What do you do when you feel really sad?

22  2018-05-30 by shanewater

I've lost the will to live and every day is suffering.




Have you tried virtue signalling or blaming all your problems on minorities?

Or conversly virtue signalling and going to sweden.

It's all the rage there apparently.

Kill myself

have you tried drugs?

Watch rupaul's drag race

don't kms

I go to r/4chan and read all their pathetic lives which makes me feel better about my own.


Why is there a subreddit about 4chan.

Have you tried virtue signalling or blaming all your problems on society?

First and foremost I masturbate. Take a shower. And get the fuck out of the house.

I remember that people are shit and I am not. And then I remember that I am shit too, but then so is everyone else, so that's okay!

Then I realize that the entire universe is trying to kill me. From disease to starvation to K-Pop to corporations. So I find it very satisfying that just being alive is an act of defiance, spit in the face of the entire world.

Then I masturbate some more.

Spite is honestly the only reason I'm alive still

It usually happens because of my gussy addiction so I just throw myself into my pro-bussy conversion therapy sessions.


I quit my job and started living in various vehicles. It was a good plan.

Honestly, I just shake violently in my bed until I get so tired I fall asleep. If I wake up and still feel bad, I do it again.

I try to spread misery, and hope that by harassing people online I can make someone more miserable than I am even for a moment.

Drink and search for cute animal pic on the net, so I could post them here.

i jam out to rtz playlist

When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble, give a whistle!

Start a flame war wherever I can. Shame you can't do it on reddit any more, you get banned everywhere.


I don't get sad.

so just do that and stop being like you are

shitpost in relationship subs

Have you read Jordan Peteron's book on how to wash your penis?

I feel the same way. I spend most days getting blasted.

Non-joke answer is that I work out. There's something incredibly therapeutic about running on a treadmill or lifting weights. Since I'm by myself I have time to think about my problems, and the rushing endorphins gives me a meditative-like calm in which I can really nit-pick those problems in a more neutral way.

Harass women in video games

go on reddit and be mean to people, or troll post to make people mad. edge to futanari porn for 5 hours straight. listen to death metal and fantasize about killing and raping people. go to the gym.

I jump on a plane and spend weeks in Greece

This is my plan. I wish there were jobs there.