Trump triggers economic suicide vest

50  2018-05-31 by Wegwerf540


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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After he met with Kim K and discussed prison reform (fucking lol), I’m praying daddy just gets it over with and nukes the place.

I mean, the guy is completely retarded. But him doing stuff like this is good.

Literally the only way many rural Americans will learn a lesson is if they suffer some type of economic consequences for this.

With any luck some of the massive car factories here will be closed and they'll outright blame Trump for it.

The only way we'll ever see the Trump base crack is if they snap out of this delusion, and the only way they will is if they lose their jobs.

outright blame Trump

Deep State!!!

The problem is that by the time the real effects of this are felt, he’ll be long gone and the rural retards will just blame “Muh swamp”

Yeah, I guess that's kind of how Republicans operate.

They come in, do a bunch of disastrous shit, and by the time the Democrats are in office and have to correct the ship they get blamed for all of the bad stuff, like tax increases.

Democrats could do themselves a favor if they dropped the gun control and idpol fixations. They'll still get blamed for shit but at least there won't be free spaces on the Republicans' bingo board of blame.

idpol fixations

nobody talks about their identity more consistently than white christian rural fucktards

"American" is the literal identity that American leaders are supposed to work for.

Yeah, but "American" to them is super tied up in race. Remember when a black guy was president and they all said he was from Kenya?

Black people have been in America for 400 years. Muslim traitors like Obama don't get to pretend to be Americans, black or otherwise.

lol, no joke you sound almost exactly like my grandma after she had her 3rd stroke.

no joke

Yes, you have always been boring and unfunny

Pretty weak tbh. Do another cuck insult.

The cuck insult has already advanced to age, and is posting bad posts on the internet.

That's a little better. Lot of moving parts for not much payoff though. The important thing is that you are trying.

MAGA, friend.

He's not a Muslim and wtf do you think makes him a traitor?

Uh oh, outrage coming at ya straight from 2008!


Pepperidge Farm remembers!

The GOP runs on pure identity politics. Why is it ok for them?


Because "American" is an acceptable identity for Americans and their leaders. You idiot.

Yeah, they play white identity politics, retard.

American, you idiot.

White American, moron.

There is no need for your racism, pizzashill.

Oh yes, because pointing out the GOP plays white identity politics is racist.

No, you are racist.


You think that black people can't be Americans. You are a fucking racist, racist.

Oh ok, so you're just retarded.

I believe in black Americans.

This comment should have been interrupted by commercials for commemorative coins and a website for buying gold

Your stepdad's bull should have been interrupted when he was discharging into your mom's fetid mayo-hole.

Whether it's cramming cliche insults into comments or cocks into your bootyhole you really do seem to prefer quantity over quality




Yep, it's a really fucking low bar you are failing to clear

Your faith in me is touching. However, I will need better material than you in order to make real art.

It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools

Very good.

"American" is an identity which encompasses all citizens.

"American" is an identity which encompasses all citizens.

Correct! And American identity requires privacy rights, weapons ownership, free speech and, as you mention, focus on the prosperity of citizens.

The GOP runs on pure identity politics. Why is it ok for them?

It's OK for them because whites are still the majority and the Democrats enthusiastically do their part alienating them, so the GOP wins.

Or are you asking this in the elementary schooler kind of sense?

I see - so the DNC needs to cut identity politics out, but for the GOP white identity, politics is fine.

Glad we could clear that up.

The white people screeching about identity politics have no legs to stand on, because they themselves love white identity politics.

Glad we agree.

So, the "but moooom he started first" kind of sense it is.

When you read my answer did your eyes just glazed over as if I were an alien talking in alien concepts?

No, I'm glad we agree, anytime you see a conservative talk about identity politics they have no legs to stand on.

We've established this.

First of all, I want a confirmation that you understand that this discussion happens in two parallel planes.

some dude: Democrats could do themselves a favor by dropping the gun control and idpol fixations.


me: yeah, sure, but that will means Trump or worse wins 2020.


I don't see a point in claiming that morally someone has no legs to stand on unless that can actually have any real world consequences, like you manage to convince ms. Garrison that the other guy was in the wrong or something.

Second, I can't help noticing that white idpol is experiencing explosive growth recently, and wonder why it is in response to (no, really I don't) (and it's still nowhere anywhere near the dems' idpol).

Which also means that you're doing this hilarious move: group A does thing X; group B complains about group A doing thing X, to no avail; group B starts doing thing X; you claim that they are hypocrites that betrayed their principles.

