African Americans accused of appropriating African culture.

125  2018-05-30 by aiyooooo


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Soon identity politics will cause everything to be so fractured we'll be right back to individualism.

Tbh looking at the photos, she actually might have a case. All the more drama tho. (Also her nudes are interesting).

Nudes you say? Maybe I'll open the article

No no, you have to open it for art not because you want to see a Nikki Minaj lookalike naked. /s

You aren't wrong. But damn you for making me work to find them.


A little too artful for my taste.

Aye, she actually has a legitimate case.

The war of all against all is gonna be so fucking awesome

Capitalism is fun

Sounds like capeshit tbqh famalam

We need a sovereign

Hobbes was wrong.

Only poor people think Hobbes was wrong.

This is what sovfags actually believe

Woke af. I just can't wait for gen z to gas everyone.

"back to"?

idpol is individualism writ large

The horseshoe theory.

that not what the 'horseshoe theory' is.

I can make new horseshoe theories if I want.

the individual is the smallest minority group.

Perhaps not surprisingly, black people born in the US are not actual Africans. Just like descendants of Irish immigrants are not really "Irish", no matter what they think.

African-Americans are so clueless about Africa. They seem to think it's a monolith where everyone speaks one language called "African" and they all share the same culture etc. This is best demonstrated during screenings of Black Panther where loads of them were turning up wearing Dashikis (a Nigerian garment) despite Wakanda being more than 3000 miles away in lower East Africa.

This comment is too ironic to be serious...right?

you have to go back

Shut up you smelly black bastard

Wakanda is depicted as having a mix of African cultural elements and influences, though.

So then why not wear East African clothes? Why do they need to go 3000 miles away to Nigeria to find "traditional clothing"?

Because that might've been what was available or what they had?

Does Wakanda have anything to do with East Africa though other than that's where they put it on a map

One of the tribes has lip plates, which is based on a tribe really close to where Wakanda is supposed to be. Also the region historically had some states that were discovered by white people really late into the colonization of Africa.

The Black Panther God is Bast the Egyptian cat god.

Wakanda as a Region is also pretty heavily inspired by Ethiopia, never being colonized.

Black Americans are just completely disconnected from their origins (which isn't at all surprising given how they got here and what happened to them), but every so often a prominent figure in the community adopts something African in origin and it's integrated into the culture as a symbol of their roots and identity. Education about Africa is fucking abysmal in the US, like nonexistent beyond Egypt and brief references to Mansa Musa, Great Zimbabwe, and colonialism, so it's not surprising that black Americans don't know much about Africa either. It would be nice for them to take more than a basic interest in the continent. Though at least they don't do the muh heritage thing that white mutts do because they're 15% VIKING.

Though at least they don't do the muh heritage thing that white mutts do because they're 15% VIKING.

Isn't that what they do though? Afrocentrism is a thing, you know.

I guess it's similar, but they're not going out and claiming to be Guinean and authorities on Guinea culture because their DNA reports came back 24% West African. Afrocentrism has always seemed to me to be more along the lines of 'blacks around the world unite and rise up' rather than 'I'm in touch with my German roots, I love pretzels and can drink a lot!'.

Eh I know an afrocentrist that made a social media rant about how a model of Nefertiti wasn't black enough. Despite the people that constructed said model were scientists. It is just as obnoxious as the Muuh heritage crowds antics.

I don't interact with too many Black people on a daily basis, so I can't really refute you on this one.

Isn't this kinda like Black's "I give my kid weird name because."

White people give their kids weird names too, you're just used to it.

Tbh Jayden is just as cringe as Shaniqua or Dashaun or whatever.

To be fair, I think Dawn is a stupid name. Southerners suck at making original names. Wypipo are better off sticking to Bible names and Greek names.

I was surprised when I asked a Laetiesha that I met if her name had roman origins for lulz and she responded with yes

Which is correct, even tho the spelling is far from Laetitia

Can't think of many others but that had me wondering if some of them were just bastardized versions of some very traditional names

fucking Kwanzaa.

I'm still pissed about that shit. Like, if you're gonna make "Black Christmass" at least make it GOOD. No some low-rent, scrub-ass, even Hanukkah is better than this, bullshit.

Kwanzaa always feel half-assed for me.

If would have been more acceptable if it is used to fool wypipo, like fortune cookie and those Chinese restaurant shits. Making stuff up just to feel important and connected somehow to your "heritage" is just sad.

I have no problem with making shit up.

I mean department stores basically ginned up the modern version of Xmas and we're all good with it. In a few years, Black Friday will probably end up being an official holiday.

What sucks is that they made it shitty. Like come the fuck on, wheres the presents? The pageantry? The fun stuff for fucks sake.

Candles and colorful clothes don't count? Still shitty, though.

Isn't Black Friday dying because even the poors who would be willing to go assault each other over a cabbage patch doll know how to use Amazon now?

their origins

Did white people originate elsewhere?

Yakub was a black scientist who lived "6,600 years ago" and began the creation of the white race.

Though at least they don't do the muh heritage thing that white mutts do because they're 15% VIKING.

