/u/pizzashill sparks massive argument between dramachads and dramacels

47  2018-05-28 by shallowm


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I'm convinced that /u/pizzashill is LARPing for meta drama and is a real horn dog for pussy IRL.

Srs-poster pizzashill was an inside job.

I think you're assuming far too much when you say he's not being serious

I think he's operating on double irony or something where he doesn't exactly mean all the shit he says but he still agrees with the sentiment.

You mean there's another way?

So what you're saying is Pizzashill is playing with 4D chess with r/drama users?

there is no IRL pussy. it's all SFX

I am dramacel

/u/pizzashill is this sub's savior and its destroyer

I vacation at Lake Chad on the Island of Chad which is a secret evil fortress of C.H.A.D. (Celebate Homos* Against Diversity) where I work as a volunteer intern as part of their Human Resources department ("Our most important ingredient" according to the label on the Company Chili) in order to fulfil the 'public benefit' stipulation for my Student Loan debt (which is now heritable over generations).

Anyhow, where was I?

Oh yes. I remember. I was telling you about Lake Chad and the Conclave of Hopeless Angry Degenerates and my vacation with Richard Spencer who was not only the keynote speaker but also the main course. (Cannibalistic Humanoid Ambulatory Dipshits don't just want white nationalists with good taste, they want the ones who taste good!)

I sent a postcard to this subreddit via the US Embassay at Chadville

(*Homo is not a fucking anti-gay slur you dickhead. It refers to Homo Chadensis of course. You would have known that if you wouldn't have cheated on that anthropology exam back in college.)

I knew there was a reason we kept him around.