The Mayocide is starting! Sadly TERFs will be the first to go.

48  2018-05-31 by IAintThatGuy


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Are PAWG TERFs going to be spared from the mayocide? 🤔

As a utilitarian I've concluded that society would achieve a net-utility profit if we reintroduced gladiator fights and let TERFs and trans people face off against each other.

So an innocent woman gets beat up and you think this is "terfs" fault?

Classic normie_girl comment with " I'm not a TERF but....." Lmao.

where did i say that, ed, betrayer of circles, friend of no-one, especially not women?

Isn't she an open TERF tho?

Can you two just get a room?

Why, so we can discuss why he decided to betray my circle??

What circle?

The sacred circle of trust

I am intrigued.

I'm not a brozer but...

Of course not, he's saying you should have a chance for revenge.

If you go light on RF part, TERFs should easily outnumber transpeople, so they can just gang up on them.

Trans have that masculine strength though.

No amount of swoleness will prepare you for being zerg rushed by people with the bodyweight toddlers.

innocent woman

No such thing, ever.

Can't bash 'em all

Won't stop me from trying.

bike locks of peace

With a side of Dodge Challenger™ of course 🚗💨💨💨

Literally the first chapter of the bible, people never learn.

being transphobic in 2018

If you dont support vigilante violence on ideological grounds you're a fascist

Oh lawdt

Terfs are not innocent, they said mean things.

Terfs are by nature guilty

Dogfucking white women are at fault for merely existing. Don't run to their defense.

As someone who likes drama, violence, and entertainment, I agree.

Please yes.


As per usual, terfs quote their trash god, Andrea "ate all the cake" Dworkin

Andrea 'climbing stairs is workin' ' Dworkin?

Andrea “needs a good porkin’” Dworkin

Andrea "All PIV sex is rape" Dworkin?

Definitely Andrea "misandrist hamplanet" Dworkin


Andrea Dworkin was a nut but she wasn't even a terf.

Throwback to when Dworkins tried to argue the Patriarchy is why there's an incest taboo. I think she forgot most people are actually in favor of that.


اِ نْ شَآ ءَ اللّهُ

. . .

You can't just throw random Arabic around smh. /u/shallowm would be disappointed

It's like fight club but somehow even stupider and more ideological.

Such great and stable group of peoples.

Wasnt this mostly woman on woman violence?


If that was the TERFs would win about half the time. It's easier to predict the outcome when a man in a dress punches a woman.

From their viewpoint that statement is right. All the people involved (including trans men) in this were assigned female at birth, which makes them women by default according to ‚gender critical‘. If a trans women would have been involved it would’ve been ‚male violence‘.

assigned female at birth


F-fine. I’ll show myself the door!

Did leftwingers move on from bash the fash to bash the gash?

Really makes you wonder about horseshoe theory🤔🤔🤔🤔

They just declared that TERF = fash. So I don't know how that counts in their mind.


Bash anyone that isn't a fucked up weirdo, basically.

For many, the "bash" part is far more important than who the bashees are.

The bashees are 'women' with vaginas. We all know that all real women have a penis. Someone is pinging every news outlet they can find. Why didn't they just write an email?

Because they want to make it public.

I know Natalie in real life actually through a friend. She is an absolute crazy, violent bitch who karma FINALLY caught up to.

All of her workplaces, current and former, are being blown up with phone calls. She has deleted her twitter and FB and is trying to play the photoshop angle according to our mutual friend.

Is Natalie the transwoman?

She is the main one featured in the tweets talking about assaulting the woman. Katy and Natalie are both women, I'm unsure of the MtF persons identity as I actively avoid those 2 women. They are two faced backstabbing bitches who will fuck anyone over to get to the top.

You mean the one who called out every news twitter account?

Ah shit, sorry should have been clear. Ari is pretty big on youtube and twitter and found out about this. She has been using her clout by sharing it all day to get proper attention to it.

So was Natalie the assaulted or the one who did the assaulting?

I would love you if you posted an update on the drama later. I'm engaged

Sadly is not how you spell Fortunately

TERFs provide lots of online entertainment.

terfs are (sometimes) good posters


Dude mayocide lmao

this but unironically

Unnecessary violence is bad, even if committed by trans people.

look at this genius

Isn't a "drag king" a cis woman who dresses as a man to perform in drag shows? I can't keep up with all the various ways people get outraged these days.

a drag king is someone who can accelerate really fast

vroom vroom brother

why are they spelling TERF as t*rf