Tranny mods on /r/actuallesbians forbid their users from even joking about not enjoying dick

368  2018-05-30 by IAintThatGuy


Men who eat pussy are no longer men. Dj khalid is a real man. are you?

Real men go straight for the ass.

Mans ass.

I did it all for the bussy
Come on
The bussy
Come on So you can take that gussy
And stick it up your, yeah!

I jerked off to it with a dildo in my ass, but in a totally heterosexual way.

They're called jobs because women aren't very good at them

Do you think they get 75% of the cum a male giving the same blowjob would receive?

That's just because they don't put in as much work, don't negotiate as hard, and quit for several years after giving birth.




An optimist I see

Some hack comedian is gonna sue you

men give the best head this is true

Speaking from experience i presume? šŸ˜šŸ˜‰

A nice 5 o'clock shadow really tickles the balls when he's doing the full swallow

Hotttttt šŸ˜©

source: am gay, and beard blowies are da bestist westist.

I disagree but I'm open to letting you convince me otherwise.

Guys are obsessed with having me rim them because of my beard. Which I absolutely have no objection to.

Yet another unethical trick to save on toilet paper.

So what



Can confirm. Best blowjobs I seem to get always come from men.

That is why I went back to men.

People think this is a double layered witty comment, but dude genuinely missed it lol. He's a big time incel lmao

Hand jobs and blow jobs are called jobs because you get rewarded for them and dick is free. Going down on a girl is called eating out because all you get is bad breath and a lousy bill.

I know right? Guys give the best blowjobs.

as a trans women as a trans women as a trans women

I can see why TERFs exist, even if the RF half is still trash.

They should just be anti-trans but not feminists. Like "submissive, houswives against transgender" or something like that




the closest thing to that is probably /r/RedPillWomen

a bunch of women that get off on men thinking they are inferior to them because "traditional values". redpill is also heavily alt right so they probably hate trannies too.

guarantee you that sub is 99% red pill men RPing as women

As a trans woman who is a lesbian...

Dude, you're a straight man.

Playing dress up.

My favorite comment in that sea of mental disorders.

fishfeathers 89 points 4 months ago yeah, my girlfriend has a dick and eating her out is absolutely a privilege šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

eating out a dick

How does that work? Tongue in urethra?





according to hentai i've seen, yes.

this is my fetish

my girlfriend has a dick and eating her out is absolutely a privilege

Haha this needs to be a flair

new snappy quote



Dude you can't just give it to him make it selectable for everyone.

He asked for a flair.

Special treatment for party members is this Communism?!

Can I please have "K A R A B O Ğ A" as a flair, it's my cultural heritage.

You gotta donate at least $15 (I think) to the Against Malaria Foundation for the /r/drama's glory. Search this subreddit for the announcement.

As a person of oppression, that is equal to my yearly wage.

Sounds like a dude

If gender is a social construct, dicks can be lesbian, vaginas can be gay, and the sexes are biological equivalents that have no physical or mental specializations to speak of, what exactly is it even defining itself as when it says it's a lesbian trans woman.

the entire premise of postmodernism is that nothing can be defined/nothing can be known. 'There are no truths, only interpretations'. Relativism ultimately leads to Obscurantism. All discussion is fruitless, if not impossible. And to a postmodernist, this is a feature, not a flaw.

Mayo essence condensed into an immortal idea, rendering Mayocide merely a pyrrhic victory over the physical.

And thanks to Postmodernism, we have such beautiful music as this:

wtf I'm remembering the victims now

You are the victim now

Where's my video

This is more atonal than out of tune local death metal bands

Academia was a mistake.

When you're so lobsterist you think communist poland was postmodernist.

How would you categorize that piece?

Sonorism is postmodernist you goober.

no u

Is Penderecki really considered crazy out there? This song was used in a pretty notable soundtrack.

Yeah let's just go with "universal truths" šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„

Your classifier doesn't have an R^2 of 1. Therefore it's useless.

"Oh but what about intersex people huh? What about people with XXY chromosomes? What do you call them then?"

We call them freaks, buddy.

OK, I think I need it saved for future reference and I neglected to save it before, so I'm going to write it now and save.

Pre-modernism: a sandwich with cheese is a sandwich, also a sandwich with a piece of salted fish and a sandwich with a piece of roasted meat. If you're wondering whether hotdog is a sandwich the village elders must convene and decide.

Modernism: a sandwich is two pieces of bread with a filling between them. The pieces must be disconnected. Or at least come from sliced bread, not a bun. Well, half-sliced bread is OK too. We WILL find the definition that objectively cuts reality at its joints!

Postmodernism: no, you won't. You should ask what you're going to use the definition for, for example to make sure that a sandwich shop doesn't have raw meat sitting in the same case with sandwiches served cold. This puts a great responsibility on us, to wisely determine the actual usefulness of various categorization approaches for various purposes, instead of the bullshit that modernists come up with.

Female postmodernism: there's no objective truth except when I say shit because I'm oppressed and you must listen to me!

Dumb and gay.

Tfw the lame 90s joke "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" becomes a statement taken completely seriously by intersectional feminists.

I remember getting in a HUGE argument on back in the 90s because I used that joke and it described another user.

tfw you're so online that you reminisce about forum flame wars from the good old days.

The only reason I really remember it is because the MtF lesbian went the 40% route a few months later.

