Elon Musk tweets one mean sentence about a journalist. Journalist decides to tell the world how oppressed she is.

661  2018-05-29 by itsnotmyfault

Erin Baba had a tweet chain criticizing Elon Musk. Talked a lot of shit.

He, in response said simply

I have never attacked science. Definitely attacked misleading journalism like yours though.

She wrote an article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-its-like-when-elon-musks-twitter-mob-comes-after-you?via=twitter_page

In it, she makes Musk appear to be a M.Bison-esque figure, with such unbelievable power that he accidentally shattered her entire world with just a single sentence.

Elon wrote me a single sentence that, while insulting, wasn’t even really all that bad. And then he moved on and probably didn’t think about me again. I’m betting he doesn’t even remember tweeting at me. But in responding to me, Musk has subjected me to days and days of tweets, emails, direct messages, and Instagram tags. I was even at the top of Reddit for a second there.

More importantly, MuskBros is the new official term for anyone who makes fun of journalists. Turns out you can add "Bros" to anything and write an article about how much they disgust you. TechBros, BernieBros, DramaBros, etc.

https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1001286459444355074 Daily Beast's twitter thread about the article

Daily Beast Editor in Chief applauding the #soBrave piece: https://twitter.com/NoahShachtman/status/1001285940999016450 because Baba had deleted her entire twitter history. Some of the more interesting things deleted: https://twitter.com/RLewisReports/status/1001460354725986305

Bonus: Brianna Wu is in the article as another person to receive such horrible harassment.

https://twitter.com/UprightOrc/status/1001365580967014400 has a screenshot of when she put up the signal to get the WORST stories about how HORRIBLE Musk is.

Absolutely 0 remorse:

You’ve done something incredibly dishonest by supporting a journo who falsely stated that I’m against science, then cherrypicked tweets that don’t represent the vast majority of my followers to make false claims against them too

Hello, have you met the Internet? Everyone gets harassed regardless of gender, especially if they say false things. Saying I’m against science is like saying Beyoncé doesn’t know beats. Blowback from latter (all genders) would make my comment stream seem like Socratic dialogue.

"But for me, it was Tuesday." - Elon Musk.


This is all just a followup to the previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/8mp6k9/journalist_is_accused_of_having_her_hair/ and probably others I didn't read.

I’m good at handling barrages of hate mail—I was working for Gawker during Gamergate—

I like how they're trying to make Musk out to be a gamergator.

Also the attempt to spin working at gawker as something more positive than licking shit off a public toilet seat.

All it show is that women can't handle the bantz.

This is why gussycide is a good idea.

working at a concentration camp or being an unwilling toilet slave.

Try custodian, or poopsmith, those fit Gawker to a T.

Toilet slaves built this nation 🙅

I was working for Gawker during Gamergate

Holy fuck, that's a dated sentence.

It's such a fitting end that Gawker was killed by a vengeful gay billionaire and Hulk Hogan's penis. That was probably one of the greatest things to happen to this sub.

It's a terrible attack on democracy when a news site can get sued for posting illegal porn and refusing court orders.

I still dont know what gamer gate is and I lived through it.



it lives in the sewer

it comes out at night

it feeds on your virginity and social anxiety

beware the gamergator

I really like spelling it that way.

I'm scared! 😰😱

dont worry, if you are a slut it cant harm you

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

What I like is how they phrase it as if they were part of some sort of huge armed conflict.

Literally Nam.

"The horror... the horror"

"I remember when I was with Special Forces...seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate some children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember...I...I...I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out; I didn't know what I wanted to do!"


I've heard of the GamerGate before. Weren't they that cult who raped and murdered hundreds of innocent female journalists and women in tech?

That's just the opening description of their horrible list of misdeeds.

GamerGate is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find.

The accumulated lies of all their ideology will foam up about their waists and all the hacks and politicians will look up and shout save us!

And Gamergate will whisper, 'No.'

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the FUCK on. Gamergate was an actual problem with videogame journalism ethics that gamers cared about because we don't want dishonest reviews of games that are given purely because some idiot wanted to get his dick wet. Don't even fucking start conflating that ideal with the neonazis and Trumpsters. For fucks sake. The constant bitching about SJWs from them is because even though the initial enemy of GG was just dishonest journos, the SJW movement tried to make it about sexism. The whole thing where the GG people are pissed off at SJWs? The SJWs brought that on themselves. And I'm not talking about regular feminists, I'm talking about people who think all men are secretly rapists just waiting for the right moment, those kinds of people. People who think I can't criticize a woman without being sexist for doing so. Us here? The people who want real immigration reform to make it easier to become a naturalized citizen so they can contribute taxes and not take away from our salaries by doing jobs under the table for less than minimum wage? We aren't SJW's, no matter what the idiots at /r/the_donald say.

... I feel like this could have been taken from one of my posts.

I know you're satirising, but beneath it there's probably one of perspective truths.

I mean if you actually cared about ethics in game journalism why are you claiming anyone slept with someone for a review? Presumably you're talking about Grayson who mentioned Depression Quest without disclosing his relationship with Quinn? I will admit a list of 50 games is quite prestigious to be included in.

Also if you ping the guy that made the kotakuinaction sub he'll drop round and tell you how terrible it is. Last time he was here he called it a turd that he'd laid.

