Flroida Pizza Man kills wannabe Killer Clown

29  2018-05-28 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Jesus how badly can one person butcher the spelling of Florida?

You mean Flroida?

He meant Flo Rida

fuck, even Flo Rida managed to spell florida right.

he added a space though. I just switched the 'o' and 'r'

He's the Kanye of spelling. Fuck all those labels and spelling rules.

It's to imply everyone is roided there.

It's pizza time!

🍕 ⛩ī¸ confirmed

Pizza torii confirmed? Fuck off weebs

God bless you /u/pizzashill, that fucker deserved to die. I always figured you for someone who would carry.