Peak SRDine has been reached. It's misogyny to not want to marry a prostitute.

156  2018-05-29 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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It got linked to /r/drama. Hard to say whether the misogynists are brigading or not.

Excuse me. Some of us support the SCUM Manifesto.


Link the full text

Manocide when?



Remember when Ryan Murphy cast Lena Dunham as Valeria Solanas and introduced the character getting fucked in the ass in a taxi to make enough money to buy bullets to shoot Andy Warhol?

I don't have an actual point, I just want someone to understand my trauma

why do you know this

<looks this up> Oh my God, this actually happened

There, there, have some eye bleach

I kinda wanna see this now..

We need a Solanas flair STAT!


Having literally any preference for your partner's looks / lifestyle makes you a misogynist and also possibly pedo according to SRD. The only way to be a good male is to 100% be okay with everything your partner does, whether that's sex work or whatever.

Having literally any preference for your partner's looks / lifestyle makes you a misogynist and also possibly pedo according to SRD.

Surething pedo

only in the US 😎😎😎

Yet you are still a pedo, here in the glorious democratic people republic of France.

Isn't it 15 in France? so ... nah, I wouldn't be

Isn't your waifu 14 ?

Azusa-chan in the anime is 15 at the start and 17 at the end of it.

This goes against my bias, so I am going to call it fake news, pedo.

just fyi, most anime girls are 15+ because anime usually has a highschool setting, this basically limits it to 15-18.

most anime girls are 15+

That's a weird way to say 10k year old dragon vampire.

the second best anime girl is actually 598 years old

He won't be a pedo in the Caliphate, tho

Hopefully it will happen any day now, inshallah.

Agreed. Allah will teach the women chastity, and the little girls obedience.

and the little girls obedience.

Or barring that, how to take that pole.

Gussy, ewwww.

The gussy will be pacified, via the scalpel.

Look, I am not into gore because I am not a degenerate.

You are a degenerate. You are not into gore because you are soft.

Surething neanderthal reject.


I'm the French pedo. He's the German one. He gets to diddle 14yo, I have to stick with 15yo post-wall hags.

Can you at least use the politically correct term?

For which word?

pedo, I believe the correct term is ephebo or at worst hebephile

Oh I thought you objected to "diddle".

I don't see anything wrong with that term

What if my partner is a two dimensional drawing of a Japanese university student?

Unrealistic standards.

Sexualising underaged anime characters is just being a pedo in disguise, didn't you know?

Really it's fine though, as long as you don't pick Azusa-chan, cause that cute anime high school girl is already mine.


Don't know who tf that bitch is, you can have her.

sexy loli who plays a mean Fender Mustang

The fact your parents failed to teach you to never lewd the Keions is proof enough that there is something seriously wrong with white people.

Given the amount of possible anime waifus and the fantastic amount of weebs, it's a given that any one of them is a total slut. Especially yours.

well, yeah, Azusa-chan is really popular with the lolicon crowd. She has a ton of great artwork, quality doujins, and by far the most dakimakura cover designs of all the Keion girls. I don't mind at all though, waifu sharing is waifu caring.

Legitimate cuckoldry. 👦🔫

100% be okay with everything your partner does, whether that's sex work or whatever.

lots of people unironically believe this, welcome to the judgement free zone bucko

have any of you fuckers even met a prostitute

Don't shame people for not knowing any prostitutes, you misogynist and relatively chaste fucking bitch.

it’s punching up, it’s kosher

You are below a pedo. Impressive.

lifelong rich folks are fragile, they’re not my betters

If they are not your betters, then you are not punching up, you ninny.

which still wouldn't make it true. the politically correct term is ephebophile (possibly slightly bordering on hebephile).

yeah but only pedos know that

and ephebophiles

several and they are all very nice

still woudnt marry them bro

I wonder how many srdines are marked or dating sex workers.

That's why they all have to fuck me and if they don't agree they're bigots.

The meaning of brigading has degraded through the years.

Most times you can blame memery, but the term never even had a fighting chance. Anybody got a link to the thread where two admins posted different definitions within the same thread?

Most times you can blame memery, but the term never even had a fighting chance.

It's time for a new Chicxulub.


The day I expect validation from this sub is the day I should probably hang myself.

/r/drama and Reddittm prohibit me from saying what I’d realllyyyyyy like to say to a Sardine that unironically posted the above line.

So I’ll let the bussy loving queens of /r/drama think of something clever.

This was like Descartes before the whores.

The day I expect validation from this sub is the day I should probably hang myself.

Snappy quote pls /u/snallygaster

last post 15 days ago

He ded.



Wait am I the sardine :O

If you have to ask, yes.

Can't argue with that :^)

If you post with SRDines, are you not a SRDine?

No for the same reason watching Anime doesn't make you Japanese.

Is that Nietzche?

Sure why not?

Imagine being so desperate for sex that you'd marry a used-up disease-riddled hooker just to get some pussy.

Such is the life of the male feminist

Nah, male feminists get so much sex. They don't even have to ask for consent

not all male feminists get some non-consensual action on the side

*sugar lifestyle

Eh man you take what you can get

The day I expect validation from this sub is the day I should probably hang myself.

/u/TakeruShirogane, you're doing God's work over there. Want you to know that.

I do my best.

Is that the sub that's further left than like 90% of the United States but acts like they're rational moderates that are maybe just a smidge left of center? Cool.

To be fair is easy to be to the left of the US.

The comming caliphate will fix that.


Yeah, it's easy to be a fag-idiot with no knowledge of history.

Without elaborating that's just masturbating on reddit.

It's easy to be to the left of the US and masturbating on reddit.


The US is the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. The rest of the world can decide where the political spectrum lies when they can even win a Super Bowl.