Glad to hear they're safe.

I was made an honorary lesbian in the 90's. Granted it was a "friend zone" designation, but still.

the lengths people will go to get laid


I wonder how this has taken off so much. Strangely enough, the MtF transitioners are now being dominated by straight males calling themselves lesbians. Most cases I look into those who make the transition who date afterwords date other MtF transitioners, and not actual women.

How did this become the rallying cry? Almost everything posted about it is a blatant lie.



Someone could do a write up on Cosmo/Narcissa, they went off the deep end after transitioning.


Because when I look at /u/Ravenna_Sanguine's long jaw, literally all I can think of is "that's totally a woman."

All I can think is "I'm scared".

"It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again."


You're gonna get banned for brigading so blatantly

I thought brigading only referred to voting not commenting?

Brigading refers to "you pissed off a subreddit whose opinion the admins actually give a shit about so using reddit as the product was intended to be use is now a rule violation".

I has never had a consistently applied definition outside of that.


Jesus, why do we indulge this illness. No one tells schizophrenics to listen to the voices, nor do we tell people with OCD that their obsessions are totally normal.

lol god I don't know why people knock each other out of the way to obviously virtue signal as hard as they possibly can by telling uggos they are actually pretty. It doesn't help anyone to feed into those delusions. Obviously transwomen deserve respect and to be treated with dignity, but, uh, that's a man Maury.

Obviously transwomen deserve respect and to be treated with dignity


If you hate the Declaration of Independence so much, why don't you emigrate the fuck off into some shithole country where they don't value life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Oh, it's because there's no such place populated by white people, so a reverse oreo like you has no place to call home :'(


If you hate the Declaration of Independence so much, why don't you emigrate the fuck off into some shithole country where they don't value life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Oh, it's because there's no such place populated by white people, so a reverse oreo like you has no place to call home :'(


Our target audience hits all genders; people who are health-conscious, socially conscious, and LGBTQ-friendly.

well they only do that to women. there are no reddit posts telling a fat neckbeard he is super handsome, only posts telling obese circus freak women they are "beautiful".

IRL Joker


Gender Critical pfft

But for those who might see this, I want you to know that if you're cis and you have a genital preference this is completely valid and not transphobic. The only transphobic thing is like, being "I'd never date a trans woman because they're trans" That's like saying you'd never date a woman because...she's bi, or black, or muslim and so on, or whatever.

Not sure if troll or tranny has braincels.

When you're so open-minded you're brains have fallen out

Have you seen this?

Still retarded. Not wanting to date someone because they have a dick is somehow both not transphobic and transphobic at the same time according to their logic.

I'm straight but women's cunts are gross and wet from the get go, a dick is pretty much a piece of skin until it freaks out and shoots a load every where.

That's not straight...

Don't get me wrong, I'll do it, but its not something that I look forward to.

Nigga you gay.

Hey I'm straight as can be, but when I'm balls deep in my bro sometimes I just feel like maybe bussy has something goin' for it.

There is nothing gay about fucking a manly man.

Being fucked by a man can be a little gay sometimes though.

vaginas are actually gross, but science shows that being sexually aroused suppressed the part of your brain that feels disgust. you ever actually kept watching porn after you've nutted? it's all fucking discussing. our brains basically just turn off the part of our brain that feels sick so that weird gross wet mass of mangled beef doesn't make us vomit when we are trying to bang.

relevant username

well i actually like pussy, i like putting my face in it. when i did have a girlfriend (those were the days), eating her out was my favorite thing to do. but you ever tried that shit when you aren't horny? it's horrifying. being aroused turns off the part of your brain that makes you feel disgust.

try it now , nut twice and watch a porn film. it's nothing but weird gross fluids and shit.

If you don't like pussy and you're a guy you're not straight. Stop trying to relocate to these nonexistent, super exclusive sexual orientation neighborhoods just because you're confusing your outcast status for uniqueness.

*don't like eating pussy. Don't get me wrong, I got a 3 and a quarter inch lil fella who's all about the ladies.

I mean you could be straight though and not like pussy. Maybe you just don't like how it looks or there is something about it that disgust you. You can still be attracted to them, women I mean and only date them having no interest in guys at all but hate their genitals. Besides sex or vaginal penetration isn't necessarily needed in a relationship (although it does help greatly)

I'm disgusted by pussy after I cum. HALP!

I think sex is just not for you.

No I kinda get it.

They're saying it's okay to only like vagina (and therefore not be okay with dating pre-op trans women), but if you won't even consider that vagina because it used to be a penis (even though it looks like a perfectly normal vagina now), that's considered closed minded. And I can understand that. I've seen pictures of post op vaginas and they look pretty normal. Apparently the biggest telling factor is the depth (which I imagine wouldn't be a huge deal for lesbians).

Like if you wouldn't be able to tell if nobody told you, then I can understand the argument that it's kind of crummy to just change your mind because you now know that part of the history. It would be comparable to a blind guy changing his mind about a woman because she told him she was black or whatever (not the same, but reasonably comparable).

But on the other hand I get the squeamishness too. It's strange. Like eating a hot dog and thinking about it being made of weird parts of the animal, even if it tastes delicious and it's not bad for you. Some people just can't get past it (again definitely not a perfect analogy, but I'm trying lol).

Mutilating your body to resemble another being, does not make you that being.