When it comes to video game journalism I'm seriously more worried about AAA studios outright bribing journalists for God reviews, rather than some indie game developer screwing someone for a mention on some blog. But whatever.

Then you definitely don't want to go anywhere near gamer gate.

gamergate also jaywalked once

They just cant stand women in gaming.

At some point she's surely going to have to think, "you know what... what if people aren't hating me for being a woman, but for being an unlikeable and miserable person?"

surely she'd have to think

That's where your reasoning falls apart

I was working for Gawker during Gamergate


cue ‘nam flashbacks

"You weren't there man, you weren't there!"

adagio for strings starts playing

Isnt that the hulk hogan porno website? Was she a fluffer for the hulkster?

I remember a good few GG era lolcows and she’s not one of them. Holy victim complex.

they seriously have that sort a memory

"hey that went well for us last time right? attacking people and calling them sexist to cover up for our stupid shit"

"this time it's a normie billionaire instead of a bunch of internet autists whining, this won't backfire horribly"

God, does nostalgia for GamerGate ever die? It was fun, especially the law and order episode and the endless threads on 8/v/, but let it die already.

its the only time they even remotely had a reason to feel like a victim. its their red badge of courage


Gamergators level up again.

I like how 4 years later the first thing that comes to mind for these losers is gamergate whenever anyone disagrees with them about anything

I have long advocated for a system whereby you have your internet access tied to your government issued ID card. Once the week starts at 12am on Monday, you decide which day you'd like access and then you are locked out of the internet for the other 6 days.

The fact that this person yet draws breath is an objective proof of the superiority of my plan.

I'm against hack journalism too.

Probably the internet needs to be returned to its original purpose as a way for scientists to communicate. If you don't have a PhD, it shouldn't be possible to obtain internet access.

Diploma mill intensifies

100% agree here.

internet is a privilege, not a right. like going to your library!

We just made it too easy to get online. Ban those auto-config modem/router combos and public wifi and the internet would be measurably less retarded overnight.

Elon Musk is a scam artist running the world's largest ponzi scheme and you are all idiots for believing him.

Yeah, but for now I'm up like 12%

We're gonna have a million people living on 4 diferent planets before everyone realizes it's a scam.

lol no. Thats the scam. You are buying a fucking fantasy.

lol no. Thats the scam. You are buying a fucking fantasy.

I'm not buying anything, rocket launches are too expensive for me.

Welp the rocket launches are paid for mostly with tax dollars which is your money, and tesla is also dripping with your tax dollars.

Oh and the money in the stock market is also your money. Long story though.

Man that's fucked up, wish we could go back to the good old days of giving billions to traditional aerospace companies instead. Especially Shuttle, Delta IV and Titan III, those launched so many commercial payloads they didn't even need tax dollars.

Well Troy Bruno does not own 5 bel air mansions and 4 private jets.

Elon Musk does.

so riddle me this... how do you pump less money into spacex and elon walks away a billionaire and you pump more money into lockheed martin and boeing and they walk away with normal salaries.


Tory Bruna is a guy hired to be CEO of a joint Boeing-LM venture. His job is to make as much money as possible for the parent companies. Why do you think they increased prices so much whilst laying off employees. They're gonna kill all rocket programs as soon as their respective cost-plus contracts run out.

Is that why right now he is deciding what fuel to use in the Vulcan program?

The govt still knows a thing or two about rockets people.

what fuel to use in the Vulcan program?

It really shows how invested they are when they haven't chosen the fuel in a program which has been running since 2006 and has not really gotten beyond the powerpoints stage. (ACES)

govt still knows a thing or two about rockets

What do you mean by this?

has not really gotten beyond the powerpoints stage

you......... you think they need to practice making rockets or come up with trial versions?

Thats fucking retarded.

What do you mean by this?

NASA currently operates a FLEET of spaceships, landers on mars, landers on asteroids and comets, and even a spacecraft outside the solar system in interstellar space.

SpaceX can hit SOME orbits on some launch windows.

Like... this is not even a competition.

ACES was a powerpoint stage since 2006 and Vulcan is no different. Neither Boeing nor LM wants to invest in it because they don't think it's profitable to do so.

govt still knows a thing or two about rockets

You brought up ULA and Tony Bruno, I don't see what the govt knowing a lot has to do with this.

ULA was chosen by congress to be our strategic reserve launch fleet.

Now I agree congress is the stupidest motheruckers on planet earth and ruined NASA but ULA didn't do that.

ULA was chosen by congress to be our strategic reserve launch fleet.

With no other choices, it's the whole reason we have ULA, and not just LM flying Atlas V.


I don't see what your point is, ULA is a venture to make as much money as possible for shareholders. The government knows a lot about rockets. ???. Profit.

With no other choices

you said it not me.

ULA is a venture to make as much money as possible for shareholders

So our economy makes money off each launch. Fucking aaaaaaaaaaamazing.

Looks like LM stock has never been higher, now you hate capitalism?

ULA kept increasing their prices, they could freely do so because they had a monopoly, ofcourse stock went up, it's amazing if you're a shareholder.

now you hate capitalism?

