r/Pokemon on suicide watch as TrollFreak introduces yet another Kanto game this time with ONLY the original 151.

11  2018-05-30 by ReichSmasher2018


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Gamers are the worst.

There has never been a game where they don't cry like entitled fucks about SOMETHING.

That's why they're incels in the first place. Raging retards lmao

/u/nmx179 would agree tbh

This is the worst though. Its a watered down game designed for retards that excludes future generations.

Meh it looks like fun to me. Not gonna buy a Switch for it, but I’m sure some kids will have a blast.

I unironically am upset about this. Thats gay.

These people must literally vape soy extract

I once had a real pokemon battle at a gym! Except it was less of a gym and more of a shed, and it was less of a pokemon and more of a cat, and he was less of a pokemon trainer and more of a bum on shrooms, and it was less of a battle and more of me watching a bum on shrooms fuck a cat in a shed.

Thank you for just linking the entire thread like a mouth breathing retard.

Looks kinda cool actually, I am a bit worried about the pokemon capture system as it seems to be without combat(?) kinda makes me wish I had a switch though.

Capture system is similar to Pokemon GO where you just throw poke balls, but Gamefreak has stated several times this game is essentially a spinoff. A traditional Switch Pokemon game is slated for next year.