Like that leopard guy on Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Or Michael Jackson.

A more suitable analogy is: like eating a burger and then later being told it's actually human meat.

How about more like eating a burger and being told it's made of plants or maybe like... horse or something.

I think it's a little overly dramatic (tho I suppose this is the sub for it) to compare it to something like cannibalism. That involves murdering people. Calm down lol

I also think comparing it to Michael Jackson doesn't make much sense because he wasn't trying to become white - He had something else going on. And the Leopard man doesn't really work either because the leopard man could never become a leopard because his brain could never truly imitate that of a leopard. Meanwhile, there is scientific evidence that the brain patterns of trans people more closely resemble the gender they identify with rather than their biological sex. It's pretty interesting.

All I'm saying is that I understand the argument that "if it looks and feels the same, what's the difference?" I don't think I'd be able to get over it personally, but I recognize that's on me and I accept that. I'm not attracted to fat people either. There are lots of shallow deal breakers people can't get past.

I don't think people should be demonized for it (a lot of the people on the thread were going WAY overboard obviously), but it should be recognized as a shallow hang up and not something to be proud of.

That involves murdering people.

Not necessarily. You could have burgers made from the elderly who passed in retirement homes.

And my comment about Michael Jackson was a joke.

As for the leopard man, I'm sure he identified with a leopard and believes he is trapped inside the body of a man.

The same cannot be said for many trans women and their post-op vaginas.

I beg to differ. More like their "mutilated penises made to look like vaginas". The deception is no different from a human burger patty made to look like a regular beef patty. It might taste ok, but if we find out what it is, we'll almost all be grossed out.

I know where you're coming from and obviously dont advocate any crazy behaviors against these people. But dont force us in calling them whatever weird pronouns they come up with, and dont call us transphobic for not wanting to fuck them.

People dont want the things they like to be messed with. We hold what we're attracted to and like very dearly.

I like burgers, women, steak and sushi. Dont give me a human patty burger, a transwoman and pubes in my steak and sushi, and insult me for not wanting to accept them.

Well the pronouns at least I don't understand what the big fuss is about. How is it different than calling someone a nickname? It's not a big deal and every trans person I've met in real life has been totally reasonable about pronouns. They only get mad when people mislabel them on purpose because they feel like they're being disrespected. Which they are.

I was just saying I can see the thought process behind their argument even though I may not necessarily agree. I definitely don't support demonizing people for simply not being attracted to trans people and not wanting to have sex with them. But it really costs you nothing to use kinder language when talking about them, you know? I feel like we can at least start there.

I'll never date a transwoman, I'll never date an openly muslim woman, I'll probably never date a black woman either.

I'd totally date a bi woman though, because of the implication.

Yeah i was thinking the exact same thing reading that. I know loads of people who would never date a black or Muslim woman and Iā€™m pretty sure black and Muslim women donā€™t want to date me either. Why is preference so hard to understand for these weirdos

shit even just talkimg straight dudes there are waaaaaaay more of them on the planet that I wouldn't date than ones that I would

it's called not being a gd whore

Forget race, I would never date an ugly woman, which eliminates ~70% of them. Pretty phobic of me tbh.

I'd totally date a bi woman though, because of the implication

You later that day

Ever noticed how the ultimate emasculating act for a guy in an American sitcom is to get cucked by a woman. Happens to Ross, happens to George, both the prime neurotic, emasculated characters of the show and them getting cucked by a woman is the ultimate act of that. You can't have them be cucked by a guy because that's just sad and it would hit too close to home for a lot of the audience but make it a woman and it's not only acceptable it's also hilarious because the implication is that you really got to be an absolute wimp to get cucked by a woman.

I imagine it'd be less damaging to be cucked by a woman. If you're cucked by another dude, it means you, as a man, cannot offer her what another man could. She digs dudes and you're not enough.

But if you're cucked by a woman, there's no competition to begin with. She digs chicks, end of story.

cheating is cheating tbh. it's an act of betrayal. i never got the dudes who would be like "lmao cool !!" if their girlfriend cheated on them with a chick. like, she doesn't love you, she cheated, doesn't matter who she did it with.

too many men these days live life through a fantasy porn world lens or something.

Cheating, sure. If you want to be strictly monogamous and your spouse slept with another woman, that's cheating.

But if you're ok with your spouse sleeping with other women, that's not cheating anymore. That's mutual consent.

well i'm confused, i thought you were using the term "cucked" to mean cheated on, which is what the term means, but you were using in the context of the fetish where you let them fuck other people?

either way, cheating is cheating to me, neither would be less or more damaging, both would lead to me ending the relationship. as for the cuckolding fetish, i don't think that is how cuckolding works. it's a specific fetish where they get off on being humiliated that the "bull" is hotter and has a bigger dick, it's a fetish about being humiliated by a superior male. if a dude just likes to see his girlfriend dyke out, he isn't a cuck.

The only transphobic thing is like, being "I'd never date a trans woman because they're trans" That's like saying you'd never date a woman because...she's bi, or black, or muslim and so on, or whatever.

Apparently if you dont want to fuck them, you either fear or hate them.

I do hate those (a little) that think this way though.

Besides that, don't care if they want to play pretend.

A little

Stop pretending autist, I bet if I wasn't just joking about Stuthoff, you'd be main funder the main reason trannies would finally be gassed.


