Roseanne blames the Ambien walrus. /r/news debates (i.e. flings shit at each other.)

6  2018-05-30 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Just some anecdotal experience here, but I have witnessed several patients reduced to a sort of dissociative state while taking this medication; one instance I remember in particular was a lady that came to our pharmacy, picked up some Rxs, wrote out a check, and drove away only to come back several hours to pick up the same order of Rxs (we even showed her where she had physically written out the check and was amazed that she didn't remember doing this literally hours ago). Keep in mind that there are people, like her, DRIVING AROUND AND OPERATING DEADLY MACHINERY.

To that end, I wouldn't completely rule out that Zolpidem could make a person exhibit atypical behavior, buuuuuut I'm more inclined to think that it would be more of a "lessened inhibitions" effect similar to a drunk guy fucking another guy because he hasn't had a good bout of introspection yet.

Oh dude, Ambien is absolutely a fucked up drug. My brother had taken some he was prescribed and went to bed. 20 mins later I find him in my room, playing my PS4 with huge pupils and not making sense. I would put him back to bed and then he'd be back again with no memory. I ended up filming the next 3 hours of this which included him succesfully getting into and starting his car.

Dude didn't believe me the next day until I showed him the video. Needless to say he dumped all his ambien.

IVing ambien can cause this.

Dont ask, just take my word for it.

I thought street slang for ambien was "riding the white whale." Which would be appropriate in Roseanne's case.

Huh, i figured that would be slang for riding Weinstein's cock.

I just took an Excedrin.