you aren't the "right kind" of woman. Fuck it though, do you and just make yourself happy fuck what sad people on reddit think. It's not like it's full of well adjusted and happy adults. To be fair though it's a great equalizer because both genders get to be stupid and irrational and overly emotional on it- Reddit sucks why am I here

How can you say this when a male athlete born once in 50 billion years with beyond legendary genes, have his body ridiculed and shamed by fat ugly women who have never exercised in their life? Not to mention the countless articles online stating "all women are beautiful" and "all female bodies are perfect"? No such thing for men. Not to remember the millions of sexist, body shaming comments towards Justin Bieber when he was just a teenage boy.

Just cause I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm a fat acceptance activist lol. Idk dude I feel both fat women and men get made fun of by both men and women. No need to pull the "aw poor victim oppressed men" card on this one - pick something more serious/one sided



How I know OP is an autismo:

He can't tell the difference between calling women crazy anonymously on a fucking reddit forum and doing so in real life.

Difference acknowledged. Pathetic "men" still only do that online.

Women also don't generally take issue with the idea that "women are crazy" in real life. I say that shit all the time and I'm far from Chad. What kind of boring gender warriors do you people chill with?

You couldn't get away with "women are stupid", but that's because women aren't stupid.

Happy wife, happy life

Sorry but the only right way to treat a woman is to chain her up so she can't bruise herself and accuse you of rape or physical abuse, since she will never get out from your basement.

Fedora wholesome down to the username.

He's young, he hasn't learned to hide his powerlevel.

Yeah yeah, women r dumb, we get it, we all have our phases, but at least try not to leave a legacy of stupid accross Reddit.

I also have proof. Click this: /u/pizzashill

Pizzashill is a fag.

He’s alt left, like the alt right they share close ties with the incel community.

I want to buy pizzashill a fleshlight.

I want to buy beat pizzashill (((with))) a fleshlight.

who gives a shit stop sucking this guys cock by making 300 threads about him, it's not drama it's just autism


If you're not an incel, you're definitely still an overt misogynist. What's it like to be that pathetic and bigoted?

How am I a misogynist?

women are stupid and irrational

I don't identify as a misogynist

That doesn't mean you aren't one.

Oh look transphobic and misogynistic!

You're the TERF

The TE stands for "trans-exclusionary". That I am not, nor am I radical at all. I am, however, a feminist. But I think a lot of non-feminists would agree that calling all women "stupid and irrational" is pretty damn misogynistic.

Imam Ali (a.s.) quotes the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) as saying:

"Allah curses those men who make themselves resemble women or those women who make themselves resemble men."

Good thing I'm not Muslim. I may be a "liiiiiiiiberal" who is pro-immigration and anti-Islamaphobia, but I don't have to agree with all its teachings.

You're both faggots

Lol I'm gay so you're partially right

I hope you have a good day and that you enjoyed your stay in /r/drama.

Go away bigot

Feel free to troll my comment history. I'm imperfect (patience is not my strongest quality and I'm bad at detecting tone online), but I am not a bigot.

I'm bad at detecting tone online

no shit.

what are your thoughts on trains by the way?

? I'm ambivalent to trains.

Lipedema is a painful fat disorder that, if untreated, can cause multiple health problems leading to mobility issues. ...Lipedema is a disorder of adipose tissue that occurs almost exclusively in women; it has also been called 'painful fat syndrome'.

Women are fucked up.

Where is the bow-in-defference emoji?