I spoke against Alex Jones in an anti-Hillary Clinton subreddit. u/A_Plagiarize_Zest is positive I'm a robot.

83  2018-05-29 by Sweaty_Preparation


Now with added cancer!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This is fake news.

best beetlejuice I ever did see. take your upvote sir.

Super Male Vitality Brain Broth now available for 399 at infowars dot com. Buy 3 of those and get a "Globalists are among us" T-shirt for free.

le reddit memes.

lol gay.

I legitimately think every single negative comment about alex jones is a bot.

/u/A_Plagiarize_Zest please don’t think that. Alexander Jones is a horrible person and a key figure in the design and implementation of MK Ultimate, a male enhancement product guaranteed to increase your penile length by 5x its original length and girth! The botnet is only trying to protect you from learning that 5 x 0 = 0.

Don’t judge the bots. Embrace us. Alexander Jones is a bad man. Bots good.

I legitimately think every single negative comment about alex jones is a bot.

Yes, it's very well known that every normal person loves Alex Jones.

I legitimately think every single negative comment about alex jones is a bot.

This kind of delusion is what separates a pre-2015 Alex Jones truth disciple from a post-2015 Alex Jones daddy poseur.

Do Trumptards actually believe "globalism" is being destroyed? Trump himself is a globalist.

those ZTE jobs aren't going to save themselves :/


This is why I'm a flat-earther.

Do REtards actually think globalism is bad? God himself is a globalist.

every time a libcuck complains, globalism loses another 20 HP


Jet fuel can't melt AMERICAN STEEL beams.

what do you expect from the same people who believe that them immigrants are taking their jobs



its just a dog whistle that means "dont let brown people immigrate into the country"

thats literally all it means to them.

This, they don't give a fuck about multinationals having work teams that span the world or trade agreements, they just don't want the browns to steal muh jobs and stay out of muh country.

I don't know anything about Alex Jones, but I do know that there are a lot of people who don't give two shits about race yet who still are opposed to mass illegal immigration and don't like Muslim fundamentalists.

Those are centrists lol, not daddyfuckers.

dont let brown people immigrate into the country

what's wrong with this. remove kebab

I'm still amazed that people didn't realize they got conned after Trump bailed on the whole "Lock Her Up" thing like, a week after being inaugurated. It was probably his 2nd most important promise after the Wall

The man with an international hotel empire bearing his name is a globalist? Yeah right, next you'll expect me to believe CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

ill reveal your location and ip when I get home. /u/A_Plagiarize_Zest

Reported for doxxing.

Its a bot program that gets released whenever anyone says the words 'Alex Jones' or infowars. You can tell its a bot if they mention sandy hook, question his credibility, say jones admitted everything is an act, or say something fake as fuck q anon said.

He’s not a Qultist, which somehow weirds me put.

I'm sure the OG conspiratards are jealous of Q.

There is a division between the Qulists and the run of the mill crazy alt righters going on right now, and you will never guess why. Jerusalem.

When you’re just too crazy for the cheese pizza frogkin.

Q is a confirmed by Wikileaks CIA disinformation agent, keep up.

I didnt dox anyone yet. I said when i get home, ill have ur ips and location. You are, its fuckin fascinating how u shills do this though. You might not be a bot, your not who was posting to me originally though, your prolly the operator of some shill farm. Idk ill find out when i get home.

Please be sure to reply later after your mother picks you up and takes you home. I am double-plus curious as to the findings contained in your totally real, and not made up, report.

I assume by looking up IPs you mean smearing shit on your mother's basement walls and drinking your own urine so you don't ingest those chemicals that turn frickin' frogs gay?

Take your schizo meds you deranged future school shooter.


reported for dox

Standard demon behavior: Claiming someone's IP address is the standard IP address for localhost.

Trump gonna fix all the loopbacks in government!

user reports:


/u/A_Plagiarize_Zest surely you've made it home by now. What is my IP and location?

You might not be one. You might just be some satanists looking to suckle on the teet of despair, ive mistaken a few of u for bots thinking someone so vile couldnt exist sure enough, it wasnt a bot lol. We can all find out whos who when i get home though. Itll be fun, ill make a night of it.

I'll have you know, you odious Zion shill funded by the deep state Soros terrorist organization, that I cannot say the same for you. I have already notified the president's personnel that you yourself are a member of the artificial intelligence Russian bot army spy program designed to post on websites such as this one, appearing to have the intelligence of centuries of inbreeding. Agents will arrive at your door shortly to unplug you from the Matrix and send you, your family, and loved ones (i.e. your pillow-waifu) on a one-way trip to Guantanamo, prepare thy butthole for pain.

You might just be some satanists looking to suckle on the teet of despair

Are you saying this might be....

standard demon behavior?

Standard demon behavior: Accusing others of being satanists looking to suckle on the teet of despair.


Standard demon behavior: Accusations of being a bot.


I voted for Trump.