Finally, you unfairly treat all conservatives as a monolith. What should a conservative do to deserve the right to complain about idpol?

Let me explain this. I don't condone identity politics. I don't care about it, and I think the DNC should probably stop.

But I am beyond fucking sick of seeing retarded snowflake conservatives screech about it when they themselves eat identity politics up.

It's annoying.

Finally, you unfairly treat all conservatives as a monolith. What should a conservative do to deserve the right to complain about idpol?

I treat them as a monolith because most of them go along with whatever the fuck their god says. They have no spine, period. They'll sell their fucking souls if it means they can cut taxes on the wealthy.

That's evident by their endorsement of the tangerine tyrant. It's evident by the fact evangelicals back Donald Trump, after they spent years screeching about "family values."

They're hallowed pieces of shit that care about nothing other than driving the country off a cliff in pursuit of conservative delusions.

The entire party is built on white identity politics at this point and they're all guilty.

But I am beyond fucking sick of seeing retarded snowflake conservatives screech about it when they themselves eat identity politics up.

Again, group A does thing X; group B complains about group A doing thing X, to no avail; group B starts doing thing X; you claim that they are hypocrites that betrayed their principles.

The entire party is built on white identity politics at this point and they're all guilty.

So you have not answered the question. Is the only way for an individual conservative to earn the right to have an opinion about identity politics to vote democrat or what?

Again, group A does thing X; group B complains about group A doing thing X, to no avail; group B starts doing thing X; you claim that they are hypocrites that betrayed their principles.

Fucking conservatives started it. They are the origin of identity politics in this country.

You might know it as "the southern strategy."

So you have not answered the question. Is the only way for an individual conservative to earn the right to have an opinion about identity politics to vote democrat or what?

No, it's for them to stop voting for a party based entirely on identity politics and either not vote for vote 3rd party.

But rather than that, they'll sit there and vote for an identity politic party while screeching about democratic identity politics.

They're massive fucking snowflake retards. These are the same people that complain about "political correctness" and then turn around and throw a god damn tantrum when someone says something mean about them.

Fucking conservatives started it. They are the origin of identity politics in this country.

Well, yeah. And it seemed to be winding down until everyone got the internet and also economy went down the shitter, so a lot of whites became concerned about the wisdom of letting the guys who openly hate them to get power in these trying times.

No, it's for them to stop voting for a party based entirely on identity politics and either not vote for vote 3rd party.

Yeah, right, LMAO. The goal is to not let Democrats and their idpol into power. You can't achieve that by wasting your vote.

Fam, the Democrats are already going to take power. The GOP loses every demographic in the country outside of middle-aged white people.

They lose every growing demographic. They lose young voters in overwhelming margins.

This is the price of identity politics.

Well, yeah. And it seemed to be winding down until everyone got the internet and also economy went down the shitter, so a lot of whites became concerned about the wisdom of letting the guys who openly hate them to get power in these trying times.

Who the fuck hated them dude? When did Obama hate white people? What policy did the democratic party endorse that "hates white people."

This is the shit I'm talking about. It's just people making excuses for stupid ass rural white people. They have the biggest victim complex on the planet.

Anytime they things they believe are criticized they cry oppression.

Anytime they're told they can't discriminate against other people they cry oppression.

Anytime race is talked about in this country they get defensive and cry oppression.

Fuck these people, they're worthless pieces of trash and I'm sick of dealing with them.

Fam, the Democrats are already going to take power. The GOP loses every demographic in the country outside of middle-aged white people.

They lose every growing demographic. They lose young voters in overwhelming margins.

This is the price of identity politics.

Fine, then you don't have any reason to be upset.

Being a conservative doesn't mean you're wrapped up in identity politics. Same with being a liberal.

And the identity politics of both groups are stupid.

It's dumb when the GOP does it, but it's not losing them elections.

Also when starting a cultural war. Progressives can't win cultural wars at the polls. By definition conservatives are always the majority. Gotta win on other issues and change cultural policies on the DL

It's OK for them because whites are still the majority and the Democrats enthusiastically do their part alienating them, so the GOP wins.

That's not an argument from justice, it's an argument from power. If it is wrong for a minority to do something, it is also wrong for the majority to do it.

In general, people in society should consider the interests of the whole society when voting, rather than exclusively their own individual group interests. That's destructive to the whole. Especially when one group forms a majority, if they form a bloc and only vote whatever is in their groups self-interest, it's essentially supremacy.

