Retarded druggie in r/NotHowDrugsWork gets upset when it is explained to him how ambien works; accusations of basement-dwelling and posting on the_donald commence, complete with a meal of reheated pasta.

0  2018-05-30 by CanadianCartman


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Well I got in my first reddit fight. Do they give awards for that?

Virgin no more, now you gotta post bussy

Imagine white knighting for Roseanne ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Normally I would be the first to relentlessly mock and bully a woman online, but pissing off liberals takes priority.

but pissing off liberals takes priority.

It just makes you look more retarded when you defend the "Ambien oops I didn't mean to" excuse.

I'm just trying to explain to people how ambien works and why it could cause someone to say racist things. I'm not Roseanne Barr, so I obviously don't know if that's why she said what she said for sure or not.

But the "ambien doesn't make you racist" shit people (including the company that makes ambien, in an obvious PR ploy) are peddling pisses me off, because it's a blatant misunderstanding of the entire situation, as well as a misunderstanding of how drugs work. When it comes to pharmacology, I'm autistic.

Because heโ€™s a โ€œdrug expertโ€. He knows these things, trust him on this. He smokes weed, you know. Heโ€™s pretty qualified

There you go again.

Can you quote the post where I said I was a drug expert?


Oh, shit. Guess you're wrong, then.

You boast your โ€œsuperior drug knowledgeโ€ like every other comment. Donโ€™t walk back

Superior to yours, yes. That doesn't mean I'm a "drug expert."

Lol dude Iโ€™m not going to have a โ€œdrug knowledgeโ€ pissing contest with you.

You already did, and you lost, hence why we're here now.

Lost what? You think ambien makes people racist lol get real brother

The fact that at this point, you still don't understand that that isn't what I'm saying is very worrying. Have you ever had a brain scan? I think you ought to get one, just to be sure.

Oh right my bad โ€ambien makes people do weird shit such as temporarily become a racist conspiracy theorist on Twitterโ€ lol how does that sound any better??? ๐Ÿ˜‚

How about "ambien seriously impairs and disinhibits people and might cause them to act retarded?"

Specifically racist? I mean she was literally spouting the same garbage that sheโ€™s been spouting for twenty years. Sheโ€™s just more in the spotlight now and used a huge social platform to repeat it. It was her own dumb racist ass, not ambien.

She's been calling black people monkeys for 20 years?

She has made moronic, unfunny, conspiracy-fueled statements for over 20 years.

[citation needed]

your argument

Lol you roasted yourself

Nice meme.

Still not my argument, though. My argument is that ambien makes people do weird shit.

Weird shit like sleepwalk, not make racist unfunny jokes and spout conspiracy theories on twitter. Come on man, use your brain

Ambien literally causes hallucinations - it isn't a stretch to say it could cause someone to make an unfunny racist joke on twitter.

You know how I know you've never taken Ambien before?

This is the dumbest hill to die on

You don't have to take a drug to know what it does.

You're the poster child for that sub



๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ no u

Aren't you a sad little leaf

I think it requires a certain level of coherent thinking to frame a very unfunny, racist joke on Twitter. I think it especially details the โ€œblame the ambienโ€ excuse when this isnโ€™t the first time sheโ€™s made unfunny, racist jokes. You canโ€™t blame ambien for this, itโ€™s ridiculous. I think you even know this, youโ€™re just too programmed by your doctrine to admit when youโ€™re defending idiocy.

Normally I would be the first to relentlessly mock and bully a woman online, but pissing off liberals takes priority.

I'm just trying to explain to people how ambien works and why it could cause someone to say racist things. I'm not Roseanne Barr, so I obviously don't know if that's why she said what she said for sure or not.

Have some conviction and stop acting like a little bitch. You're either totes tryna trole those libs or you're upset at what's a joke about Ambien and want to correct the record.

Why can't it be both?

Because your first agenda puts you in a complete bubble and makes it impossible to take you seriously.

I stopped trying to be taken seriously the moment you demonstrated that you cannot possibly be taken seriously either. Fairly early in the conversation actually, when you tried, as many people like you do, to somehow use "you post on t_d" as some kind of argument.

It gives me context for why youโ€™d want to white knight for Roseanne.

Literally never watched Roseanne, don't care about her. I was trying to explain why being under the influence of ambien could explain her actions. Then you started screaming "drumpf! drumpf! drumpf!" and I realized I wasn't having a conversation with a person, but a liberal.

No. Nobody screams this. Literally no one utters the word 'drumpf' the last two years other than subhuman, oxycontin-filled inbred troglodytes who think that by spazing out, they own the libs.

He didn't literally yell it, but I tend to look at "ah, I see you post on t_d, therefore you are wrong and i'm done arguing" as pretty much the same thing.

And thatโ€™s why you live in a bubble. Apples to oranges

No, it really isn't.

It is literally two different scenarios. I feel like I shouldnโ€™t have to explain this to someone who is โ€œintellectually superiorโ€.

They both add the same value to an argument.

I found it really mind boggling that you would defend the โ€œblame the ambienโ€ argument. I figured the only reason you would even attempt to defend it was because you were a Trump fan. All I did was confirm this.

Is there anything so stupid that even a trump supporter won't say it?

I'm not gonna stop you from making yourself look retarded

I mean itโ€™s not even a political thing. Itโ€™s being trash vs. knowing how to be a decent human being.

Nice sperg, retard

Idk what made him think he could come here and spew this spergarrhea. MDEfugees are getting bolder and bolder later. This is what weak border control looks like.

We have people here who feel them welcome. THEY NEED TO BE DEPORTED TOO!!

I've been writing of the infestation and how we can fight back

If you use metaphors they can't see the post. Use this to our advantage


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