You like federal cost-plus contracts for monopolized markets becuase they're so great for the economy apparently.... ?!? What kind of capitalism do you believe in? Isn't spacex like a capitalist wet dream?

oh I don't believe in capitalism... but seems like americans really like that buzzword while being broke and poor and dying without healthcare.

spaceX is A launch provider, no more no less.

launch provider

But also makes rockets and engines.

Boeing also makes payloads but their US engine is made by P&W.

LM doesn't make any of their engines.

NASA made the shuttle but:

  • The orbiter was made by Rockwell

  • The tank by LM.

  • The boosters by ATK.

SpaceX does everything in-house.

uh huh and?

It's just a company dude.

Do you argue like this over coke and pepsi?

It's just a company

If you believe that elon's plans are a scam then yes I see how you can think that.

Do you argue like this over coke and pepsi?

No, but thinking about the future doesn't generally involve a load of softdrink for most people. Spaceflight on the other hand seems to have been a common element since the 1950's. People are dissapointed by this perceived failure and that's why they like Elon and Spacex. They are willing to believe this so called scam becuase it's the first time since 1986 that it seems to be possible again.

If you believe that elon's plans are a scam then yes I see how you can think that.

What plans? To continue to lie to gullible morons?

They are willing to believe this so called scam becuase it's the first time since 1986 that it seems to be possible again.

So the billionaire will take us to mars.

Even though the govt is already on mars... yeah ok whatever pal

What plans?

Don't pretend you don't know about BFR.





major difference. We could have already gone there but NASA best programs keep getting cancelled for political reasons. (Best NASA program ever wasn't a HSF one though, but project prometheus had no place in a budget that required 25% of the budget be wasted on SD-LV's.)

You can't think that some wall-E's on Mars is the furthest we will come and everyone that thinks otherwise is a gullible moron.


This is a lot like the tesla truck that has no line to make it or the tesla Y which has no line to make it.

It's vaporware with no financial support.

We could have already gone there

This is a lie. Psychological studies show a mission to mars would end up with mad astronauts that murder each other.

And if that don't happen they will just die from radiation sickness in a few months.

Look... living inside a metal tube similar to a land submarine would not be the fun techno utopia silicon valley party you imagine it will be.

They got the permit to make their factory last month.

They already have custom tooling on site, and that shit is expensive. Raptor engine development is done. In a year they're gonna have everything done for their scam except launch it, and well at that point why not just launch it anyway, will help convince gullible people into believing in them. Here's the layout of the port of L.A. site of the scam.

Psychological studies

We've seen a lot of lengthier spaceflights with no psychological issues and no permant physiological ones. In addition to half a century of experience with submarine crews. Can you link one of these studies?

wait we have had submarine crews go down for 5 years at a time? and more than likely 8-12 years at a time?

I don't think so.

In a weakened gravity environment?

I don't think so.

Going to mars will have to be a monumental government or international event that gives these human beings a sense that they are not alone.

Do you even think society is ready for that?

Lets agree to disagree, you made up your mind and so do I.


We live in empirical reality where the facts are the facts. There will be no hyperloop. The boring company will fail. Tesla will go bankrupt. SpaceX must increase their prices by 50% to survive. YOU WILL NEVER GO TO MARS.

All of these things will come to pass.

I would bet money on it. How much you want to bet?

Ok lets disagree to disagree.

the real important thing is to treat space jesus like a messiah.

Rockets did not exist before elon. praise be upon him.


Now I can go to mars where there is no poor people or taxes. Tomorrow.

Just me and elon. Elon is love, Elon is life. I let him stick himself inside of me whenever he wants.

195 posts in /r/elonmusk

91 posts in /r/EnoughMuskSpam

46 posts in /r/realtesla

84 posts in /r/drdino

Wait a second that last one is about some creationist vlogger right? Like if Alex Jones was less about conspiracies and more about hating science. No wonder you hate elon, he's gonna upset your favorite radioshow when they find evidence on Mars that it's older than 6000 years.

Wait a second that last one is about some creationist vlogger right? Like if Alex Jones was less about conspiracies and more about hating science. No wonder you hate elon

They are basically the same person. I hate them both.

he's gonna upset your favorite radioshow when they find evidence on Mars that it's older than 6000 years.

and you ain't gonna be able to get a nickel for your girlfriend when Elon gets a margin call next month.

Who can like Elon going to Mars when you like a guy into Lunar bukkake

I used to have a chat room full of grad students, scientists, engineers, and we would all sit up late at night and drink beer and play video games and laugh about how stupid creationists are.

Today. I laugh about how stupid the jim jones...er i mean elon musk cultists are.

“lol dude why are you arguing so hard”, says man who started an argument.

argue away just, weird hill to die on.

He is saying his young hip pepsi is better than coke.

argue away just, weird hill to die on.

Pot. Meet kettle.

no I have money on the line in my opinions. I have money in the market on decisions like... is elon a fraud or not.

Lol, you've got money on the line, who are you trying to convince, everyone else or just yourself?

I have been short TSLA since february.

I forget you don't know what that means reddit is populated with pimple faced underachievers living home with mommy.

I'm just glad your making so much money your happiness drives you to screech about the Elon Musk ponzi scheme to everyone because that's what happy people do.

It's what bored as shit people do.

I also run /r/drdino I expose charlatans of all kind

When will the Elon ponzi scheme collapse under its own weight?

