As Memorial Day weekend comes to a close, let us remember the REAL heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice.

89  2018-05-29 by snallygaster


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This has nothing on the great Gamergate Wars


idk if you're joking or not, but references to people being veterans of internet wars almost makes me wish that Trump would put the draft back in place once Bolton gets his war.

no more. NO MORE!

Imagine being the sort of unironic neckbeard who would wear a "proud citizen of kekistan" shirt and not even being able to make a fucking ok symbol that doesn't look like an abortion stopped partway through

Replace him.

Pure aryan genes

How soon can we restart Aktion T4?

Also that Bolton guy literally looks like a villian

Also that Bolton guy literally looks like a villian

  • Has bushy mustache

  • Hates Persians

  • Close ties to hawks from the Reagan era

  • Pure evil

John Bolton is Saddam Hussein confirmed

  • 🎶 Where have all the good memes gone?*

*Long time passing... 🎶 *

Remember to use the code: PEPEHATESFAGS

To get 20% off your MAGA gear at



>It ain't me


🇺🇸Memorial🇺🇸 Day 😮📅is here 👇and you 👉know 🤔what that means! Time 🕓 to 🙏remember 🙏and 💐thank 🙇👏all those 🙌brave 💪soldiers👮‍♀️👮 who 🔪sacrificed 😭😱😫their lives 💀👻so we 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦can be🇺🇸 free 🇺🇸 to suck👄👅 any dick🍆💦we want😍😍!

They gave their lives so we can be free ;_;

They were some ugly fucks.

The guys in terrorist organizations selected for suicide roles aren't exactly the creme of the crop. Basically if you sign up for your jihad and you have zero skills or usefulness at all, they're like "Hey, ummm, how about you strap this bomb to your chest and get 72 virgins or something? Yeah..." At worst it's one less mouth to feed.

They took meme jihad to the next level.

They still live RENT-FREE in the heads of Americans.

Remember the meme war happened to keep Bernie, Clinton, and every other shill out of office with low effort and fire memes

No one cares about the sacrifices of the dinosaurs 🦖 anymore

They gave us oil.

American heroes

So did the 9/11 hijackers

No dino blood for oil!


Internet equivalent of a participation trophy

/u/IncredibleMrE1, please come here and tell us how funny your meme was!

Why are they such shit bastards?

they were somehow raised in a way where they believe that reposting low-level content on the internet is an accomplishment of some sort.

How do I protect myself from this?


beats me. I blame the parents, mostly. Some boomers act the same way but that seems to be because they're bored, most of them seem prone to paranoia and/or delusions, and they want to feel like they're a part of something meaningful before they croak. There's an element of that with the younger people, but they also seem to have a warped sense of perspective leading them to believe that what they're doing is extremely important and risky to the point where they can be equated to veterans or that they're the saviors of Western civilization or other self-important things.

They're having a panic attack because Islam is growing faster than Christianity at the moment. But in the long term Christianity will grow faster than Islam, as Muslim birth rates are close to equalization with Christian birth rates and Christianity has much higher growth through conversion (about 75% of converts are to Christianity, only about 20% are to Islam). I still think the new right is a hysterical reaction to a prediction based on current trends continuing on in a linear fashion, when in the long term the things they were about are just going to work themselves out and their proposed solutions are hurting more than they're helping.

Exit bag or a bleach cocktail

unironically be equated to fighting in a war.


Don't ever call me collection low-level content again


how could they be anything else

Who even cares about members of the military? Some of them might even be LIBERALS. Only the proud veterans of the meme war deserve to be honored as PATRIOTS.

Summary of the war. A highly concentrated autistic children that forever entombed in their parents basement take on the republicans and democrats. For what reason? so they could play vidya games.





║░▒║with this blade

║░▒║i cut those who











Imagine not only posting this picture, but reposting it.


How does it feel to shit up reddit with tons of low effort content that clogs up the search feature like a motherfucker?


we were on a reconnaissance mission planting red pills for normies to stumble into when we were ambushed.