Groups should only concentrate on their own sub-group when they feel that there is an unjust inequality. Most forms of de jure discrimination have been abolished in the US, but I don't think it's reasonable to claim that there's absolutely no de facto discrimination remaining, and that all inequalities that exist have just causes. You've got to listen to them and take their claims seriously, too often people reflexively dismiss the complaints of people who are unlike them and just consider them to be hysterical, when they do in fact have a valid point.

Now I know that some blunt attempts at eliminating de facto segregation by removing all statistical inequality, like quotas, make white people feel like they are themselves discriminated against. But we will only solve these issues by talking to each other, taking each others issues seriously. Not by plugging our ears, picking up our toys, and going back off to the la la land of only considering our interests, and instituting what is essentially supremacy because we think the minorities are being too mean to us. That's not in the interest of the nation.

That's not an argument from justice, it's an argument from power. If it is wrong for a minority to do something, it is also wrong for the majority to do it.

It's not a moral argument from power, it's a factual claim on what's going to happen if the dems keep doubling down on idpol, and why if they don't want that to happen they should tone it down bigly.


Like like NAFTA being great until Hillary ran in 2016 and pretended she wasn't involved in it at all. Good thing avoided rural states and gaslight them worked out well for her.

NAFTA was, in fact, a good deal. Rural people being dumb is not the fault of hillary Clinton.

Sure if you want to accerlate global warming and kill jobs for the sake of cheaper useless shit it was pretty good.

Oh, so now climate change matters. NAFTA was good for the US economy, and don't pretend Trumptards care about the climate, or that Republicans do.

Lol MSNBC called you out 10 years ago.

No wonder she walked back her involvement in NAFTA and TPP.

fucking rural retards

grr why dont they vote the way I want them to!

I don't get my news about economics from MSNBC you uneducated degenerate.

I get it, from you know, the actual economists and people that understand it.

Clinton trying to pander to stupid rural people was a big mistake.

Pizzashill, you are a dumb-dumb trying really hard to seem smart.

Are we going to have this dance again, friend? where you come at me, I shred you, and you get a prison bitch flair?


I don't get my news about economics from MSNBC you uneducated degenerate.

Hating Obama in 08 I see. Screaming fake news at msnbc like a trumptard

Clinton trying to pander to stupid rural people was a big mistake.

Actually I think she never even tried to pander, just hated on them and expected their vote.

Hating Obama in 08 I see. Screaming fake news at msnbc like a trumptard

I don't get my economic news from fucking MSNBC or Obama because neither of those are qualified to discuss the economy on any real level.

I didn't call MSNBC fake news, it's just not a valid replacement for economic research you tard.

Actually I think she never even tried to pander, just hated on them and expected their vote.

Hint: Screeching at free trade was an attempt to pander to dumb rural people.

hur Obama and MSNBC are retarded and can't understand economics

But I'm going to call you on this. Can you copy paste where she "hated on rural people."

Pushing through NAFTA and then pretending she had nothing to do with it. If it was so good why try to pretend?

She didn't even push through NAFTA you ape. NAFTA had been in the works before Bill Clinton was even in office.

Bill Clinton supported and still supports NAFTA, and he's right.

If it was so good why try to pretend it wasn't your fault?

Because she was trying to pander to moronic anti-free trade crusaders.

All of the data shows NAFTA was a benefit to the US economy.

I'm also still waiting for you to point out how she "hated on rural people."

omg msnbc are lying little shits

Ad nauseam.

Strawmans seem to be a pass time of yours.

she didn't push it through

but even then it was great

I know you only believe economists from infowars, so it's not a fair fight

NAFTA created more jobs.

X doubt

It's a fact.

USITC in 1993: "less than 1% in long term aggregate labor market gains"

USITC in 2014: Little to no effect in labor market

Basically the long term effects on job creation were under the statistically relevant result threshold.

However, Hillary claimed to be a critic of NAFTA from the start in 2008, suggesting the results were actually underwhelming politically.

In reality she promised a shit load of jobs back in the 90s, tons of people saw their plants close up instead and wages fall below inflation, and redditors called them retards for not sucking nafta and hillary's dick.

Losses were offset to net gain. Like I said.

What does Hillary have to do with NAFTA?

What does Hillary have to do with NAFTA?

Jesus fucking christ the only reason I brought up NAFTA in the first place was because Hillary gaslighted Americans into thinking it was great (90s), thinking it was shit and she had nothing to do with it (2008), saying TPP is the gold Standard (2012?) and saying she doesn't like TPP anymore (2016).

