Insecure Canadian pedophile and chronic sex offender is unable to keep his cheetoh-crusted, Mountain Dew soaked hands to himself so he doesn't hire any women (or feeeeemales as this lonely loser calls them) much less invite them to parties lest they rightfully call him out for being a pervert.

4  2018-05-31 by ReichSmasher2018


Why are some people so insistent that men put themselves in situations where they can be falsely accused of rape? They're fervent about it. Really makes you think...

What do you expect from losers, anyways?

I am no Achilles myself but I ain't so paranoid that every girl I meet could potentially accuse me of rape.

You know why? Cause I treat women with respect instead of acting as if they are walking nuclear bombs or something.

Oh sweet summer child...

lol did he completely misread your post or is that just me?

What is respect

was this ironic?

Hey man, you may not like it that I have to frame innocent men for rape, but we all have a job to do.

It's like welfare to work, but tailored to a woman's skillset

Men can frame too.

I mean, who cares if /u/robert_d likes his times at the waterhole to be sausage fests? Women at his job are probably happy they don't have the losers at work bugging them to go get drinks. It's fair game to call him a moron, though.

Morons who won't end up in jail or chased out of work because they turned down Theresa or smiled at Rebecca (thus lowering her social value)

Are you trolling or is this what it really looks like when a man thinks he is making sense?

Are you asking me if men who don't watch their ass in the #metoo age are smarter than dipshits who think women are sweet, innocent little creatures incapable of levying false accusations for personal gain?

Thinking women are all innocent angels or thinking Mike "Cotton Mather" Pence is making sense aren't the only two options. Though this is /r/drama so I guess I should contribute to blowing everything out of proportion instead of questioning it.

Though this is /r/drama so I guess I should contribute to blowing everything out of proportion instead of questioning it.

That's the spirit!

Yep, just as I thought. This guy clearly has no girls to talk to in real life for very obvious reasons otherwise he wouldn't be calling them females.

So the guys can only be free and get loose when it’s just other men around them, eh? Makes sense… After all that’s when the hot touching and groping happens, and you wouldn’t want any dames there to toss water on that blossoming fire.

Jesus man, if you MUST agendapost, at least have a decent title.

i mean, women have to fear men more than we have to fear them. women should have logically decided to avoid men 100% long ago, since throughout history, we raped and murdered them quite a bit.

but men are now terrified to even talk to a REEEEmale because some psycho women accuse people of false rape lol.