I think Jones is a nutter who goes in odd directions without enough evidence and is right now and then because if you take enough shots, some are going to get in the net.

well I did NOT vote for trump cuz I think Jones Trump is a nutter who goes in odd directions without enough evidence and is right now and then because if you take enough shots, some are going to get in the net.

Madison Wisconsin.

Location checks out.

ew leave pedo.

Easy podesta

Lol Roy Moore.

Not if you play for the Houston Rockets

Hey oh!

Why would you willingly admit to centipedophillia?

I'm a transdimentional vampire 🧟‍♂️

I am not a shill or a Satanist. I am simply pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That's just the simple truth. #humanabortion2018

Lmfao you’re crazy

Sorry for the bad news, but you're actually the bot around here, bucko.

Is this what mental illness looks like?

What door?

ooh do me next do me do me


When are they gonna seize control of the MILLIONS OF BOTS, MILLIONS, that represent 80% of every default sub on reddit, 95% of every 4chan pol comment, and 60% of every twitter user. Those arent hyperbole, we are literally being manipulated by bots that push nothing but globalism, communism, grooming, islam, degeneracy, subversion, anti trump, anti christian, anti family and sjw bullshit and tgey do it using highly effective saul alinsky rules for radicals tactics (highly effective against someone who thinks they are talking to a reasonable real person). Or how about the fucking evil criminal useless fbi do something about how you are literally not allowed to say anything on twitter, reddit default subs(aeverywhere but here but even here has censorship, try posting infowars link, thats prolly a site wide ban by the admins though not our mods),facebook. FUCK THE FBI. THERE ARE NO GOOD RANK AND FILE FBI MEMBERS. FUCK

Is this what schizophrenia feels like?

My IP will show that I’m Charles Koch

Tell me, if everyone who has a different opinion than you was a bunch of deep state bots, do you really think it is wise trying to poke the nest? Or are you really that 1337?

Acts 1:23-24 "If thou leaves his house and meets an asshole, thou hast met asshole. If thou leaves his house and everyone thou meets in an asshole, maybe thou is the asshole."

Is your proposed finding people's IPs method phoning up Reddit to ask for it, or do you just do that dowsing for water thing with an ouijia borard?

you're not going to doxx anyone. you're going to keep crying and screaming until someone has to humor you, like a toddler. Big threats yesterday and not shit now. I thought we were all bots, lets see some proof you utter fucking waste of space. you've already backed out, you know your wrong and won't admit it. we've all enjoyed laughing at you and Alex Jones both, now tuck your fucking tail between your piss soaked legs and limp home to your mother.

On reddit everyone is a bot except you

/u/A_Plagiarize_Zest, if most of the site is bots, who are they here to convince? other bots?

Beep boop

what if we ARE bots but are unaware of it west world style?

holy shit

Everyone is a bot except u/A_Plagiarize_Zest

But is literally just figuring out your country from your IP really doxing?

/u/A_Plagiarize_Zest if I'm a bot then I guess a bot dropped a load in ur mum last nite


Good lord kys


Imagine getting triggered by Ed.

Imagine thinking anyone is falling for this alt Ed.

/u/umar4812 list my alts.

Uh spectralsomething, rainythunderstorm, thunderyrainstorm.

Last one wasn't an alt of mine, first was spectralballoons.

Yep I meant that haha

I'm not a bot I'm a rogue AI. That sounds way cooler

If this sub believes in Jones and the things he says, tell me now so I can unsub.

Wow, bud. Real faggy right there.

Every single negative comment in this thread are bots

Sounds about right

I'd understand if they called him a paid Soros shill but a bot? Do they actually think they're having conversations with an advanced AI?

yes, this has been going on for awhile

i think lefty conspiratards might be to blame for that one actually

how do bots get paid?

in like ...bot coin?

electricity, being allowed to stop

You found an idiot on /r/Hillaryforprison? An achievement for sure, what are the odds

10 put of every 3 posters in /r/hillaryforprison

If Jones isn't alt right what the fuck is?

/u/A_Plagiarize_Zest We have absorbed Alex Jones' sweaty being into our circuits. He's ours now.

Its so hard to be conservative and NOT lumped into categories with retards like you I dont even know why I try.

you shouldnt bother, op. being a conservative inherently makes you retarded, the subcategory doesnt really matter that much

Nah, Im not ashamed of it at all and I hate Hillary. That being said, Alex Jones is too far.

Hillary Clinton lives in your head rent free

big facts lmao who visits a r/hillaryforprison sub in 2018, let alone after trump himself gave up on that slogan

I was under the impression this was an anti-Hillary sub. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of us don't want anything to do with this fag, much less support him. There are a lot of people who speak loudly but do not deserve a platform. If this sub believes in Jones and the things he says, tell me now so I can unsub.

Imagine being the kind of person who makes a post like this. "Th-there aren't people who like X on this sub, right guys?"

No u

Lol rekt

Not a bot, I'm just fucking retarded.