#academicableism strikes terror into the heart of UCLA.

111  2018-05-31 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Some woman don't have periods, you ableist piece of shit.

That's transphobia, not ableism you transphobic piece of shit.

I see she has the right hair colour

Un natural hair colour is the "check engine" light for humanity



"See, all these kids in weird clothing and hair are just hurt. Someone hurt them real bad, and now they don't want anyone else around. But the only thing worse then being hurt is being ignored, so they go with a style that says 'Look at me, just don't get to close'." - Wolverine

fuck, the truth of this

No she has the far-left hair colour.


She's being her.

The only idiot is the guy who engaged her in a "debate".

One of those is me :(

The Healthy Campus Network and Live Well / Stair Well signs at the bottom point to trying to get people to be more active for health reasons. http://livewell.healthy.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2017/09/StairWell.pdf

Also, it could be to discourage able-bodied people from using the elevator, decreasing wait times.

Hey -- I know that because I go to this school.

Still doesn't change the ableist elevator design. We deserve access to mobility without being painfully reminded of our conditions.

Modern elevators do not have long wait times... https://twitter.com/shapkaa/status/1001544611901288450

Why did you think she's worth engaging? That person clearly is judt stroking their victim complex and should be ignored like a child throwing a temper tantrum

Because throwing gas on the fire of sjw insanity is bad for Western civilization, but exceptionally good for drama.

I have a severe seriousposting problem. I have only recently gone from being a completely unironic GamerGater that posted nearly daily at KiA to a completely unironic GamerGater that now spends his time in the circlejerk "lol, it's ironic" subs like /r/Drama.

Just look at my top comments and posts. Hell, even just look at my most controversial ones. I literally can't help myself.

Mate just start getting more busy in real life

It also helps to start checking serious academic papers about some of this polemic issues. When you do it you realize no one supports the most insane shit, and the ones who do it are on the minority

But yeah in my opinion angry serious posting is just a symptom of life problems

I typically entertain myself with shitposting, but occasionally do get into serious academic papers.

https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4089 and the AAUW publication from yesterday's thread are the last couple things I read.

After reading the nature article, I pulled up the GAD07 and PHQ09 and raged for a good couple hours about how ridiculous these tests are.

I don't think you're wrong to seriouspost. There's a whole class of administrators, facilitators and coordinators that have come into being at American colleges and universities devoted to placating these people (which is not unrelated to the steep rise in tuition and fee costs nationwide even as pay for actual instructors is stagnating). They may be a minority, but they're a loud and influential one and normies are caping for them, on and off-campus, because they think it's the "woke" thing to do. This shit is going to eat the left from the inside out if nobody draws a line somewhere, so if you need to point your autism somewhere this seems like a decent use of your time. Go forth and sealion.

Agree with this one hundred percent. The left needs to relegate these nutters to the fringe properly.

I don't think you're wrong to seriouspost. there's a whole class of administrators, facilitators and coordinators that have developed at American colleges and universities devoted to placating these people (which is not unrelated to the steep rise in tuition and fee costs nationwide even as pay for actual instructors is stagnating). They may be a minority, but they're a loud and influential one and normies are caping for them, on and off-campus, because they think it's the "woke" thing to do. This shit is going to eat the left from the inside out if nobody draws a line somewhere, so I don't mind is u/itsnotmyfault

Imagine being a gamergator on CY+3. At least find something more worthwhile to be passionate about.

I was doing it before MediaMasterMusk made it cool

Just spend more time with your hobbies and spend some of your down time anonymously calling people imbeciles so you can have an outlet.

How is shitposting not an acceptable hobby?

Have you considered traveling out of the country for a while?

You know, this whole wild rancid culture war is mostly a western thing.

You could try out any of a number of other countries where none of this shit matters. Could be good for you

Thank you for your service. o7

And "her" happens to be a fucking idiot.

why fault a thing for its nature? do we criticize a cat chasing a mouse? or take offense at a dog for barking? so be angry when this basic white bitch gets uppity over literally nothing?

Wow, a fat white feminist retard getting upset about something. It must be a day ending in 'y'.

Lo and behold, she's a commie too

The left cant meme

She didn't even use any cartoons of frogs or underaged asian girls!

Nobody non-centrsit can.

Trump was memed into the White House. You are objectively wrong.

Have you seen T_D?

Have you seen the democratic candidate dedicate an entire page of her campaign site to a cartoon frog?

Nobody non-centrist can.

Not exactly disproving what i said.


No he wasn't. It was the white working class and the decline of the Rust Belt yadda yadda yadda. Reddit's never convinced anyone of anything they didn't already agree with

Reddit convinced me that everyone under the age of 30 should be gassed and that we should start over.

Reddit convinced me to sodomize your mom.

The left is a meme.

got em

Wew, these levels of redundant retardation astound me.

Of course she is.

no red rose emoji next to her username

I'm impressed

She's probably just a liberal pretending to be a commie. It's in style these days.