I am 100% European and thats my European heritage. Stop oppressing me.

Because Nigerian fashion is badass?

Which is funny because Wakanda is fiercely isolationist, to the point they had a wall Trump could only dream of while they watched refugees starve to death because they felt they would weaken the country. I mean sure they later open up, but their culture would certainly never have a Pan African take.

African-Americans are so clueless about Africa.

Couldn't have anything to do with the fucking shit education system in the USA where the fucking populace has to learn geography by bombing the shit out of different regions of the world.

This is why the Deep State is a force for good. Can you imagine the average American running a foreign policy?

you are now a mod in /r/neoconNWO

I already am

lol oh shit what’s up fam

Sir Humphrey Appleby at your service

Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Europe. In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see. Why should we change now, when it's worked so well?

Thank you, that was most unclear!

Well Minister, if you ask me for a straight answer, then I shall say that, as far as we can see, looking at it by and large, taking one thing with another in terms of the average of departments, then in the final analysis it is probably true to say, that at the end of the day, in general terms, you would probably find that, not to put too fine a point on it, there probably wasn't very much in it one way or the other. As far as one can see, at this stage.

Ask Caucasian people where the Caucasus mountains are or if they even realize that is what they are named after. Lots of people are ignorant to geography. It isn't extremely important in day to day life. The problem is some groups of people treat entire regions of people as a monolith and include themselves in it because at one point their family might have been from a geographical region close to it. Like when people from Ireland laugh at Americans who say they are Irish because their great grandfather was from somewhere over there.

I mean lets be real here unless we're talking about Pangaea African countries are fucking worthless so why learn about them. There is a reason all these "refugees" are bookin it to European countries after all.

ah yes i remember our extensive learning of the history of Belgium in my freshman year

that's how I learned about my culture and not through the internet on my own time, surely not

Dashiki's aren't Nigerian only.

Yeah it was hilarious seeing the mish-mash of West/Central/East/South African symbolism in Wakanda. But fuckit, it's not a real place so who gives a fuck.

Dashiki's aren't Nigerian only.

Ah yeah, sorry about that. It's used by West Africans in general. In my country I only see Nigerians wear it so I assumed it was a Nigerian-only thing.

You didnt show up to Black Panther with your Dashiki?

You aight white boy

You forgot to suck your teeth.

You forgot to suck my dick.

He cute

Don't get afrocentrists started on Egypt.

They basically have the same level of understanding of Africa as Sarah Palin.

Ironically Afrikaans is mostly spoken by white people.

Seems like this just has to do with copyrighted material and not cultural appropriation?

okay sure but

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

dumb rule i live for banality



Its not fucking fake ass cultural appropriation if Lamarr stole from another artist, its straight up theft. He stole an artists work, he didn't appropriate a whole culture. One is covered by various laws and statutes, the other is just a bullshit control mechanism with no back up propagated by the pathetically marginalised.

Oh and those lovely bright and colourful clothes you see African women wearing?

They are actually originally from from Indonesia:

  1. Stealing isn't "against the rules" in art.

  2. Coloring fabric through resist painting is not unique to Indonesia.

  1. if it is found, and I don't know the in's and outs of this case, that someones copyright has been breached, then yes it is stealing. Don't get cute and try and suggest I was talking about 'inspiration', or some other baloney, also don't quote shit to me I didn't say you fucking turd.

  2. Batik cloth is indeed the inspiration behind such African cloth, and imported Batik cloth still forms a significant part of West African traditional cloth sales. Batik cloth initially made its way to West African markets on the ships of European traders. Pretending that that form of cultural appropriation is ok, but others are not, is an example of why is it is such a barren concept created by people who know nothing about culture.

he's giving her exposure 😩👌🏿

My gal giving herself plenty exposion ya feel me

  1. Read the article/look at the pictures. There seems to be strong evidence of copyright infringement.

Stealing isn't "against the rules" in art.

Not if you're a SovCit.

Try to steal part of someone's musical score, sample too much of their song into yours, or copy their visual art. Then try to explain in court that it's not against the rules.


SZA can get it

I wish people could just share and benefit from everyone's culture while sharing their own so we all learn and grow together without all the drama!

user reports: 1: Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion

Say something mean and smug or receive a ban!


Ugh that's even worse than a /s you're supposed to be better than this

you're supposed to be better than this

I'm worse than this. But even I will never, ever use the /s.

Say something mean and smug or receive a ban!

even I know the Cavs suck and I don’t watch baseball

The Cavs are NOT a baseball team!

yeah, but they aren't really a basketball team either

It hurts me to see snally get owned by a leaf on a sports joke, but we'll done

That's commie talk, not in my murica!

Oh my sides

Oh, this is fun. May it continue.

it's like the Idaho Potatoes that go on and on about "their Irish ancestry" and get all weepy on 17 March listening to Danny Kaye sing out of key Irish hymns.

The article does not mention cultural appropriation at all.

This is about copyright.

The title of this thread is bs.

Does it make you want to cry?

Are these song lyrics?

"African background design needed? I got this"

*African Americans accused of appropriating British African culture.