Apparently if you dont want to fuck them, you either fear or hate them.

Wait but I thought people fear and hate things because they want to fuck them?

Thats how I feel about fire ants... Surely having that as a fetish makes me the most uniquest.

That's like saying you'd never date a woman because...she's bi, or black, or muslim and so on, or whatever.

implying there's anything wrong with any of those preferences lamo

Yes there is, how could you not date a mayo, or a monkey smh.

TIL sexual preferences are a choice

What if you'd never date a woman because a black, bi, and muslim?

Then I am racist, homophobe and islamophobe.

But why is it transphobic to say you wouldn't date a transgendered person? Like, I'm sure wanting to sate someone who was born the opposite sex as you is a completely normal, heteronormative thing. What if you want to conceive naturally with your partner? How is that transphobic?

It's not.

What if you don't want to date a post-op cause your trying eat organic and post-op pussies definitely have artificial additives.

And I thought it was widely known that most lesbians liked dick, just not men

No one actually likes dick except gay guys.

All the rest like the man attached to the dick.

Dick is akshually the most poplar thing in the world. Everyone likes them, even straight guys like their own dicks.

When I say "like dick" I mean "enjoy someone else's dick"

Ah so everyone but straight men

I love dick

What if that dick is attached to a slob who calls you by his ex's name and farts in bed?

Well you got me there... Certain dick...

Precisely! Gay men have a different set of sexual consequences and also the male brain, thus more dick worship.

As a trans woman, Iā€™m shocked that 90% of ActualLesbians arenā€™t

As a trans woman, Iā€™m shocked how they have ten pages of rules about how you arenā€™t allowed to comment on this

As a trans woman, Iā€™m shocked that 90% of ActualLesbians arenā€™t

"But I'm happy most of them aren't trannies because ew, I want to date actual women"

"I only like pussy."

"My dick is a pussy."



what about me transphobos


But all she had to do was comment.

That sub is run by incels in dresses.

New snappy quote, mods please!

Is it casual transphobia if you don't date transwomen (like some of those actuallesbians) but transwomen won't date you either (perhaps due to unfunny dick jokes)

All the good traps don't want me :-(

As someone dating a trans girl, girl penises are lovely and feminine and not gross at all.

First time I've ever seen someone say "feminine penis" unironically.

You've gotta give that to faggots : they never stop finding new ways to be in the closet.

Having sex with women is for poofters.

Wouldn't that be a closet straight girl, though?

I assumed it was a tranny dating another. A woman wouldn't feel such a need to call herself a lesbo while enjoying penis (she'd call herself bi and be done with it). Only trans lesbians value their identity so much, and want to avoid sounding like faggots at all costs.

Couldn't she have just referred to her own penis then?

You ask questions as if there were logical answers

i have a lesbian friend who claims to be lesbian but she has fucked at least 2 dudes in between every time i talk to her. it's weird, but there are people who identify with being gay so much they can't admit they are really bi, even while actually fucking the opposite gender.

I honestly wonder how many men that date transwomen come from super religious and conservative backgrounds and this is how they avoid getting murdered and disowned for liking dick.

she's not a faggot she's fucking a man

man clit

Only the manliest men prefer man clit and boy pussy over those gross slippery girly vaginas.

please dont use the V word on my feed, I just threw up a little in my mouth.


Iā€™m good with trans women or other genders who have penises. Then I donā€™t mind the work. But when it comes to cis men though, no thank you.

Only likes girl dicks.

To be fair I fap to futas but not to guys so I can understand that.

this, but unironically.

> implying I was being ironic


dickgirls are hot.

I just want to be clear on. If I put on a dress lesbians have to suck my dick or fear having their hit ABC sitcom cancelled?

Exactly. I won't doxx anyone, but just look at what the mods of that sub look like. Without the dress and the social pressure, they're be posting on /r/incels.

Didn't you know that apparently 99% of transwomen are incels who are trying to bully lesbians into sleeping with them?

I'm actually scared at what the remaining 1% do with their time. Prolly rape children.

I figured you'd know.

You can call me a lot of things, and probably be correct, but I don't go around in a dress while I sleep with minors (consenting ones, over the age of consent).

So you rape them while wearing a dress then

It's not rape : they can consent, but not doing it would be transphobic, and ostracize them socially (plus put them at risk of violence for being "TERFs").

You'd be surprised how effective it is on young girls (especially if they're in high school or early in college).

You LARP as a trans woman to blackmail teens into sleeping with you? I'm disturbed but am almost impressed by your creativity, teach me your ways, senpai.

15 is legal here. High schools are super SJW heavy. And our local "antifa" are mostly young guys looking for an excuse to punch anyone weaker than they are (which is mostly girls their age).

So if you're an adult who is overtly LGBT friendly, has social ties to that community (and a good image), you could easily smear any teenage lesbian girl as being a TERF, and get her at least socially shunned (and probably physically hurt by her peers). Plus in high school she knows she has to go there every day for a couple years.

So once I put on a wig and a dress, she has to consider whether to take your dick, or risk being labelled transphobic. And the best part is it's totally legal. No law against calling someone a TERF. Even publicly.

Masturbatory fantasies are getting weird

Why are you like this!?

Awesome? Wily? Fearless?

Why even bother with the wig and the dress? Those are just things associated with a stereotypical gender role, which is a social construct and the very thing which must be dismantled. Trans women can't have short hair and wear "men's" clothing?