/u/pizzashill being a dumbass is pretty on point all the time but you wanted to ramble on the specifics of Nafta long enough to forget why the democrats fucked up so badly on the optics of it.

Jesus fucking christ the only reason I brought up NAFTA in the first place was because Hillary gaslighted Americans into thinking it was great (90s), thinking it was shit and she had nothing to do with it (2008), saying TPP is the gold Standard (2012?) and saying she doesn't like TPP anymore (2016).

NAFTA was great. TPP was great. Literally the only reason she flipped was to appease stupid, uneducated anti-free trade tards.

NAFTA was great.

Nuh uh Hillary thought it was shit in 2008 and called Obama a dirty ***** liar for mentioning it.

TPP was great.

Once again, disagreeing with Hillary Clinton here 2016 version.

Nuh uh Hillary thought it was shit in 2008 and called Obama a dirty ***** liar for mentioning it.

I don't give a shit what Hillary or Obama think of NAFTA. I care what the data says.

You should try that sometime.

Once again, disagreeing with Hillary Clinton here 2016 version.

Once again, I don't give a shit what Hillary Clinton thought of NAFTA.

You're actually the most retarded person on /r/drama.

Like this is more retarded than the time you tried to claim NYT said vote totals were changed.

I don't give a shit what Hillary or Obama think

Fucking racist

They come in, do a bunch of disastrous shit, and by the time the Democrats are in office and have to correct the ship they get blamed for all of the bad stuff, like tax increases.

Yeah except in reality the democrat leadership is busy backtracking and fleeing from policy decisions they made years ago.

Fucking racist

Why is it the first think stupid people such as yourself do is start spewing disingenuous bullshit like this?

Yeah except in reality the democrat leadership is busy backtracking and fleeing from policy decisions they made years ago.

Both republicans and democrats passed NAFTA. Using your same logic, the Republican party is also fleeing from them to pander to dumbs.

Try blaming russia for "hacking the election" again while you defend democrats flip flopping through the years.

You actually don't know how NAFTA passed, do you? That's adorable.

More Republicans supported NAFTA than democrats:

Bill Clinton was certainly a supporter of NAFTA who pushed approval through Congress. But it was negotiated and signed by President George H.W. Bush. (Here’s a photo.) Moreover, more Republicans than Democrats voted for the deal, as the trade pact was vehemently opposed by labor unions. One key ally for Clinton was then-House Minority Whip (and later House speaker) Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who is said to be on Trump’s list of possible running mates.

NAFTA was a successor to a free-trade pact with Canada. Bush had viewed NAFTA as a political opportunity, an achievement for his reelection campaign. He initialed the deal on Aug. 12, 1992, before the GOP convention, and then formally signed it in December 1992, after he had lost the election to Clinton.

So Clinton did not negotiate NAFTA, nor did he sign it. But he did put his political prestige on the line to get it approved by Congress — even as two top Democrats, House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.) and House Majority Whip David Bonior (Mich.), opposed it. In the House, NAFTA passed 234-200; 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted in favor of it. The Senate approved NAFTA 61-38, with the backing of 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

Hell, Bush signed NAFTA before Clinton was even in office.

Do you try to be this historically illiterate, or does it just come naturally?

Omg all that shit.

Yeah. You just got fucking destroyed. Just like you did in the NYT fiasco.

Stop coming at me dude. Or if you do in the future, make sure you actually have some basic understanding of what the fuck you're talking about.

Democrats pretend the government works so any hypocrisy backfires on them much more than Republicans. If you dont like it, I suggest not voting for hypocrites

L The GOP fucking actively tries to sabotage the government so they can screech at their autistic base about how government doesn't work.

You have no comeback because you didn't even know republicans passed NAFTA and fucking signed it.

Bill clinton signed it and Hillary negotiated in favor of it however. Later on she backtracked and you claimed "nafta was great anyway" despite her public backtracking.

I haven't been "anally destroyed" like you claim. I don't bring up how you're a racist incel at all in this argument you've just been arguing yourself in circles while I pointed out clear democrat hypocrisy in regards to their own policy.

Bill clinton signed it and Hillary negotiated in favor of it however. Later on she backtracked and you claimed "nafta was great anyway" despite her public backtracking.

George Bush signed NAFTA before Clinton was in office. And using your same exact logic - the GOP is also backtracking, and even more republicans supported NAFTA than Democrats.

