Guy posts a photo of a Nazi POW on r/Battlefield. Others disagree.

49  2018-05-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ brother!

/u/PurpleJew_ are you a troll or just retarded?

He's not a brit i think? Maybe? Also there's no shame in making fun of Nazis tbh. Thinking of taking over most of the world lmaoooo.

Like hell I'm ever supporting a god damn leaf.

Imagine caring about Battlefield.

Imagine people caring about games just cause you dont like them

But honestly how is caring about a bunch of autistic manchildren arguing over the internet that much better

downboat me plz

You don't have to care to laugh at it, though the fact that large amounts of people are getting so upset over something of absolutely no consequence probably says something about our society and the people in it.


Average normie ball of nerves that I am supposed to call the "brain" implodes

Uh, yeah it is.

No, the fact that there is war in the first place to base these games off of says a lot about our society.

Both say very different things.

You don't like vidya? What are you a fucking faggot?


Nothing makes me harder than BTFO krauts and brodie helmets.



Wait wat

You don't have to be a libtard to have a libtard bait account

I have only one account though.


He's hugging his SS buddy that he just gave a makeover to with a 2x4

So you promote the torture of prisoners for fun? Are you American or something?

Yes, I promote the beating of Nazi's in wartime

So fuck human rights then? It's cool to torture those who are morally inferior to you?

Do you not see the irony here?

lol 😂 defending the Nazis

I am not. I'm waiting for u/PurpleJew_ to realize he's what he claims to hate

He’s a Nazi?

Pretty much

Nazis are turds. It's okay to hate them.

So they're like r/drama posters?


Wehrmacht doesn't equal Nazi you dumb Mutt.

This is what krauts actually believe

Lol. Wait. Are you unironically anti nazi?

I think he's serious guys....

Yes, I’m a normal person.

Is it holocaust if I kill only a single jew?

Nazis are faggots

Wew a kid who probably got forcibly conscripted judging by his age and left hand. 100% big bad wolf ebil nazi

might be a german woman soldier who been told to settle down

germans have more flat and uggly women than other white groups