True I guess. But the teens don't fully understand that, you need something visual.

Well, this thread took a dark turn.

I just explained how most tranny posters on /r/actuallesbians get laid IRL. Can't help but admire that such an elegant strategy came from such monstrosities.

I have doubts but I'll keep it in mind should I move to a more "progressive" area like Berlin or something.

It's only for France though. Courts here don't give a fuck about violence between minors. Even in a relatively calm and well policed city, those fuckers bash each other with improvised weapons in broad daylight, and as long as nobody dies there's little to no consequences.

That's why a girl would have to watch her back through high school if the local "antifa" (pimply 15yo skeletons with lots of anger) decided she was a valid target.

Someone's eager to retake the bottom of the r/drama degenerate stack.

well I always aim to be Mr Bad Example, it's been an inspiration basically since it came out.

Besides I might be moving to a more liberal area in the not too far away future like Berlin or something, so it would only be helpful to already become acquainted with the 'progressive' views of these kinds of people so I won't feel out of place once I do.

And I respect that, maximizing personal utility under the constraints of local law that is.

this but unironically

One of them came up with "cotton ceiling" and the others didn't tell him to shut the fuck up and gtfo with his incel crap.

What proportion of LGBT isnā€™t all caught up in this inter-intersectionalist stuff? I donā€™t think every lesbian out there is a pan radfem femme TERF poly lesbian of color.

Speaking for many gay men,

We would like them to fuck off. This is the prime reason for gay men being disowned from the acronym. Not withstanding the fact that G and B men have the most problems of the acronym.

Get out of here with your gay privilege.

Lol Gays have second billing!

Not withstanding the fact that G and B men have the most problems of the acronym.

The legitimate injustices faced by regular people who happen to be homosexual have been overshadowed by the ongoing purity spiral being driven by a comparative handful of loud intersectional nutters.

Nah, lesbians have it rough too. And, they probably get the most shit from the trans community.

L and B face a different sort of problem. Being pressured to conform, and face loss of self-identity that way. G and B are told that their concerns are unimportant and are thus ignored, losing a group identity.

Kinda mirrors the general dynamics of the sexes at large, tbh.

Yup - those transcels are mostly hetero men with a lesbian fetish.

Nobody cares about actual lesbians and FtMs, even professional homophobes like the Westboro Church barely acknowledge they exist

Not a bad thing if you just want to live your life

That's a good point. It doesn't seem as though FtMs, bother gay men as much as MtFs bother women's spaces, but I could be wrong. Is there anyone telling gay men they should give masculine pussy a try?

No, because they know that gay men wouldn't put up with that bullshit.

Eh, there's more to it than that. One, apparently people with dicks think it's appropriate to bust in on groups of women and try to focus everything on their dicks. Crazy, right? Next, women do speak up and they are labeled as TERFs, even if they aren't radical feminists. Do you want to see people defend Trannys? Tell them a feminist is pissed off about them. Last, yeah, there are plenty of stupid fucking women who throw other women under the bus and don't stand up against some of the nonsense.

Gay men are the white men of LGBT

lol why do men have to make literally everything about them and their penises?

From the FBI's 2016 Hate Crime Statistics report:

Sexual-orientation bias (Based on Table 1.)

Of the 1,255 victims targeted due to sexual-orientation bias:

62.7 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offendersā€™ anti-gay (male) bias. 21.6 percent were victims of anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (mixed group) bias. 11.7 percent were victims of anti-lesbian bias. 2.2 percent were victims of anti-bisexual bias. 1.8 percent were victims of anti-heterosexual bias.

Yeah, real weird how G and B men get fucked over the hardest, but the RF goes "But what about the wimminz"

I'm probably pretty conservative as far as people in general go, nevermind for a lesbian. It's frustrating that it's all intertwined so closely with the social justice stuff but eh watchagonnado.

I will say that I'm not sure how many people genuinely believe in it and how many are just going along with it so that they aren't labelled a persona non grata in their local scene. I've had some friends who would be very publicly supportive of transgenderism and all that but would admit that they think it's a buncha bullshit in private

Itā€™s so sad that we have to hide it. I just shut my mouth whenever another lesbians starts with the ā€œlesbians must like dick if itā€™s on a womanā€ shit. Iā€™ve seen peopleā€™s reputations get totally demolished for one small comment.

Normal folks avoid this kindve conversation, and would cut off their hands before getting into arguments about this shit.

it honestly shows a culture of fear poised to explode.

My brother is gay. He laughs hysterically at this shit and he also voted for Trump, so...

As someone that has been in those spaces, very few LGBT folks aren't hardcore about intersectional problems in society. You may find some older mostly white lesbians and gay men that don't know or care, but most people do.

I mean let's be honest, a ton of interconnected shit leads to outcomes that we feel and experience in life. In general things that happen or things you do aren't just solo activities with no outside influence.

/r/truelesbians is the place to go if you're an actual lesbian. It's small, though.

Speaking as a nonintersectional dyke, this bullshit REALLY fucks up my dating options. Holy shit the number of """lesbians""" who have drunk the kool-aid is depressing.

Political lesbians are the worst. Dating one is like being a heterosexual beard for someone, except they never stop lecturing you.

That sounds torturous.

Are you one of those gold star lesbians?