Q3 2019

Although he is a doing a really good job of making it happen this year.

The govt still knows a thing or two about rockets people.

Lol yup. They know they can get more votes by spending billions on each single use rocket. Rather then building reusable ones that lower prices by a factor of 10 or more.

lower prices by a factor of 10 or more.



Congrats on being a liar who spends his time defending poor litttle billionaires.

You should just send elon your money directly and let him fuck your gf.

And yet at 50% more cost the initially projected they are still 10x cheaper then single use rockets faggot.

This is called making shit up

And you are the king of it

don't worry dude, elon musk is gonna show up at your house tomorrow and pay off your mortgage and then take you with him to mars where there is no jews or blacks.

Keep up the faith.

See this is why I am calling your bullshit . You are full of it. You don't know shit ontop of that. Does it really make you soooooooo angry that the guy is successfull and you cant work on billion dollar single use throwaways anymore? or is that your daddy?

How much money did you save on a falcon 9 launch compared to using Antares or Atlas?

Actually doesn't matter how many rockets they launch. Only thing that matters are voters in the districts of people that decides where NASA gets to spend its money, currently that is Senator Shellby of Alabama.

Which is why SLS stays around, a lot of hardware, including the engines, are build in Alabama. It's why ULA gets so much subsidies to keep them afloat, they manufacture in Alabama. It's why Jeff Bezos is making his rocket engines in Alabama, so he can get funding from Shellby. It's why the federal ban on Russian engines was overturned. (Atlas V uses them and is made in Alabama.)

Shellby hates SpaceX because they don't do anything in Alabama.

They know they can get more votes by spending billions on each single use rocket. Rather then building reusable ones that lower prices by a factor of 10 or more.

Everyone at NASA knows this, but the guy in charge of the money doesn't care because he doesn't care about anything other than jobs in Alabama, so they just keep doing what they're told.

Hey thanks for putting way more effort into this then me.

You are buying a fucking fantasy.

lol who pays for porn these days poindextor

That is actually what elon musk sells to people.

Daydreaming mind porn

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so all those tesla cars on the road are fake?

damn some folks gonna be pissed

I just went out to my garage and my Tesla was a fucking cardboard cutout?! Someone call the POLICE

If you had any SolarCity or Tesla "solar panels," police will be at your door shortly. The electric company has been reimbursing you for nothing. That must be how Elon launders the payments to everyone who's in on the conspiracy... criminal scum.

Wow....eyes opened....I just checked my roof and there is a box of blueberry poptarts crudely stapled up there. ELON IS A THIEF 😂

Hey as long as they went with frosted those panels should be at least 82% efficiency.

Don't you like fucking dogs or something

More money was put in than it takes to make them, making the musk brothers billionaires.

Wait, so he made a profit in a business? Fuck me, what a lunatic!

No. He has not.

the fuck are you talking about?

He is losing money.

While getting rich at the same time.

"He's losing money" "he's getting billions"

Which one


I said that already.

You're not very bright are you?

you dont understand profit vs gross revenue.

you're not very bright, are you?


yes it should be illegal to pump and dump

A ponzi scheme that gives you a product just sounds like a business to me. Or are those rockets and cars really just cardboard cutouts with Elon behind them making noises?

At least he's causing all these shitty journalists to have melt downs

Are you obe of those commies who hates Elon because muh cappidalizim?

Those damn fashy incel CHUDSSSS

Yea the SpaceX launches were a HOAX

Seriousposting should be punishable by banishment to Musk's Mars colony

Seriousposters need to get in line like everyone else.

How much would it cost to park his reusable rocket on your giant nose?

it can't, i am 200 miles away.

It can and will.

He actually sells products, I am missing the ponzi part? I mean I wont disagree that his products may not be Jesus' own concept or products, but I don't see the scheme.

If I sell you 1.00 for .90 cents and take home 10.cents, then fill in the gap with investor money and then try to increase transactions to maximize my profit.... would I be solving global warming or just burning a pile of cash to get rich?

Taking sides always makes people go crazy, just ride it out in the middle.

Elon "Dousing the Jews in rocket fuel" Musk is on track to create the first interplanetary white ethnostate.

African American is on track to create

white ethnostate

wut? His endgame is mayocide you retard

I've heard Trump knows that he has an African birth certificate.

African Americans hate Jews for slave-trade so holocaust will be first :P

The ethnostate will be on mars.

Explain what you think a ponzi scheme is.

I'll tell you if you buy some $TSLA, a company totally worth it's current market cap of 50 Million.


My bad


My bad


A ponzi scheme is when you take money and you promise the money will be used for one thing, but instead of putting it into escrow or using it for that purpose you take that money and then use it for whatever you want or pocket it.

The way a ponzi works is you promise people a return on their investment. Now that is no problem as long as you have new money coming in. You take a portion of the new money coming in use it to shore up your first layer of investors into the scam. They get a return and they go....


Or in this case.


And now your scam has expanded, you will get a third level of new money coming in. Now use a portion of that money to pay a return to the second level investors, they will then go ....


Now you get to open up a fourth level.

You can do this for eternity, or until you run out of money, or until the govt figures out your ponzi then you go to jail if and only if you stole from rich people.

If you run a ponzi where you steal from normal working class people a judge will just make you give SOME of the money back.

