Nikolas Cruz vlogged on the day of the Parkland shooting

41  2018-05-30 by aiyooooo


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pew pew noises have never ever been more foreboding.

you're all going to diiiiiiiii

Yet most people didn't die.

I mean he wasn't far off from his goal of 20. The point is that it was a pathetic pre-shooting vid, like at that point don't even do it. Compare to the transcripts of the lost Columbine footage. They claimed to hate both minorities and "whites", before that was a cool thing. Not that it matters, because all school shooters are scumbags who should have just killed themselves, but just saying.

The point is that it's a terrible pre-shooting vid, like at that point don't even do it.

It's like watch a peter molyneux interview.

Nikolas "DINDU NUFFIN" Cruz? Lmao

I wish you went to school with him. What a missed opportunity.

Why are mayos so fragile that even a little amount of banter towards them becomes a cause for shooting up a school? Why are they such betafags?

Must be because 'banter' is now smug catty bitching instead of calling niggers monkeys or women sluts.

Ok but don't shoot up a school tho 💥🔫-(°□°-)

Ed I don't even know what school you go to.

This dude's voice is pretty damn fitting. You can't trust anyone with those kind of eyebrows too. Too many warning signs were ignored.

Was he trying to be ironic?

Why does he look like Pepper from American Horror Story.

Found my new Le 56% Face reference.

he's a literal 56% el ogro de los americanos

Keep telling yourself about how he's not mayo. 😂😂😂😂

Are we doing one drop rule? I thought that was a black thing.









My goal is at least 20 people

Even failed at that, what a loser.

It seems like its way harder than these clowns think.

why does he sound like ReportOfTheWeek

Hello everyone, my mag's running on empty, i'm ooonnn the news

He was 3 kills short of his goal hahahaha

So he states flat out he wants to be on the news. He got his attention he was seeking. All of us and the media gave it to him. These assholes need to stop being given the attention they want by having their name all over media, and given appropriate nicknames instead. "Parkland Tard Who Was Dick Fed As A Baby".

It works out for (((them))) as they get more ratings by plastering the shooter's name all over the news channels (((they))) own, use the shootings to push gun control, and repeat the cycle when some attention-seeking retard sees the pattern and shoots up a public place to get famous.

the attention whoring will continue until the US stips being a pussy and gives them public executions

That would be giving him attention. Doesn't this country have any old abandoned wells left?

Replace their names with the GFYCAT URL generator and waterboard them for 200 years straight.

Can't really publicly execute people who either kill themselves or are killed by cops.

It doesn't make sense to stop reporting on school shootings and giving them attention just because the perpetrators want attention. Simply not giving them attention isn't going to demotivate them from wanting to shoot up a school. If someone is planning on shooting up a school, there's a lot more at work than just attention-whoring.

"Someone shot up a school? Just ignore it and pretend nothing happened!"

That isn't what I meant apply. Report it, just don't make the labia eared cuck have his name plastered all over the place. The media already does this with rape victims and minors not accused of a capitol offence.

They do that because they're legally required to, they'd tell you about every 14 year old committing a misdemeanor if they could get away with hit.

You're never going to get the media to tone down the salaciousness of their coverage independent of government regulation, and the media would publicly crucify any politician who floated the idea. Sadly, enough people still consider the press anything more than professional gossips that this is a sufficient deterrent to prevent reform.

Cubans are honorary mayos on this day


Literally every sentence had some kind of grammatical mistake wtf

What a loser

Beta incarnate

dios mio... la criatura oscura