Are you really a dyke? Because if so all of your angst would be explained

Homosexuality is the patrician sexual orientation fam.

Harsh but fair

I'd say like 80% of the LGB, maybe 60% of trans people. Seriously, most LGBT people aren't like these loons you see on the internet.

For example I'm friends with a lesbian couple who are way more insensitive and politically incorrect than I am. I don't think they know the first thing about feminist theory or whatever. They just happen to like girls.

They sound hot, are they into threesomes?

Not with men

I kind of doubt that percentage for transpeople is accurate (at least among the self-identified trans population), since over the past few years trans issues have kind of become a fad in intersectional circles and there are a shitload of non-dysphoric bandwagoners.

Like, most of the translesbians like the ones in the linked drama are, in my experience, either incels sinking to a new low in trying to attract women or the male version of political lesbians.

I'd be very surprised if the population of well-adjusted dysphoric transpeople is above 25-30%.

Are your lesbian friends butch or femme?

idk, normal? I wouldn't even realized they're gay if I didn't know them.

My Sous Chef falls into the hugely politically incorrect category you listed. She's also the quickest to make sexual jokes (she once called a dish with tomato sauce between two fish filets "little vaginas").

If you are honestly curious they have private communities (like Discords) and smaller websites. They are much more anonymous. If they were more open their sites would get razed by angry people.

How do you find them?

I've heard of people getting invites, or having invites publicly displayed for short periods of time. I was invited to one for like lesbian separatism that died out unfortunately so these things do exist its just difficult to keep them alive when you can't be public. There are also a few anonymous imageboards but they lack the same sense of community because everything is anonymous.

Lesbian here. I think all of this is stupid and creepy. Inclusion shouldn't mean giving into the demands of a few children just because they think they're special.

few contexts in which I'm proactively stealth (as opposed to incidentally stealth, which has become the norm).

The fucking what.

How hard is it to go: trans are men playing dress up. Canā€™t be a woman, by dating a woman, youā€™re still a dude, bro.

There are layers of delusion here. One level is about gender, another is about passing as a woman.

Someone should ask a trans woman if she would date another trans woman - if not then she's transphobic I guess?

"yes I would but not this one. Or this one. Or this one. Keep them coming"

This is the response they want from everyone else.


Keep them coming

How do you know you don't like olives until you've tried every single type?

Funny enough there ARE some trans women that will not date other trans women because of the penis issue, but this is because they're either intensely dysphoric or have a sexual abuse history.

/u/lexicaloracle why do gender-trenders like yourself invade women's spaces and try to dominate the conversation? All to play the victim and escape your white male privilege. People like you can't let women have anything of their own. It's beyond pathetic to go to these lengths to play the victim for attention

So a dude, thinks he's a woman, and also thinks he is a lesbian.

But its totally not a mental illness.

Mental illness, or best lifehack ever?

I too am a lesbian, and if you don't suck my dick you are not a real lesbian!

Now suck it and enjoy it!


if you don't suck my dick eat my pussy while paying extra special attention to my giant clit until i squirt down your throat

Gender and sexuality are two different things. The trans part has way more to do with how you feel about your own body and very little about who you want touching it. Does that make sense?

Honestly it could be argued as a mental illness due to its connection with body dysmorphia, but since there hasn't really been any successful treatments other than simply allowing people to live as the gender they feel that they are (and unlike other body dysmorphic disorders, that doesn't end up harming them in the long run as long as they are supported by everyone in their lives), then I say go for it. Why not if it's not hurting anybody?

I think a lot of the toxic behavior you see on display in the community might partially be perpetual victim nutjobs, but I imagine a good portion is probably a result of being rejected by family. I've seen from a couple of my own friends how much it hurts them. And their community is even smaller and less understood than the gay community so it's probably even lonelier. That shit can manifest in weird ways.

Idk. Maybe I'm too empathetic for this thread:( I just feel sad when I see stuff like this.

I personally don't see it as a "illness" as much as a disorder, probably a congenital one. They can live as they please, but it gets rather stupid when people (redditors so kinda people) insist they are actually "real women" and even more insane insist a lesbian having sex with a woman with a penis isn't in fact not lesbian sex.

I'm willing to pretend and play along with their delusion because its not hurting anyone there, but I'm not willing to pretend they are "real women".

Trans women are women.

In the same way that a Skoda Fabia becomes a Porsche if I put a fin on it.

My Luis VuitĆ²n bag is just the same as the real thing.

I mean what do you expect from a sub that thinks that not wanting to date a person because she is a trans is being transphobic?

I'm still waiting for the dramastorm when a vocal group starts to take issue with the big women's subs referencing XX chromosomes in their names

I think they already tried, but 2X values their default sub status and popularity I guess.

/u/honk4tits they're doing it again! Mainly the usual suspects at work lol.

Next thing you'll be telling me the chicken crossed the road because it saw some food over there, not because it wanted to get hit by a car and die and get to "the other side."

This was the most hilarious thing in the slap fight, I think. A grown person doesn't understand the "why does the chicken cross the road?" joke. And, they have responses from people who are grateful someone finally explained the joke for them. Even though the person "explaining" the joke is retarded as fuck.

I honestly think that these people are just plain stupid, regardless.

And mentaly ill, and looking for attention. The greatest combo on the internet.

hold up, retard coming through: I thought the joke was that it's not a joke?