A pozi can be made out of anything from a health drink to shoes, to lipstick, real estate, CARS, ROCKETS, anything.

Ah - so you don't think Elon is actually investing the money received into Tesla or you think the company will fail in the future? Or do you feel that Elon is just using the money to fund his own specific goals?

the money is being siphoned from the company as fast as is legally allowed.


Scroll down to directors cut. They are stuffing their pockets as fast as possible.

To be clear, Tesla’s directors get most of their compensation as stock options rather than restricted stock or stock units, which predominate at the other companies. So those headline numbers depend on valuation models and are not directly comparable.

I also don't see how legally taking money your cut from your investment is a "ponzi scheme" - especially if the actual value of the company is increasing and Elon is using the invested money for the company's growth. "Siphoned" is a strong word to use when no level of investor is actually hurting yet.

Because he promised batshit insane shit that he will never deliver on.

Such as?

"The telsa model 3 will drive itself around while you sleep as an Uber paying for itself and actually making you money while you sleep." -Elon Musk Model 3 unveiling.

"It's time to talk about price.. and of course it's 35,000 dollars. And I want to make a point even if you just buy the 35,000 dollar version you are gonna get a great car." -elon musk model 3 unveil.

Right now on the tesla website you can buy FULL SELF DRIVING AUTOPILOT for 3 thousand dollars. That does not exist anywhere on planet earth.

Not sure how that's batshit insane. It's a realistic goal and obviously where transportation is headed. I also don't see how that ties into your description of a ponzi scheme:

A ponzi scheme is when you take money and you promise the money will be used for one thing, but instead of putting it into escrow or using it for that purpose you take that money and then use it for whatever you want or pocket it.

The people who invest in Tesla know where the money is going to be spent and what goals are being attempted. Failing or succeeding has literally no bearing on that.

If you want to piss money down a ponzi scheme try herbalife.

I wouldn't invest in Tesla personally - but do you actually think those two are comparable? One is tech innovation/future energy and one is selling retail products. Because that says more about you than either company, honestly. It was a nice chat although I don't think there was anything of substance to it. Good luck!

but do you actually think those two are comparable?

Same business strategy. Convince people product is miracle. Convince others it is a miracle so our stock will rise so we can sell more miracles.

Meanwhile people at the top are just stuffing pockets.

Tesla does not make anything. They buy their batteries. They source out their car parts to contractors.

Name one single patent they have that other car companies are using, or are attempting a variation of their own.

Tesla innovated nothing. They brought to the table nothing new.

and they are now behind.

Meanwhile gotta push that herbalife.

But sales are now declining.

So good luck with that.

I'll be honest - you started strong but you've pretty much devolved this conversation into just pure retardation. That was an incredibly dumb comment the entire way through. I'm almost upset for believing this was an actual discussion.

you can't discuss things with true believers.

you can only ridicule them until they wake up.

same with christians, muslims, anti-vaxxers and your mom

you can buy FULL SELF DRIVING AUTOPILOT for 3 thousand dollars

It's probably just a typo, but I think you meant "35 thousand dollars".

3 thousand dollars.

Which model are you referring to? As you mentioned, the model 3 is $35,000.

you can buy FULL SELF DRIVING AUTOPILOT for 3 thousand dollars

As I said. Right now on tesla's website they are selling FULL SELF DRIVING as a feature on their fucking cars for 3 thousand dollars.

Oh, you mean as an additional feature or something? I thought you meant the entire car was $3,000.

yes, is is a feature that does not exist but they have been taking 3 grand for it for almost ten years now.



Journos cooked up a shitty fake news article after Daddy Musk bootyblasted them on Twitter, got it.

The media being full of shit is exactly why you can rely on musk to be a con artist.

Use your logic.

The media is full of shit. The media has been telling you for ten years that elon musk is solving global warming and taking us to mars.


sure maybe but we're here to laugh at dramatic idiots not discuss the merits of the megaprojects of billionaires

however a quick glance at your post history tells me you are a resident lolcow so by all means keep up the good work sir


This is the drama that keeps on giving

This bro thing has to stop

Shove it up your cunt


Yeah I'm so retarded I fucked up my own joke, luckily none of the retards here but you seemed to care

what about bangbros?

cmon man how original do you think they are theyre doing their best

What a Dramabro thing to say.

As a dudebro/nerd hybrid, I agree.

Quit being a CuntBro.

Can Bronies be exempt?

It got rediculous after techbro became a thing. Techies are the guys who didn't go to prom because they couldn't get a date and would rather play halo.

where's the lie

We need another billionaire mod, has the invite to ol Musket been shit out?

What's the other one? Kanye?


Who would win: a trillion shitty clickbait journalists or one autistic billionaire??

Drama wins

No matter who wins, we still win.

Police👮 this morning🌅 have🈶 said "there's nothing to investigate" after SpaceX rocket🚀 Bazinga II crashed into the bedroom of 🅰️a 🅰️🅰️ 🏃man🏃 who tweeted "didn't u💩 used to be bald🤔" at Elon Musk, 🚬killing🚬 him instantly😵😵.

Ahhh, I love the taste of cancer in the morning

You'll love r/bestofCP! 😁

I'm not clicking that

Oh come on!😅 What's the worst that could happen? 😈😜

I like how there are just emojis of Chinese characters. Japs are furthering the Chinese imperialist agenda. 😅

Blowback from the latter (all genders) would make my comment stream seem like Socratic dialogue

Fuck, I hate Elon Musk but that line is real good.

