What loser regrets dry humping his sister?

14  2018-05-30 by Scarytownterminator


How the fuck did you even manage to find this craziness?

Yeah, I was like 'what the fuck is this subreddit?'

It has two posts and that's one of them, where the fuck did all the people come from.

Don’t act like you don’t have a “sister dry humping” reddit search bookmark.

Not a Lena Dunham fan personally.

Ayyy lmaooo

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/u/comedicsans ban this piece of shit

/u/comedicsans ban this piece of shit

/u/comedicsans ban this piece of shit

I was 13 and she was 4

This is the precise moment that I stopped reading and closed the tab

Lmao I didn't see what was so fucked up about it until I saw exactly that line tbh.

I was 13 and she was 4

that's hot

Guy fucked up. Should of became a fat celebrity and wrote about this in the memoir like Lena Dunham. That or Hustler

Eww! You don't dry hump a girl until she's had her first period.