So you r/asablackman'ed a subreddit and got banned.

The worst part, the worst part was the Reeeees, I can still hear that fucking sound.

No shit, you're in the REEEEEEing capital of reddit


People joke, but I think we all have lost someone in our lives due to our part in the Meme War. The nation needs to heal a bit still.

Imagine being the kind of person who gets effected by the "meme war"

Can you even ping four people at once? Oh well, you botched one anyways.

Imagine being so susceptible to propaganda that you think that a presidential candidate who is left of center is a racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic Nazi - as is anyone who votes for him - and that he is going to destroy our country and perhaps mankind with nukes and Twitter because Huff Post told me he was an idiot who happens to be a self made billionaire. Oh and he was clever enough to secretly collude with the Russians even though our intelligence services were actively infiltrating and spying on the campaign and have found no evidence of any such collusion. Oh and all of those people that supported Trump were influenced by Facebook ads or are Russian bots.

Whether you like to admit it or not the entire country was impacted by the meme war - which was undoubtedly a culture war. People lost friends, family, jobs over their support for Trump. Sorry if you are so insulated from different opinions that you didn’t experience something like that, but there was a real price for some people. Still not convinced? Look at media today- you all can’t deny that things are different post meme war.

Also what is this subreddit and why is a half-joking post being discussed here?

How old are you

  1. Are you implying the vitriol during and after the 2016 election is par for the course?

And you're a proud soldier of said Russian-backed meme war? 28 years old

rolls eyes


Do you think you made the country better?

This isn’t a dick measuring contest. We are in this together you know.

But yes, undoubtedly. A renewed sense of nationalism was needed our country that had arguably lost its own sense of identity and culture. Not to mention Trump’s success with foreign policy following a period of declining US influence. Markets are up. Potential bad actors within our media and government are being exposed. I could go on. But yes, I am proud to have voted for Trump and I am grateful to wake up in a country where another Clinton or Bush are President.

So provoking a "culture war" and continuing to stoke the vitriol is bringing the country together?

How exactly did Trump start a culture war? It was the left that belittled Trump and labeled his supporters xenophobic racist sexist Nazis.

Not pointing fingers but if I was going to I’d point them in the direction of “progressives”.

I'm talking about the "meme war" you're a proud veteran of.

Whether you like to admit it or not the entire country was impacted by the meme war - which was undoubtedly a culture war...Look at media today- you all can’t deny that things are different post meme war.

So because some of the left are obnoxious and insulting, you decide to renew a sense of unity and nationalism by also being obnoxious and insulting, and try to further push moderates away (because some on the left do)? 🤔

I'm having trouble following you because you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

Not pointing fingers but...<literally points fingers>

A renewed sense of nationalism was needed our country that had arguably lost its own sense of identity and culture.

My sense of identity was based on my pride in living in a tolerant, multicultural nation with a tradition of immigration, where you can go out on the street and meet anyone from any country in the world. Trump shattered my own sense of identity and my pride in my nation, because his nationalism is simply based on promotion of the white race, of refusing to listen to minorities and concerns and just dismissing them as hysterical liars. I cannot for the life of me understand people who just want to live beside a bunch of mayos for their entire life.

Blah blah blah blah. None of what you said has changed. Also black unemployment is at an all time low. I think he is listening. What makes you think he’s not listening exactly?

I cannot for the life of me understand people who just want to live beside a bunch of mayos for their entire life.

Go fuck yourself racist.

A renewed sense of nationalism was needed our country that had arguably lost its own sense of identity and culture. Not to mention Trump’s success with foreign policy following a period of declining US influence.

Also - I think you're conflating underrepresentation of an interest group with losing identity and culture. Unless, you can be more specific? I think we have a definite identity and culture.

Secondly, didnt Trump run on reducing American global influence? Let everyone police their own shit and we focus on domestics?

It certainly made it more dramatic, which is why I'm proud I voted for Trump


28 years

You're either lying, pathetic or both

Why is my age pathetic? I didn’t advertise it, I was asked.