I wonder how Rachel Ray feels about Beyonce's twitter mob.

Musk is intelligent, he knows there's about an 80% chance she is a part of said army, hence the reference.

If you were oppressed then you wouldnt be writing that article



"Journalist" and "Jew" start with the same letter.



"Jou" in "journalist" sounds a lot like Jew. A jewrnalist if you will.

This is textbook "Swing at the king, you best not miss" territory.

Also, can we extend a mod invite? With two billionaire Twitter drama gods, the drama spice will flow until our waifu's robot-children's children will never go without.

I wonder how /u/xNotch feels about Musk taking up the shitposting mantle.

He recently retweeted https://twitter.com/Vernaculis/status/1000892663640592384, so I'm guessing "pretty good".

Shit posting is the game of billionaires huh? I should give it a shot

they can just afford to without caring if some hack journo tries to take their job away

Good thing for you one can't lose neetbux then

i mean you can pretend denigrate me all you like but its not going to make your relative position in life any better you big fag

thought you guys would get that by now and focus on drama

Manlet fag thx

Aww you poor little snowflake

lol you still dont know what that means do you

its fucking hilarious when stupid people try to insult me about being australian or making up fantasies about my life, because it means theyre thinking about me

like they hate me so much that theyre willing to make up entire backstories to reassure them that im not actually right or in power

Yeah ... No it's not. Just another cry for attention in an envelope where attention is all that matters. And, which is apparently working. I'm guessing her career gets a boost after this.

RemindMe! 1 year Did this "journalist"s career improve after her twitter spat with Musk?

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RemindMe! 1 year

Make it so.

It’s ironically annoying how journalist can bad mouth anything they want with twisted “facts” but have someone call them out and paint them in a certain light and they act like their whole world is ruined. Get a grip

Shit doctors lose their license, but you can be a shit journalist forever.

It's almost like doctors are responsible for other people's lives or something. Of course we hold them to higher standards than most other professions.

Holy shit the stupid.

That said, a license in journalism would be a little unethical

A public rating for journalists would be dumb as fuck. A fact checker is better but paradoxical because who rates the raters?

Can’t the Joirnalist just convince the public to give them better ratings if they are being ranked to low? I think it would force to Journalist to take a less combative and divisive approach to their reporting



Because the journalists would try to pander to the masses instead of doing their job of seeking the truth?

LOL! That dont “Seek the Truth” now so what the fuck would change? Absolutely NOTHING.

Can you elaborate?

I don’t know what you mean? It should be fairly obviously to literally anyone who isn’t completely brain washed or willfully ignorant that Journalism for the most part has completely shit the bed. At least anything connected to the National Media is complete and utter garbage. I mean if you haven’t seen this by now I have no clue what I or anyone could say of show to you that would change your mind.

Ok, I see what you mean now - it's just that your sentence didn't make any sense. You're right journalism is dead but your solution would make the situation worse. You're basically asking journalists to not seek truth or facts but to try to please a majority of people. It's really not their job to please the mass. Truth is objective and you're asking for a tyranny of the majority, in order to ''not be divisive''.

I don’t see how it could possibly make it any worse. I did a really quick Google search for “Trump Washington Post” and the article below cams up and I thought it was a good example. Do you remember how many angry divisive headlines exactly like this there were? Even though all this garbage has proven time and time again. Like for example the average Republican is like 50 and the average Democrat is something like 45. And the Republicans are the strongest any party has been in almost 100 years despite the nation becoming more diverse. WashPo still prints these articles because there is a tiny percentage of the population that has willfullly chosen to still believe this stuff despite all the evidence to the contrary. It’s bad for the county because it makes those people think they don’t have to listen to the other side because it’s just a matter of time before all these “Evil Old White People” die out soon and there won’t be enough people who think like them to matter. It also pushes people away because it adds to the feeling that the Left is Anti-White. It untrue but there is still a small market that reads these type of articles so there is an incentive to keep producing them. And there is reason for them to stop other then the moral ones


That's another question though. You're asking the Washington post to not be divisive and pander to the majority instead of pleasing their majority. But Washington is a private company, they can print whatever the fuck they want even if millions of people are pissed off. Nothing forces you to open their articles and read them. The daily stormer also has articles that are much more divisive than what you posted, and nobody is forced to read them. Who decides what is divisive? Who are you to tell me I can't read a biaised opinion article?

I think you are confused by what Pravada actually is. No one is stopping WashPo from printing anything they want. All that Pravada is going to do is give people the ability to call them out when they print untrue or inflammatory information like the article I linked.

I think you mean Pravda right? Elon's own tweet says "create a site where the public can rate the core truth of any article [...]". Problem is, you can't rate the truth because truth is subjective. It doesn't matter if 45 million people rate negatively a fact, it's still a fact and just because the majority says something is the truth, doesn't mean that it's the truth. This is an argumentum ad populum, a fallacy. But that's not really what you were arguing right? You were basically saying journalists needed to be "less divisive" to appease the majority. In order to not offend people like you, that they should write articles that you'd like.

