“QAnon is not a LARP!” says qultist after the prophet gets bored and fucks off.

38  2018-05-31 by FolkLoki


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Welcome aboard.

We’re glad to have you on the same page. We’re glad you’ve finally budged from: “This is just all in your heads,” to recognizing the significance of Our movement.

If this isn’t a desperate cry for help, I don’t know what is.

The capitalization of 'Our' makes me want to kill myself

What kind of retarded acronym is WWG1WGA?

“Where we go one, we go all.”

WiggyWigga doesn't take much time to say, m8.

sounds like communism to me

This reminds me so much of skriddies and leechers it hurts.

They're like an even worse version of a fanbase, they're a fanbase that think their shit matters.

Any bets on when Qanon steps on the wrong foot, pisses off their fans, and the fans reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee collectively which amounts to nothing?

I caught the schizophrenia from reading that ☹️

I wish we could fast forward to the part where they drink Flavor Aid

Eh, this is less a “ritual suicide” cult and more a “siege at the compound” cult.

In that case lets fast forward to the car chase.

I like the part where they pretend to know literally any fucking thing about the ic or psyop at all. They found that shit as the first result on goarmy.com i fucking guarantee it

A handful of them are saying Weinstein’s arrest was the thing but I don’t think the majority bought it.

But before then it was “April is Arrests month,” “March Madness,” etc.

Wasnt Friday supposed to be their big day or something?

A handful of them are saying Weinstein’s arrest was the thing but I don’t think the majority bought it. But before then it was “April is Arrests month,” “March Madness,” etc.

Time to bump the date back again I guess.

I'm sure they'll imprison Obama by July.

I'll make a prediction, that is 100% accurate:

  • Something is going to happen

I have my doubts.

you just fulfilled it. your response was what was going to happen.

thanks for proving me right.

Last Friday, this Friday, or every damn Friday?

Gotta get down on Friday.

Remember when there was supposed to be a a terrorist attack at the Superbowl? They're just like same rapture cult pushing back doomsday every time a prediction fails.

Larp or no. Q has opened millions of eyes and minds. This is what I think is most important. What Q did was genius. By asking questions, they forced us to do research. We had to actually research things we DID NOT WANT to know about. I will repeat this... WE DID NOT WANT TO KNOW THIS SHIT! But, I haven't only researched on the internet, I've been to the library, talked to my dad about history... etc... I would much rather be stupid about this. But... it's necessary. ::sigh::

Ah yes /u/taratulip nothing like pushing a false narrative, lying and trying to convince everyone else of these LARP lies, spreading false information, and let us not forget, being dupped and conned to open people's eyes an let them see the truth.

You guys are batty.

millions of eyes and minds

Trailer park families are much closer knit than suburban families. Both platonically and sexually.

But mostly sexually

As an example of the type of connections we are inclined to make, if you search for “F3 Nuclear,” you might find something to the effect of “Nuclear Effects in the F3 Structure Function For Finite and Asymptotic Q2.”

Now, granted, this could be unrelated or it could be related

For some reason this made me burst out laughing. Technically correct (the best kind of correct!), almost self-aware, and yet still so stupid.

I still can't find one thing this Q person has said that's credible.

When talk

disjointed all

time surely

right will be


IDK, they organize to annoy Shia pretty damn well.

The first clue that should show peoplle this guy sin't legit is that he uses 4chan to disseminate information.

Yes part of the plan to take down the world order is to leak stuff to regular people who aren't capable of doing anything to keep them assured all is well.

IDK, they can organize to annoy Shia pretty damn well.

Everything in 4chan is always a string of coincidence tbh.

The Chanology thing only worked because a guy who was an expert on happyology helped because some retard posted one of the things in youtube, I think it was the london one.

The anon mask thing was a thing because said london one had free masks from.. I think a theatre?

Someone had an open sourced diagnostic tool from a defunct company, so they retooled it for DDoS purposes.

The CTF Shia thing only fully worked because an autist was also a pilot autist, or a flight autist. I forget, either way, those flight plans helped a lot.

The bikelock thing only worked because one of the footage explicitly showed that one dude's face.

/u/anon458745, Q is a LARP. He has always been a LARP. and every single one of his predictions is 100% bullshit

Is that sub full of boomers or what? The dialect is very...different. It's like Trump posting but with less self-awareness.