Sardines smugly support Sasquatch schoolteacher with abominable alliterative agendapost

22  2018-05-30 by dootwiththesickness


"aggressively not shaving my pits"

Allow me to aggressively not wipe my ass for four weeks and walk by your desk in shorts with no underwear.


Where the fuck is snappy?

Also, lol at the mods locking that thread already.

i aggressively have colourful nails at one of my students who's all "oh no tilsit but gender roles you fucking bender, what does your wife say huh faggot. Ewww you can be here, everyone is looking at us, you're making a scene" Ain't no one we work with giving a fuck, you're making the scene kiddo it's jus colours chill.

This definitely happened.

My whole point was that the line between being progressive and gross is pretty arbitrarily drawn.

lol indeed.

There's a lot of things you're allowed to do in general but shouldn't as a teacher.

In a couple weeks she's gonna complain that someone at the school complained about her and it's the patriarchy's fault she's getting fired.

Opinions like this from women always blow my mind. If a guy expresses the idea that all women have to adhere to a certain look to appeal to men, then I totally get it. They're just really sexist and think everything revolves around them.

How does a woman see a another woman doing her own thing and think "I better point out how wrong she is to not consider how appealing she looks to men"? How can you be that far removed from any feminist conversation?

How the fuck can you be so delusional. I guess SRDines really do never go outside and interact with people.


observe some basic hygiene just out of respect for others

What right do you have to police someone else's body?