Why Ed is retarded.

30  2018-05-30 by Coco_Bandicock

Ed is obviously a retard that the mods keep locked up in order to protect the world from his retardation. u/Ed_ButteredToast is now forced to post on r/drama with the only thing keeping him going being his rapidly decreasing supply of Fentanyl and the occasional piece of stale bread and cup of salt water the mods use to keep him alive. If you encounter Ed, do not approach. Instead, throw tomatoes and shit at him while laughing at him. Eventually, he returns to his lair, keeping society safe for the moment.


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. u/Ed_ButteredToast - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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Damn Snappy that's true

It is true. The title is "WHY ed is retarded" and then you never say why ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

I actually did. By keeping him locked up for his stupidity, the mods have deteriorated the rest of his brain, making him a zombie at this point.

You didn't say any of that.

I forgot to put it in.

big if true

Title. Don't care if you agree, don't care if removed by mods. This sub is the epitome of useless, stupid bullshit, so if you're reading this, fuck off, mong. Seeing a post from here show up on my feed makes me want to rip my own dick off. Until I remember that without my dick, I'd be only slightly more useful than the fucking mongs on here retarding-up every second of their lives until they procreate and develop even more severely-retarded creatures. I feel so old, I remember when Reddit used to NOT suck 3000 cocks per hour. Good old days.

I really hope this is not pasta

"ironic" stupidity.

I will never understand how one retard can get so many love letters on this sub.


lolol he doesn't like being reminded that he's a degenerate anime fag

Death to weebs. It donโ€™t matter what this mayos say about you, you alright in my book.

You have shit taste in music though

not liking drake and Kanye

shit taste



Yeezus still loves you, white one. Salvation is not out of your reach



He was born with a lack of oxygen.

Aren't we all?

I thought it was the vaccines.

Why Ed posts so much

People keep giving him attention with threads like this

Ed is going to post here regardless since he's stuck in u/MasterLawlz basement

All Ed-related drama is created by Ed's alts.

No, u/Power_Incarnate, YOU are the Ed alts


Why so much fentynal bad mouthing on drama? Ed is Rather flatizza, i donโ€™t get all of the butt hurt

He made fun of my and called me names therefore he's bad >:[

Oh I didnโ€™t know. Sorry

He's a meanie poo poo head and I'm gonna tell on him to his mom!