Yeah. Unless I'm a retard too, I think the person I'm talking about said that the joke is the chicken gets run over and dies and goes to "the other side". I would think they were joking, but people were sincerely thanking them for explaining the joke to them. But, like I said, I could very well be the tard in this situation.

wikipedia got us fam. today we are enlightened

Yeah, it's an anti-joke.

ā€œGenital preferenceā€ is the most homophobic shit I have ever heard, and sounds like something youā€™d hear a gay conversion whack job utter.

same tbh it seems to imply that genitals don't really matter you just prefer a certain kind

and preferences can be unlearned ~ !

Right? It's a sexual orientation, not a "preference" your Mike Pence wannabes.

This is like the female braincels is it not? Fucking bizarre


Nope. It's like /r/braincels in a dress : dudes who think women owe them sex.

Good point haha. The fucking most absurd comment is "as a women with a dick...".

Like what the fuck are these people on

As SJWs they value consent. But they think they found a loophole.

It seems that way lol too much for me to handle. Can't even read any more comments it's another world and it disturbs me

Try /r/GenderCritical. It's mostly people who had enough of that shit.

My man. Much appreciated

Over there they think all men are evil rapists, but that's frankly a much more sane opinion than thinking a boy is a girl

Yeah I see that. I'm down for other perspectives as long as it's not delusional ramblings haha

Well it's still that, but technically probably less of it.

Do trans people date each other?

Ew, no, they don't want to have to suck dick, they're lesbians!

Funny how you get a lot of trans women who are "lesbians" on here but not many trans men who are gay.

Also those "lesbians" transwomen are always the least passing ones (which to be fair is in line with the fact that even OG female lesbians mostly look like shit).

IME thereā€™s tons of gay FtMs, but a lot of them are banging dudes who otherwise claim to be straight

As a girl with a dick, I disagree with this post and I think it's very harmful.

Muh feminine penis

Now I'm going to spam every feminist subreddit with my dumbass opinions, but I'll start every comment with "as a girl with a dick".

Snappy quote pls.

Based on the comments here I didn't know there were so many fags, dykes and trannies r/drama regulars.

How can you possibly have missed this?

I thought you retards were joking

/r/drama is unironically the most diverse sub on reddit.

How can we be the most diverse sub and a crypto fascist sub

Because sadly, despite our best efforts, we haven't managed to physically remove all mayos.

Yo the fucking cringiest thing about this is the r/drama poster pulling up shit from 4 fucking months ago. Get the fuck outta here faggot until you get me some fresh warm drama...

You shut your whore mouth. I bet you don't even enjoy snallyposting, you degenerate.

You're not at all passible. Blow your brain out because it's far too late to fix it

it's okay, you're just an average r/drama poster, theres no need to pretend like you don't jerk it to trannies....

why is a man moderating a womens' forum?

So it's not actually ran by lesbians. Explains a lot.

What the fucking hell, how many transwomen can exist on a lesbian subreddit? Maybe /r/twoxchromossomes is also filled with men too.

What the fucking hell, how many transwomen can exist on a lesbian subreddit?

The mods are trannies.

r/twox is absolutely filled with d00ds

So, just like /r/actuallesbians

What the fucking hell, how many transwomen can exist on a lesbian subreddit? Maybe /r/twoxchromosomes is also filled with men too.

All english speaking internet spaces are going to be dominated by white males, unironically.

Fucking hell

Anyone who disagrees with this assertion has an extra chromosome

Organic pussy only pls.

Dr. Frankenmeat's chop shop imitation brand is a no go for straight men and lesbians alike.

In that case they didn't even go through that level of effort. The ones being triggered by that post are trans "lesbians" with intact dicks. So straight dudes in a dress.

Yeah, it sucks being lesbian in 2018. Being acceptably woke is having to give a dry gash a chance while worst case is dealing with a dick that society wants you to pretend isn't there.

How terrified of dick are they that they have to form online groups to discuss how ugly and icky benis is?

Thank god you clarified that trans women are not women. For a second I thought you were a decent person

He's not wrong tho

Nah, heā€™s pretty wrong

Born with a dick? You're a guy. It's not that complicated bro.

It is much more complicated than that, but Iā€™m not going to get into that with you. Itā€™ll be like talking to a brick wall. Nothings going to get through to you.

Nah it really is that simple. They can play dress ups all they want, but it's literally no different to me putting a fan on my head and saying I'm now a helicopter.

A sub called actual lesbians can't even talk about how they think dicks are gross and they have to kowtow to mentally ill men masquerading as women. Amazing. r/actualreallesbians will be the next new sub for dikes.

The TERFs created their own. Can't remember the names.

Out of curiosity I checked who has r/lesbians... yeah, itā€™s porn.


homoromantic asexual

This is code for "Not an actual Asexual, I just don't want to be seen as the same as disgusting faggots whose relationships are entirely based on sex, not romance"

/u/anace So tired of your homophobic (internal and external) codes to paint yourselves as better of the "asexual community" , like all the "queer" female feminists that suck dick all day or the non-binaries that identify as she her and femme, all frauds and trenders, so fake and not real at all...seems you should be checking your own prejudices more rather then telling other what they must like.

Fun fact : anace got his junk removed.

Meme culture is really the pits in 2018, but I'm disappointing in the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ and sometimes Y community for sharing the most normiebook, legbeardy memes that are out there.