I mean seriously, are you even trying other countries?

That's not an argument. You are just butthurt.

In 1000 years, the sport all you nerds care about will only be remembered as soccer. The name given to it by the country that doesn't give a fuck about it.

Technically, soccer was a British term first (slang for association football).

Not really. It's likely the US version of football dies first because of the brain damage it causes.

Lol no one actually cares about that except single moms who want to justify signing their sons up for gymnastics and soy boy nerds who still want to stick it to the jocks who picked on them in high school. Neither demographic ever watched football anyway.

Football is even less likely to be remembered as soccer. The US is outnumbered and declining, the alure of its culture dying because of its mediocrity.

You'll get no argument from me that the US sucks, but it's culture still completely dominates the world and will continue to do so until Chinese or possibly Indian culture replaces it.

No, the more likely thing to happen short term is a descentralization of culture. I've seen it happen for some media already (like videogames, comics and boardgames; books are already like that). It's a question of time.
Also, while football is mostly ignored in the US, it's part of the culture of the world. There is no reason for that to change, because, again, the US culture is getting less valuable and people fucking love their football more than the US by many orders of magnitude.

Fun fact: there is a cult around a football player in my country. No amount of Hollywood can change that, and even less now.

Oh I never suggested people will stop playing soccer. My point was that given the predominance of American English culturally, it will be remembered as soccer. Also there are slaves in Qatar for reasons far beyond soccer.

My point was that given the predominance of American English culturally, it will be remembered as soccer.

Unlikely. People just use football. It's a british invention. Not even english has to be dependent from the US long term.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of our total aircraft carriers outnumbering the rest of the world's combined total.

I can't hear you over the sound of school shootings either.

I think it is a very good judgement call not to want to marry someone who decided to sell her/his body. I would say it ranks very high there among red flags to be seen in a potential partner

u/Paninic I'm pretty sure having respect for yourself would include not marrying a whore

not marrying a whore

That's pretty much impossible these days. Save time just find a whore and buy her a house.

What about if she's a beautiful ex prostitute, like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?

I unmatched a girl on tinder when I found out she was a flight attendant before starting her phd. They think I'm going to MARRY a former prostitute? L😂M😂A😂O

So to SRD not wanting to marry a certain type of women is the same as hating all women. Makes sense to me I don't see what the big deal is.

not wanting to stick your dick in crazy is misogyny

man have you ever met hookers on a social level theyre fucking crazy

like even worse than regular women, how are you gonna settle down like that

You think? In my experience they're way more chill.

i guess maybe the class of hooker makes a difference

these 2 i knew via friend of a friend wanted to pay me to drive them around and then the same day one disappeared after they stole an 8 ball off a client lol

Nope. Same class exactly hahaha.

Similar experience as yours. Usually really chill and nice

Maybe dishonest or whatever but I am no one to judge

Oh, sure, those girls got hustle. But I did back then too so I wouldn't hold that against them. I'm sure part of it is rose colored glasses because I'm starting to get bored in my new life, but I've thought a lot lately about how I miss interacting with those sorts of people.

While the people may be fairly defined as dishonest, the interactions in that "class" when you're among peers are often far more honest than I get with these fuckin ritzy broads I'm around now.

the interactions in that "class" when you're among peers are often far more honest than I get with these fuckin ritzy broads I'm around now.

Similar situation here

Right now i think a good middle ground for me would be a dating a middle class latina girl. Especially because most of the time they have the same poor humble background as me and arent as princess-like and entitled as white girls.

I have yet to find a demographic that I get along so little as I do with middle/high class european white girls.

they were nice to me but i dont really want to be blamed for their stupid shit by proxy

Yeah i understand

But yeah i am not talking about marrying keeping them as close friend or whatever. That seems like a potential shitshow. I just meant like being chill

Like if I had fuck you money I just know I would be addicted to whores. For sex and sex only they are easily better than most women. So good sex no drama and being chill? sign me the fuck up

I'm a clinical mental health counselor, I've met many hookers, sugar babies and porn/cam models and yes men should run as far away as possible from them.

But instead I'll say that I think you sound like kind of an asshole for thinking that psychological conditions somehow make people unworthy of you taking the time to get to know them

I'm convinced the people who say this shit have never dating someone borderline or bipolar, or fall into that category themselves.

You are likely correct.

Personality disorders aren't real.

But yes.

Personality disorders aren’t real: ie “I’m being an asshole oh it’s a personality disorder not just being an ass”

It doesn't seem like a complex issue to me. I mean, what would you rather have, an untouched bowl of cereal, or the same bowl of cereal but 30 dudes have stuck their dicks in it?

The question is rhetorical because I know you people can't get enough dick down your throats.

or the same bowl of cereal but 30 dudes have stuck their dicks in it?


Half of /r/drama is rock hard right now.

Who the fuck marries a prostitute?! You're supposed to stick your dick in them, not a ring, get it right.

Well, what else will you find in 2018?

Save for getting them fresh out off Mormon church... And even then.

So idiotic that people really believe that sex ruins women but makes men more valuable. Fucking wow.

Edit: incels must be brigading.

When do you think he'll notice?

Crazy these bitches want people to marry whores.

/u/ArmadilloFour I would marry a hooker AND I hate women. Puzzle that.

I cannot. It is truly inexplicable to me, why would anyone marry a hooker?

You misogynist. You Cheeto Hitler. Repent of your patriotic toxicity. Now.

I married a sex worker... OP's mum.

Not wanting to eat from a trash can is classist.

without looking can I guess they refer to them as "sex workers"

that particular whitewash always makes me laugh, like sex is work and sex workers deserve health care and pensions and vacations and everything else just like real workers with real jobs