Game Devs under fire for releasing Columbine, The Game.

50  2018-05-29 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


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Too soon?

Or too late?

Maybe they're trying to provide an outlet to prevent future school shootings? God knows there's a pretty big overlap between school shooters and gamers.

This is why incels were a mistake.

Fortunately a self-correcting one barring rape.

funnily enough the article actually points out school shooters are less likely to be gamers than their class mates.

Is because school shooters do something else than sit in their parents basement and play fortnight

Yeah they jerk off to the Columbine killers and scheme about how to get into daddy's gun safe.

That’s because society is oppressing those poor gentlemen gamers while letting Chads get guns whenever they want. /r/gamersriseup

Srsly tho, is that mass shootings, or does it include incidents where some kid shoots another over drug money or a girl or some shit? I’d expect completely different types of kids to do that

Apparently you can be swat and stop the shootings and get that virtual hero pussy.

but thats what Battlefield is for.

“Keeping our kids safe is a real issue affecting our communities and is in no way a ‘game.’”

Of course they say it's not a game, 'cause they suck at it. If they were winning they'd be singing a different tune.

Hastily thrown-together media bait: the game. Good job, WaPo. Quality piece.

Good job, WaPo

it's not just the washington post writing about it though, in fact, it's rarely the case that only one newspaper writes about some event

It's never one newspaper. If it were it would negate the 'y newspaper said x is true' followed by z newspaper showing 'x is true' by quoting y followed by z newspaper confirming x using y as a source.

Isn't this just Doom?

No. Doom has more realism.

Better start banning all games where you can do something immoral/morally questionable. God knows how much GTA makes 13 year old murder hookers and rob banks and shit

Wait, are you saying that isn’t what you did after playing?

I wish I could rob a bank.

Don't let your dreams be dreams

You can still buy that mass shooter game from a few years ago on Steam. It didn't think it was a fun game though.

Banning all gamers would be better honestly.



I dont know about you guys but im buying the game the minute it comes out

Didn't this already happen in like 2002?

several times

The difference is that when you build your own school shooter vidya in 2002 you probably put in some decent effort to earn that attention from the media that mom never gave you. In 2018 there almost no barrier to entry on Steam and consumer video game engines come with built-in asset stores. The Washington Post is reporting on something an angsty elementary schooler could literally have made.

By 2002 we had moved on to other things, actually.

haven’t there already been a bunch of these

I'm only like 3 or 4 of these kinds of games away from being able to release my freeware game called Concentration Camp Tycoon without ruining my reputation.

SALT 😂😂😂😂😂

indie games are rly an explosive industry 😎😎😎👌👌👌

It doesn’t even look that good.

Its not a school shooting game unless they have a "thoughts and prayers" team.

This game and kill the faggot were made just to get attention and piss people off. Congrats dumbasses you're doing exactly what this troll dev wants. When will people learn just to ignore retards.

Bet cosmetic unlocks were the bomb

Seriously, I remember an old game with the same premise.

Except it was literally columbine.

No one remembers?