Easy to provide for all humans when all humans are dead. ::taps forehead::

I bet she's the kind of commie who calls actually talking about economics a racist, sexist, and homophobic thing and calls a lot of people "brocialists," though.

Something that involves exercise

She is retarded. "Use the stairs to make room for disable people who need the elevator."

"You hate disabled people!"


Getting mad at an elevator. Reminds me a simpler time.

If able bodied people take the stairs more disabled people have to wait less time for the elevator.

Yes, but they're reminded they're defective as only fat fucks ride with them, so it's lose/lose.

Doesn't that make it win/lose?

This, but ironically -woman in question

Disabled people don't have to wait at all becauee people let them go first.

Yeah, I think it's vile that employees of universities get practically no assistance. Especially large universities like UCLA. It's why as soon as I finish PhD I am not returning to academia, despite the fact I'm pursuing niche research that I'm sure many depts would love to have

Oh yes....I'm sure UCLA is DYING to keep you around and pay YOU to further victimize yourself.

Holy shit thats narcissistic

employees of universities get practically no assistance

i mean, that's true, other than the free tuition for dependents and themselves, the health benefits, the often-cushy working conditions, and let's not forget the hot little pieces of ass (ALL genders plz no sexistransphobia) wandering around all day

“Niche research”

Sociology degree in bound.

By her profile text I'm guessing voice synthesis, which, tbh, is pretty interesting.


That is modern academia. Especially arts and science and soon stem.

The real crime is that it's possible for people like this to get a PhD. That's supposed to be a mark of quality!

That's supposed to be a mark of quality!


Academia is made only of idiot savants.

What does she study?

Take the stairs when possible.

when possible.

What part of this is 'ableism' or discourages people with disabilities taking the elevator? If anything, it gives them a better chance to use it when able-bodied people might be taking the stairs more.

Stairs are the mortal enemy of fat bitches with self-inflicted IBS. Mentioning stairs is choosing a side, and they chose the dark forces of ableism.

I have 0 patience for this so I'm going to be blocking anyone who harasses me. I have a poster to finish before NAACL. I have to practice it tomorrow. My illness is flaring but time doesn't care, and agitators certainly don't make it easier

Ah yes the most noble and difficult to accomplish task in undergrad: poster making.

NAACL? More like NaCl amirite

Serious posting here, but making a poster to present at a conference can be a pretty big deal.

Mentally disabled doesn't count


White woman screeching for attention. Very surprising

Get the flying fuck over yourself.

Fuck me, this stuff is great. It honestly puts a smile on my face when I see this shit. Who has the time for this nonsense? When I went to uni everybody was just doing a mixture of barely working and taking drugs all the time.

I wonder what percentage of legally blind people understand "motion blur" and "image shaking for effect".

Well yeah, images without text descriptions are ableism

Like today, I was gonna head over to my class after picking something up from CAE but this disgusted me so much that I'm just heading home. I hate being on this campus that hates people like me so much.

Imagine being this fragile

When the same people start talking about white fragility and male fragility I wonder how their heads dont explode out of sheer hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance

They can get triggered by anything except themselves.

When will Trump finally put the "yuge" in "eugenics?"

I can barely stand going to class


I've worked with disability people before. It's ridiculously frustrating when you're in a wheelchair and you can't access several classrooms because they didn't think to add an elevator.

This is not ableism and just makes disability activists look like a bunch of retards.

Agreed. I'm relived that twatter is disagreeing hard with her nonsense.

She has fibromyalgia

Do you know for sure? That was my guess because he/she kept referring to a "chronic illness" that flares up.

Figures they'd have an illness that can only be diagnosed by taking a person at face value when they say they're tired and in pain.

Of course.


I just looked it up. What exactly is it? It kinda sounds like a catch-all for "I feel shitty"

It's probably the physical manifestation of depression in the nervous system, related to lack of exercise. Hard to tell people that though.

People like this are fun because it shows you just how little you have to try to be just a little better than some or the idiots in society

(no it isn't) (I'm disabled) (please stop invalidating my concerns with speculation)

( imagine ) ( being this retarded )

I'm sad there was not a single tweet saying something to the effect of "You are a worthless faggot" as I believe this would be the best diagnosis for her conflict. 😔

Should have known it was fibromyalgia. It always is.

Yeah, how convenient to have an illness that can only be diagnosed by believing a person who says they are tired and have pain in no particular place.

Mayo #1

Replying to @shapkaa and @UCLA "I can barely stand." As a person in a wheelchair, I am incredibly triggered by this statement. Some of us cannot stand at all, so educate yourself before using such ableist terminology.

Mayo #2 (OP)

Jeff, I am disabled too and use mobility aids when I am in flare. I am sorry I used language that hurt you. My disability is 99% of the reason I can't make it to class most days.

Imagine eating this much b8

They better hurry and take out the stairs.


You always see them say shit like

"This silly constantly triggered sjw with a weird hair colour that the alt-right has created is nothing but a strawman to attack us. We're nothing like that"

Ummmm are you sure?