The current moral panic over " rape culture " is no different from past moral panics like satanism

19  2018-05-30 by tfdidido

100% unironic and hot take



I heard that if you listen to PewDiePie's YouTube videos backwards you hear him say "RAPE WAMEN" over and over.

big if true

gas jews too, i think

And if you play it forwards you can hear him saying "NIGGER"

beep beep lettuce

you used to be funnier

is everything ok at home

arf arf


i am gonna take that as a no

Dussy 😍💦💦

I'm more worried about movements that support false rape accusation culture, but that's just me.

Doesn't actual rape happen way more than false accusations though?

You just fucking raped me, but you aren't wrong.

you aint wrong but that proves nothing

there is also the situation where someone reasonable believes they have been raped but they actually haven't

memory is a hell of a thing, especially when drunk

human sexuality is inherently complicated too so, shit is bound to happen

Why is everyone telling me I'm not wrong

because you are not wrong

Now tell me you love me.


Reported. Emotional abuse.

i love you


you aint wrong but that proves nothing

Surething rapist

Sure, but it's still a shitty way to go through the process. Innocent until proven guilty doesn't and shouldn't go away just because someone is claiming they were raped.

If rape accusations were a bowl of Skittles, and one out of 20 of those Skittles were poisoned, would you pop one of those Skittles in your mouth care-free? Or would you thoroughly inspect the Skittles for poison, figure out which one makes you sick, and throw it in prison for 4 years?

Sweet trump analogy bro

That's a fucking luck-warm take.

Yeah this might've been hot like 4 years ago but people have been making this exact analogy to describe the phenomenon for years now.

Also it's lukewarm, phoneposter.

Lukewarm you uneducated cunt.

thats a fair comparison. not unjustified but overblown.