No I don’t think they should only write articles that only people like me like. Why exactly would you say that? Pravada will be a private company. If you don’t like their ratings then ignore them. I for one will be using it and voting on journalists to help keep them in check.

You've changed your argument quite a lot.

I don’t know what you mean? Like I think that Pravada is going to be a great thing for a lot of reasons. I don’t understand why you keep claiming that somehow the media will have to only print stuff that the majority want to read.

Have you ever met the public?

Most journalist now a days are 20 something’s that don’t know their asshole from a hole in the ground.

There are still plenty of media organizations left that hold themselves to a high standard. If you aren't retarded, it usually isn't that hard to tell the difference.

If you are however, there's always this site. They rank organizations on both their biases, and their trustworthiness. These attributes are evaluated individually. It isn't perfect, but it's generally on point, and because people just have to add their worthless opinions, there's even a section where you can vote on what you think. The admin's ignore it, as they should.

If you've spent any time on reddit, or a wikipedia discussion page, you should know that crowdsourcing the truth doesn't work without strict moderation. How many times have you seen a top comment that was flat out wrong?

The problem is with the audience.

People don't care uf they are stupid, ignorant and being lied to as long as they like what they are hearing.

As long as people are stupid enough to pay to be lied to, journalists will continue to cater lies to the human trash that keeps them employed.

However, a public rating

Reddit do that via the upvote/downvote.

Needless to say, it's shit.

Elon actually just suggested last week that would be a good idea and that he would help start it, which is why he's being attacked by the media.

Yeah free speech is obviously important, but the smear campaign is so fast when someone defies them. It is a very difficult call to make, but a journalist with a C rating can’t disseminate bullshit as easily.

The fact that literal who's can get their uneducated, dogshit opinions shared to thousands of people and taken at least semi seriously is unironically the worst part of the post Cern, 2012 apocalypse hologram simulation.

The journalist is immunized against all dangers...

its people like you destroying journalism by pointing out our terrible journalism which is destroying journalism

"Journalists" that try to play it both ways are absolute scumbags regardless of gender.

She attacks Musk for months and then when he hits back, suddenly she's the victim being piled on.

Thankfully people saved her deleted tweets so they can see what a hypocritical bitch she is.

The difference is that women have the privilege of people actually caring when they become even slightly upset.

Well she has a point about Musk. Musk doesn't have the same type of tea on her so he resorts to low-hanging fruit ie jouralism sux, le journalists are evil etc

While that's true, it's clearly not the case here. The journalist here in question really is a dumb twat.

I question the validity of your point based on your need to use gendered language. When I was in government, we had enough dirt on these types that there was no need to sully anyone's argument with slurs, but times have clearly changed. At any rate, no hard feelings. Cheers!

choosing to focus on the word "twat" while ignoring all the other deleted tweets showing she was insulting Musk for months and is clearly biased against him

But yeah, say it's not a valid point because I called a dumb twat a dumb twat.

If you had a real argument you wouldnt need that word. Jus' sayin :)

If you had any reading comprehension skills instead of relying on fee-fees then you wouldn't be so fucking retarded.

My sister has a cat named Felix -- I like to call him Mr. Fifi. He's a handsome blue-eyed snowshoe...where were we again? Oh yeah fee fees. In some languages, fee is a synonym for fairy. Do you believe in fairies? 🧚🏿‍♂️🧚🏿‍♂️🧚🏾‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️

your words are as empty as your soul

I'm going to cross stitch this

oh shit son is that a ksp reference

No but i wish it was. Havent started that game yet despite my best efforts lol

lmao suggesting twat is a sexist slur, as if that word doesn't get flung at anyone who acts like a twat

How about saying the shit journalist is a stupid cunt bitch woman? Does that tickle you the right way faggot?

How about you stop mansplaining? Oh wait this is reddit i forgot. Its ok honey mama's got ur tendies on the way 💅🏼

Did you literally just assume my gender?

Hellz naw. Anyone can mansplain!!

Damn my feminist lenses must not be strong enough, even I didn't know that

But for me it was Tuesday!

This is not a battle that z-list journos can win


sheesh. I gave this journo too much time https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/8mp6k9/journalist_is_accused_of_having_her_hair/dzpcnr6/ I thought it would take weeks to have articles about musk. It was just a few days lol

what a fucking coward. no wonder people hate journalists so much, what a disingenuous cunt

Join the cult of Musk, today.

Terf salt, tankie salt, redhat salt, the harvest is bountiful.

You'll accumulate more salt by telling his cult that the hyperloop could never work

As a member of the musk cult, the hyperwhat

Thunderf00t has some good videos on the subject, gambit for a quick overview: from SF to LA in 45 minutes using a vacuum chamber and a rail going very very vast. It would be the biggest vacuum chamber in the world...contsined by a very thin shell.

yeeeaahhh i have to confess that even when I was seriously 'into' what the Big E was doing I never paid any serious attention to hyperloop, (aside from *why*) all the focus was on his other businesses. I was always a little puzzled by it (why vacuum trains you're throwing away everything that's good about trains) but that was it. Nobody ever really defended it and the fans seem to forget the thing exists most of the time, so

When did he piss off the redhats?


I won't pretend I know her personally, and her motivations for deleting them (I likely would if the negative attention became overwhelming). Elon, you do awesome work and I admire you for that. Just know that with your influence your words can & do move seas. For better & worse.