Imagine being so susceptible to propaganda that you think that a presidential candidate who is left of center is a racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic Nazi

Donald Trump was the most right wing candidate possible in the primaries. He is the culmination of the Republican parties move to the right that's been occurring over the past few decades. He made some left wing sounding promises, but it's a fact that far right candidates are usually more centrist when it comes to economic policy than center right ones. And he didn't keep any of his left wing promises anyway - does everyone in the US currently have healthcare? Has he even attempted to fulfill that promise? He's governed as a right wing Republican.

because Huff Post told me he was an idiot who happens to be a self made billionaire.

He inherited a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars in 80's dollars, worth billions in 2018 dollars. You can give him credit for not blowing it, a real idiot would've just blown it. But he didn't make much more than he could've by just passive investing.

Oh and he was clever enough to secretly collude with the Russians even though our intelligence services were actively infiltrating and spying on the campaign and have found no evidence of any such collusion.

Accepting testimony from someone in the campaign /= "spying".

People lost friends, family, jobs over their support for Trump.

People lost friends and family over their support of Clinton. I'm a native Mississippian and was constantly demonized on facebook by my family. The only people who lost jobs were those participating in white supremacist marches and the like.

Sorry if you are so insulated from different opinions that you didn’t experience something like that,

I am a native Mississippian, I assure you I am not insulated from the opinions of Trump supporters.

Imagine being so susceptible to propaganda that you think that a presidential candidate who is left of center

Imagine being so retarded that you think Trump is left of center. But then again what can I expect from people who thought Obama was a socialist.

Whether you like to admit it or not the entire country was impacted by the meme war

It wasn't. At all. For fuck sakes Trump got the average number of votes for a republican candidate

People lost friends, family, jobs over their support for Trump

No, retards did

Look at media today- you all can’t deny that things are different post meme war.

You're a joke of a human being

Wow really made me think...

Brother, I am honored that you and I triggered the cucks so hard that we get our own mention. It was a pleasure serving with you.


Do you need a safe space?

Yes, please help me trigger more cucks in r/drama, thank you in advance soldier

/u/Chicup ^

Righty humor

I think he was trying to be insulting. Personally I'd make fun of you for this..

He's living in your head, rent free, all that.


Look at your word thingy, Trump and Daddy are two of your most used.

Are you trying to imply my daily online reaffirmations that daddy is a bad man is anything but a noble cause?? Really???

I'm shakin now

Everyday I'm shuffling.

You shit libs come to our Dom, cherry pick comments to make some sort of example that apparently you only understand.

All we are doing is having fun at your miserable expense.

We won the meme war, we won the presidency, we are winning the cultural war, and we're going to win 2018.

There is still hope for you though. We welcome anyone willing to be ready to win with us.

A memoir for meme war, if you will.

his truth is marching on

Sweden fucked them up.

The left can't meme because they have no sense of humor.

I hate right wingers who love Israel but I really hate right wingers who hate Israel.

No, this is definitely pretty funny (just in a meta way)

Its just the usual lets be offended nonsense on an obvious joke.

Laughing at yourself is something the left just can't seem to do, its a lack of introspection.

When you see someone loudly fart in a packed elevator, stutter when trying to deny it, then try to hurry out when the door opens and trip, and their pants fall down exposing their bare ass - are you offended?

That's how this funny, and usually how the entire t_d subreddit is funny. It doesnt matter if they themselves think their flailings are "topkek" as well.

We just appreciate it in different ways I guess

Sure, it’s not real combat, but think of how many people in the military never see combat. There are many divisions, including entire divisions dedication to tech development and information warfare. When you remember veterans, you remember and honor all of them; not just the ones who physically fought. Think of the meme farmers as information soldiers. We were/are indeed at war but it’s a war that cannot be fought through combat. So we are fighting it in the only way we can. And even though we aren’t actually in the military, we share the same goal: protecting freedom & saving America. That should count for something.







These losers should be drafted and sent to the upcoming war with Iran so they know what real combat is like.

This is the war that the Swedes won, right? Didn't they kick ass?