Looks like Nashville isn’t happy that Mr President is paying them a visit today!

17  2018-05-29 by Informal_Trip


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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I don't know who's worse, Trump or retards baffled about people being allowed to like Trump.

i guess the second one, since there's more of them?

I always find it amazing when I see people unironically using "snowflake liberals" or something like that


I got here at like 10am. I’m inside and there are plenty of seats that need to be filled. Not sure how long the line is but if you got here at like 4 you probably have a shot.

OT: saw a Haitian trump supporter arguing with a old hippy. It was entertainingly hell but the video I got was trash


Please leave Nashville, this isn’t a place for you libtard infiltrators. They need to quarantine east Nashville ASAP.


Sorry didn’t mean to be a dick. Man this rally is super high energy!

You should go shoot up in the toilet and overdose, that would be epic, lol.

That’s doesn’t sound too bad tbh

How was the rally? I hope you got to chant "lock her up" and "drain the swamp" and "build the wall."

Nah I didn’t participate, just wanted to see him. It was pretty good.

That's like gong to a jimmy buffet concert and not singing margaritaville. Why not participate? You're already at a trump rally, it's not like you could look any stupider.

Beautiful post /10

You know it's good when the whole thing is wiped