Unlike "journalists"

Edit:I demand Twatter pings NOW.

Twatter Pings

You're part of the problem.

I don't want to bring people to the thread

this is u

Seems like nearly everyone hates journalists now hmmmmm

After the Iraq War,

an the 'zero substance' Trump hate, and the SJW dogwhistle articles no one takes US journalism seriously; wtf?!

Twitter is a gift to this world. As well as being the worst thing ever created.

It's interesting how she uses the possessive language to make him culpable.

Elon wrote me a single sentence that, while insulting, wasn’t even really all that bad. And then he moved on and probably didn’t think about me again. I’m betting he doesn’t even remember tweeting at me. But in responding to me, Musk has subjected me to days and days of tweets, emails, direct messages, and Instagram tags.

Notice she doesn't say, "I was subjected to," but instead makes him the actor, when in fact he most likely did nothing of the sort. She even admits that in the sentence before that, where she says that "he moved on and probably didn't think about me again."

He did not subjecting. He is not responsible for his fans on Twitter. So he is not to blame for this. And yet she writes it as if it was his fault and his responsibility.

But he somehow is though, I mean she even said it, the sentence Elon wrote was't all that bad, however if you have a brainless cult following you you kinda have to account for the fact that they're gonna bully the shit out of every person you call out publicly.

It's twitter, only children give a shit about getting shit from randos on twitter

I agree kinda, cyberbullying isn't really a thing unless you have thousands of cultists harassing you at all times, wich is actually what happened here.

cyber bullying is when you get harassed online by people who harass you irl.

Being called a fucking moron for a couple days by a large group of people is literally some who the fuck cares shit

Cyber bullying is a lot of things actually, and both of these things count. That has nothing to do with the separate question of "is it deserved".

The next question is: "Should we care?"

For me, the answer is "no".

She acts like it's her first day on the internet.

Doesn't matter if it's deserved or not, get off twitter or like 3 days and ignore and you're golden, this shit's some first world problems bs

metaphorically consider k-ing ys

Shouldn't you be on Subreddit Drama, not our wondrous hive of scum and villainy? You smell like an agendaposter. Either eat the drama or move on, you sound faggy and your shit's all retarded

Shove it up your

You mean like Musk?

Yes he's not exempt

I mean she even said it

oh good point. I forgot that she said it

If the person was called out erroneously sure, but if the person is choosing to engage with or attack someone based on false pretenses or with the intent to harm the target, then the target should be free to respond to defend themselves.

It is the journalist's fault here for starting a fight they were not prepared for.

More importantly, MuskBros is the new official term for anyone who makes fun of journalists. Turns out you can add "Bros" to anything and write an article about how much they disgust you. TechBros, BernieBros, DramaBros, etc.

It's the Super Mario Bros I feel bad for.

What about the SmashBros?



Them too.

For Elon, it was just Tuesday

but for me, it was tuesday

Ah, nice to see a fellow troper on the wild

I love how Noah Shachtman is trying to be a white night here. Elon is literally calling him out to the same extent, if not more. Just showing that he's not harassing a gender, he's simply calling bullshit.

Noah, get your shit together.

Reminder that Jews are heavily over represented in the media and that Jews control more than a half of the American media.

Thank you Jews.

This, but unironically.

Thank jews

Reminder that Jews are heavily over represented in the media and that Jews control more than a half of the American media.

Thank you Jews.

I thought Donald Trump was the patron saint of this sub. Nope, give that title to Elon.

Musk is God-Emperor of Reddit

He who controls the salt controls everything.

/u/pizzashill was right when he said social media did women in

The professional victim strategy was repeated too often and became too apparent, even normies are catching on to roastie shenanigans nowadays.

Does Elon Musk pay someone to tweet or does he spend too much time tweeting?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” - Mahatma Gandhi.

Beyonce is a terrible singer, just like her useless rapper husband. She oversings like crazy, while he can only sing in one damn tune.

This is the part of the drama you chose to focus on???

To each their own, I guess.

For Musk it was just a Tuesday.

I mean yeah, sure, shes definitely reaching. I can still imagine Musk's twitter mob to be fucking intollerable though. Like Rick and Morty fans

u/slethikk stayed in line for 5 hours for szechaun sauce, he's the biggest Rick and Morty fan there is. Also this bitch deserved it.

if musk keeps giving us so much juicy drama i'll have to invest in the de-facto drama-stock: TSLA

Remind me why women are allowed to vote?

So that they could allow the Orange Menace to get into office, of course.

Elon taking SCALPS

love it

Journalists are just glorified blog writers. It’s one thing to see “”””news outlets”””” like Vox or HuffPo getting around on Reddit, but major papers take these people in to publish whining articles about mayos and goobergators

Oh my god. She was EVEN at the top of REDDIT?


(pitbull enters the room)

insert shit shoveling picture here

Mod this man

First off, as a black female, I'm offended of her psychotic perception that only white guys are in to Elon Musk. Second, she just sounds like a whiny cunt that got her feelings hurt.

As Gator here, and they wonder why are we still alive, they keep throwing more people into the pit, and well once you are in the pit why not band together ?

She's the "Science" "Writer" with the condom tip chin, right?

Elon for president