As a trans woman who just found this sub and have been really surprised by it so far, I can tell you that penis is gross. I hate the fact that I have one, so much that it makes me cry often times.

This is called mental illness. And society is encouraging it.

As a trans women for the next 30 seconds, the only way for lesbians who wouldn't date trans women (like me) can avoid being transphobic is for them to let me watch them lezz out with their girlfriends whenever I want.

You are now a mod of /r/actuallesbians.

I think the rift comes from people people seeing lesbian=no-dick-even-on-women, and getting defensive about it

This is 2018


/u/anace why are you telling people what to do with their bodies? That's really problematic and rapey.

How gay do you have to be to unironically think that vagina>penis? Gas women tbh


you dirty fucking monstrosity. your father should have swallowed you.

For people who don't like penises, they really talk about them a lot.

Because most /r/actuallesbians posters have a dick.

"I'm a transwoman who's also a lesbian" hahahhahahah

A straight male who wants to dress up as a woman. Dude what.

A straight male who wants to dress up as a woman.

I'd call that a rapist by deception, but none of those users even remotely pass.

Holy shit. I checked the profiles of the mods there.

What percentage of internet forums dedicated to lesbians are actually dominated by poorly passing(and damn, some of these people appear to not care about passing at all) "trans lesbians".

In the general culture, is it becoming a faux pass for a biological lesbian to say she doesn't like girl penis? Since I know internet culture is this weird thing. But internet culture just kindof meshes with real life now.

Is this transgender fad actually starting to become dominated by...unattractive straight males who simply refused to work on or couldn't make themselves attractive as men? If that's what a huge percentage of it boils down to, do "biological lesbians" and general women's groups ultimately have every right to be annoyed with this trend?

Most of these cases look so much closer to something like "Male with physical traits ABC performs expected value calculation of social rewards as a guy vs female with traits XYZ, and chances of obtaining XYZ. Vice versa appears accurate too, of straight female cursed with unusually boyish/masculine looks simply ends up deciding to take male hormones and goes all the way. The sexual partners then appear to be well groomed gay males. The guys going MtF, unless ending up as unusually attractive females, never date again."

As usual online, straight white males control the conversation.

This really is a case of straight males more or less forcing biological lesbians outside of the entire online arena. Holy crap. Some of the straight guys take female hormones too. And after really digging into it, there is often an admittance of "Yeah, if I was better at "stereotypical male activity X" and looked more like "handsome male Y" I wouldn't change and I think the whole female soul in these sympathetic liberal publications are really stupid"

I wonder how that actually effects the culture in general on these issues.

This really is a case of straight males more or less forcing biological lesbians outside of the entire online arena. Holy crap.

It's better. They want to force them to stay, and have sex with them. If they pushed them out, the "lesbian" trannies would have to fuck each other.

And what's weird is how there isn't a peep at all from sources like slate/salon/gawker about this.

Oh there is. To complain about the mean TERFs who oppose that. Or whenever a contributor posts something against those straight white males, it's getting removed. Right now /r/GenderCritical is on a campaign to keep an article up on Medium that they keep removing for "transphobia".

Why wouldn't the story "Worlds largest site dedicating itself to lesbian issues has its mods socially pressuring women to feel bad about not liking "girl penis"(from poorly passing trans lesbians) " take off?

There is definitely a point where being afraid of getting accused of transphobia is there.

You know, I totally get that, and Iā€™m a trans woman. You can be a lesbian who is cool with dick, and that is fine, and you can be a lesbian who isnā€™t, and that is also fine. I think the rift comes from people people seeing lesbian=no-dick-even-on-women, and getting defensive about it, and lesbians who arenā€™t into dick, even on women, seeing comments that arenā€™t very nuanced about what is and isnā€™t transphobic, and getting defensive. Personally I think not dating a post-op trans woman as a lesbian is transphobic, but having genital preference is fine.

I remember reading a few years back about a meteor on collision course with Earth that would kill everyone and please could it hurry the fuck up

subreddit called actuallesbians modded by mentally ill dude

shit is hilarious

Holy fuck, trannies are so fucking creepy man. They're literally bullying and shaming lesbians into sucking their dicks. This is the sort of behaviour that would get you punched if a you were a regular guy.

Do they realise that Lesbians and straight men are literally wired to find biological women attractive? I.e NOT A DICK!?! Fucking creeps.

These people really hate men for some reason

I'm going to throw up... girl penises? That's a dude mate.

"I'd never date a trans woman because they're trans"

I'd never date a trans woman because they're not a woman

ā€œMy girlfriend has a penis and eating her out is a privilegeā€

Hey everyone, look at my trans-Lamborghini!

It's exactly the same as the real thing and you're a bigot who should be executed if you say otherwise.


If you hate the Declaration of Independence so much, why don't you emigrate the fuck off into some shithole country where they don't value life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Oh, it's because there's no such place populated by white people, so a reverse oreo like you has no place to call home :'(

Hmmm, that's an interesting way to reply to the same comment twice. ru upset?

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Fatpeoplehate became a thing because fats were trying to claim they were all beautiful and worthy of love. Tick tock.

So all these men pretending to be woman think sucks are gross. At least they aint gay

Reading threads like that actually makes me kinda glad we're getting millions of tranny hating muslims here in the west