Brb flying to Venezuela to live out my Fallout fantasies

44  2018-05-31 by myshl0ng


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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With American dollars you can probably live like a king.

I'm sure some gang would gut you for an expired starbucks coupon and half a nutty buddy.

But for a couple of dollars you can hire your own bigger gang.

I send my family $200 a month, it keeps them ahead of hyperinflation, at least.

My garbage brings all the kids to the yard,

And they're like

"We'll machete you for that."

Damn right. "We'll machete you for that."

I can teach you,

But you're too poor to charge. ):

Just posted it to /r/socialism.

It failed so it isn't real socialism

Meanwhile every CTH and LSC user is coming out of the woodwork to defender Venezuela with conspiracy theories.

fighting over trash with machetes

No, no, this is fine, I doubt that hose news sources are correct

poor people shoplift

Capitalism is the greatest evil the world has ever known


I can't get into the fallout games, there's not enough male rape and it kills the fantasy for me

Easily fixed with mods. FNV has the Sexout framework, and FO4 has the Four-Play framework. As to FO3... well, install TTW, then Sexout. There are a few specific TTW modules.

Thanks bro

you're creepy.

no u.

I didn't MAKE any of those mods, broski. I'm just informing you that they exist.

Brb flying to Venezuela to live out my Fallout fantasies

Brb flying to Venezuela to live out socialist utopia

You can't kill kids in fallout tho

You could in the original two, but it gave you the "child-killer" perk, which meant "shoot on sight" to everyone else.

Fallout 3 wasn't fallout, it was oblivion with guns. Much salt.

How many caps does a medkit cost?