Comment graveyard in /r/aww when the only 2 /r/drama posters who aren't incels post their picture together.

15  2018-05-28 by IAintThatGuy


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Knowingly bringing a down into the world should be punishable with mandatory prison time tbh. Mandatory tests for all women in every hospital/clinic. As if there aren't enough people on this earth lol.

But then we wouldn't be blessed with you

I'm sorry :( but 7 billion are a little too much.

so you saying women should be forced to abort or not have kids?

ain' that the opposite of letting women do whatever they want?

ain' that the opposite of letting women do whatever they want?

Since when is it a good thing for gussy to make decisions?

just trying to get where this guy stands

myself I think access to abortion is th easiest thing in the world and only one staircase away for women

I wholly support supplying women with coathangers. For abortions, and also to do laundry.

It's /u/ChaddingTater & /u/LadyVetinari. Mazel tov!

Lol she doesn't look anywhere near that good in a dress

Imagine how dirty their bathroom is.