Chapo user takes issue on whether or not it's alright to make fun of Ben Shapiro because he is short (it is alright btw)

56  2018-05-28 by ChipChippersonAMA


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Manlets aren't people. Put them in the oven.

That's a two-for-one on /u/annoysthegoys

/u/AnnoysTheGoys prefers toasters! 🍞🔥


Wanna have a foursome?

Fugg yess!! 😩

I think this joke is funny because I take it as a play on the toxic social standards that conservatives place on men and ovens.

As a manlet, I take my greatest joy while flying (first class) and watching the giant hulking meanderthralls wander back to their cramped quarters in steerage or whatever it's called back there.

This is the saddest lie I’ve ever seen anyone tell themselves.

This is the saddest lie I’ve ever seen anyone tell themselves

What about when you tell yourself your parents love you?

Must be a real drag to have to get a note from your parents to fly by yourself

massive cope, it's over for heightcels

/u/Chrsimsi how tall are you? be honest.

Obligatory "Okay, this is epic" comment.

Randy Newman is about due for a comeback. His is a rare and precious talent that is sorely missed. What do you think, /u/maahhkus ?

He's a true American treasure, unless he's Canadian, I don't feel like looking it up

how else will a middle class white kid sound folksy

apart from saying folks constantly obviously

I thought OP was a funny joke, because I took it as a play on the toxic social standards that conservatives like Shapiro place on men and women.

/u/methmo are you a robot? Serious question.

If only.

Bad bot

I say none of us rest until we have the Alex Jones vs ben Shapiro cagematch

Jones would eat that little man and wash him down with his many brain worm supplements

The winner to wrestle Godfather of Soul James Brown while the loser squares off against California governor and perennially occasional Presidential Candidate Edmund 'Jerry' Brown.....

You don't fuck with crazy.

dont fight alex jones hell eat a big bowl of hot chili and forget how to fight fair

u/serdavoscrabman it’s people like you, getting up on your soapbox, who take all the fun out of insulting people’s appearance

He gets on a soapbox to look regular people in the eye

I think individuals who are "the total package" don't latch onto ideologies like the alt right or become Jordan Peterson acolytes. They are too busy living their lives.

I like when they flirt with self-awareness.

Imagine aligning with a side where you have to make sure you're banter is within the confines of your side.

How tall is he?

He's about average for a mainland Chinese woman.

5’7” I think.

That's not really short, is it?

I think it’s about average? Maybe slightly under average. I’m not sure- I’m 6’0”, so I’ve never given it much thought.

His sister has big tits.

Is that legit?

Just a touch of photoshop but honestly if you look at the original it’s not that much of an exaggeration

short people are funny but are there any cth users that arent physically defective themselves

No bad tactics only bad targets

maybe his self-hatred about his shortness is where he gets his whippy sarcasm from. it's all a defense mechanism so he won't have to fight alex jones's FRIGGIN GAY FROGS


You're not reading what anyone is saying to you, so I'm done with this argument. Take some time to distance yourself, then come read my arguments, because I don't think you're actually taking much time to think about them right now. Your replies sound like they're to someone else and I don't think it does justice to the amount of knowledge you think you have on this subject (and I don't mean that in a belittling way, just to say you haven't shown that knowledge yet), and I want to understand your actual point of view, not the caricature of it I'm getting from what you've said so far.

That's a spicy take.


I still can’t believe that one. I am a 6’3 string bean and I still weight 160ish. He has got to be close to 400. Dude has his own gravitational pull. -/u/aspiringalcoholic

I would like to suggest that you lift weight my good soy man.

Eh. I work as a carpenter and lift heavy stuff all day. Just don’t really eat a lot.

Just don’t really eat a lot.

Have you tried not making that mistake?

I never thought about it that way