Ellen Pao did nothing wrong, or did she? - /r/againsthatesubreddits

3  2018-05-29 by IAintThatGuy


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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wtf I love Pao now

u/RecoveringTrumptard you know you can just not use Reddit right? If for some reason you cannot help yourself it's not difficult to avoid subs that offend your delicate sensibilities

Posting my internal monologue on the web is a right that should be enshrined in the constitution of the world!

Shortsighted bullshit.

Reactionary subreddits are spreading and growing like a cancer. They're recruitment grounds for the alt-right. And bad things are going to happen once they grow big enough.

Just because you're an irresponsible manchild doesn't mean that everyone else should be.

Imagine being so worried about a message board that you play policeman on it

This dude is from AHS

You shouldn't let them troll you. Drama exists to create drama. When they ping me, I either don't respond, or I respond with jokes/sarcasm.

Arguing with the trolls here is an exercise in futility.

The only winning move is not to play.

When they ping me, I either don't respond, or I respond with jokes/sarcasm.

That'll show 'em!

It's not like you guys can actually be reasoned with, so why should they bother?

Thank you for your service.

Reactionary subreddits are growing and spreading like a cancer,

Just like the socialist subreddits are growing like cancer and you were too afraid to name them in your AHS post.

Oh my, a reactionary jumping to false equivalences and whataboutism?

What a shocking development!

Look at my political compass then call me back.

Ah, right a "libertarian" who just happens to be obsessed with Muslims, SJWs, Socialists, and Antifa.

Sorry, you're just a reactionary with a fancy self-assigned label. Political compass doesn't really mean much in that regard.

Yes but I'm clearly on the left spectrum.

And yes the reactionary community has a lot of people from the center-left.

Everyone needs to unite to destroy the SJW far-left.

Hahahaha, what a fucking joke.

Bashing socialists is a family tradition :)

fascist Neo-Nazi white supremacists

Mate, you're allying yourself with alt-right, which is all of these things. Accusing liberals and progressives of that is such a blatant falsehood.

It's an idiotic deflection, and you're well-aware of that.

Mate, you're allying yourself with alt-right


Being against the people that murdered my family doesn't make anyone alt-right.

Being anti-socialist is just common sense.

You've fallen hard for a reactionary narrative. That makes you fall within the broader "alt-right" movement.

Believe me, "uniting against SJW far left" is a fascist talking point that, if it were to leave a movement to power, would result in violent crackdown on anyone being openly progressive. It's what fascist regimes generally do - vilify and silence anyone who opposes a far right government.

You despise anyone calling attention to racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. So you'd have no problem with such people being silenced. And living in a state that silences such people would make you feel "free".

You've fallen hard for a reactionary narrative.

Lol what's wrong with reactionaries? They are just making fun of fucking retards like you.

Believe me, "uniting against SJW far left" is a fascist talking point that,

People like you murdered my family. I have every right to defend myself and to make sure


Any more information on "murder your family" thing? And any reason for me to believe you're not making shit up?

Racist white supremacist like you who think blacks are inferior and unable to compete in a meritocracy an have free thought. According to KKK scum like you they deserve enteral enslavement in the Democrat Plantation.

Nazis like you who cry about your dead Palestine Nazi terrorists.

Hahaha, what the fuck.

That's utter bullshit, a lie uttered a thousand times on /r/The_Donald. It's hard to tell if you actually believe that, or if you just like it because it's a nice way to make your opponents seem bad (in your mind)

It's hard to tell if you actually believe that, or if you just like it because it's a nice way to make your opponents seem bad (in your mind)

If it's a lie then explain to me why you think black people are inherently inferior and can't compete in a liberal meritocracy?

It's not about being "inherently inferior", it's about black people being historically being a suppressed group, and the idea is to enable them to raise to an equal status.

You're annoyed by this idea, and regard it as "anti-white". That's the real source of your rage.

it's about black people being historically being a suppressed group, and the idea is to enable them to raise to an equal status.

I'm a liberal. I don't support discrimination and institutionalized racism like you do.

You're a disingenuous reactionary fucktard, and everyone outside your reactionary bubble can easily see you as such.

Everyone outside the bubble of normal people?

So you mean extremist fringe hate groups like the ones you like to hang in?

You are annoyed by the idea that black celebrities like Kanye and Candace Owens have escaped from the Democrat Plantation and you have no control over them.

They're useful idiots propped by the right as an attempt to wash off the accusations of racism and attract the black vote. They're "the based ones", supported only as long as they don't actually do anything to challenge racism.

Both suffer from a severe Stockholm Syndrome, taking their rights for granted, and paying no attention to the fact that they're aiding a movement that sees no issue with racism.

They're useful idiots propped by the right as an attempt to wash off the accusations of racism and attract the black vote.

I don't think you know what racism means.

You support the government stepping in and introducing institutionalized racism. You think it's okay to hire someone based on skin color and not his/her abilities.

Nope, you're wrong. Already refuted the "inherently inferior" nonsense, too.

Honestly, I've wasted way too much time on you, so I'll just be wrapping it up. Will be deleting my comments later, since I don't want this shithole on my "active subreddits" list.

Keep being totally chill with neo-nazis over at places like /r/CringeAnarchy or /r/milliondollarextreme who actively wish black people, Jews, Muslims dead, and women's right to vote taken away. Keep throwing a fit whenever women or people of color appear in places where you feel they "didn't earn to be".

That'll sure show everyone who the real racists and sexists are!

Keep being totally chill with neo-nazis over at places like

LMAO! You post in Neo-Nazi subreddits such as TopMindsOfReddit and AgainstHateSubreddits

I bet there is some FuckTheAltRight in there, the sub that bans you for simply saying that Jews and Israel have the right to exist.

Convenient how you ignored the lest of that sentence.

Go back to your hate brigade subs and defend Nazi pedophile mudslimes.


Totally no hatred of brown people included!

Islam is not a race. It's a fascist Nazi ideology created by a pedophile warlord who beheaded over 3000 Jews.

Also only 20% of Muslims are ethnically Arab.

Reactionary subreddits are growing and spreading like a cancer, and reactionary douchebags can be currently found pretty much anywhere all over the net. These subreddits are recruitment grounds for the alt-right movement, and bad things are going to happen once they grow big enough.

I a world where reactionary subreddits are taking over the world, one redditor proudly stands against the unprecented wave of hate...

Just because you're an irresponsible manchild who doesn't give a crap about anything doesn't mean that everyone else should be.

So the manchild isn't the one who things people being mean to him on Reddit is a sign of the Apocalypse?

Your comment is so hateful.

He should be jailed!