I haven't been "anally destroyed" like you claim. I don't bring up how you're a racist incel at all in this argument you've just been arguing yourself in circles while I pointed out clear democrat hypocrisy in regards to their own policy.


That means, that using your exact same logic, the GOP is also backtracking from it to pander to dumb ass anti-free trade crusaders.

But somehow, in your world, the only hypocrisy is on the democratic side. How is it even possible you're this dumb?

The only hypocrisy here is yours. And because you're a zealot, you keep bringing up Hillary Clinton as if her opinions on NAFTA are relevant, or I give a shit what she thinks of NAFTA.

This tells me something about you. Not only are you historically illiterate, but you base your entire worldview on tribalism. You don't base your opinions on what the facts say, or what the data says - you base them on what your tribe says. This is why you keep throwing Hillary Clinton at me as if I care what she thinks, as if any opinion I hold is formed on what she says or thinks.


>It was Republicans fault fuck anyone like MSNBC who points out facts otherwise

>Anything bad that ever happened was Republicans fault and stop blaming Hillary for obvious fuckups REEEEE

I'm actually worried about you if you think this is the argument I made. Like, this is beyond your normal strawman, it's pure fucking delusion.

Here's how this argument actually went.

  • You claimed NAFTA was proof democrats hate rural people.

  • I asked you for proof they hated rural people.

  • You then started screeching about Hillary and Obama and NAFTA.

  • You then revealed you're completely incapable of understanding that my opinions aren't formed on what Obama or Clinton think. This concept seems alien to you, revealing you form your opinions based on what the tribe thinks.

  • I point out more Republicans supported NAFTA than Democrats and Bush himself signed it before Clinton was even in office.

  • You have no response to this because you didn't know it. I then applied your own logic to the absurd shit you were saying and forced you into a spot you couldn't defend. You either had to admit the GOP is guilty of the same thing you're trying to accuse the DNC of, or you had to come up with some stupid fucking argument to spin out of it.

  • In comes this glorious line:

telandrias 1 point 49 minutes ago Democrats pretend the government works so any hypocrisy backfires on them much more than Republicans. If you dont like it, I suggest not voting for hypocrites

  • Now, after you've had time to think for a while, you're back to throwing out strawman arguments.

Never change /u/telandrias. You're easily the most insane, retarded, delusional person I've ever seen.

  • You said democrats and Hillary hate rural people.
  • I asked you for proof they hated rural people.
  • You then started screeching about Hillary and Obama and NAFTA.

Oh yeah this is true I can feel it.

> that my opinions aren't formed on what Obama or Clinton think.

Well you wanted proof democrats hated rural folk, so their opinions are possibly the only thing relevant to the conversation, considering Hillary basically used the DNC as a superpac just for her.

> Now, after you've had time to think for a while, you're back to throwing out strawman arguments. Using your own argument, the GOP is also made up of hypocrites, doing the exact same thing you're accusing Clinton of.

Because her support of NAFTA which you reject ever happened despite proof is irrelvalent to the Republicans. Hillary supported NAFTA, promised jobs. Didn't really happen as job creation was pretty minimal. Then she lied in 2008 saying she hated Nafta. Gaslighting factory workers all across the rust belt. And blamed Obama for pointing out her hypocrisy (meaning his statements are relevant)

It was never "democrats had perfect legislation just got blamed for it" like you claimed from the start.

Well you wanted proof democrats hated rural folk, so their opinions are possibly the only thing relevant to the conversation, considering Hillary basically used the DNC as a superpac just for her.

You didn't provide any proof they hate rural people. You tried to claim NAFTA was proof of that.

Using your own logic, Republicans also hate rural people, considering more of them supported NAFTA and it was signed by a Republican president.

Because her support of NAFTA which you reject ever happened despite proof is irrelvalent to the Republicans. Hillary supported NAFTA, promised jobs. Didn't really happen as job creation was pretty minimal. Then she lied in 2008 saying she hated Nafta. Gaslighting factory workers all across the rust belt. And blamed Obama for pointing out her hypocrisy (meaning his statements are relevant)

What in the actual fuck are you talking about you god damn moron.

Hillary supported NAFTA, she also flipped on NAFTA in an election cycle where it wasn't popular, the exact same thing the Republicans did.

I don't care what Hillary thinks of NAFTA, but if you're trying to claim NAFTA is evidence democrats hate rural people, to remain logically consistent you must also say Republicans hate rural people, considering they had higher levels of support for NAFTA than democrats did.

It was never "democrats had perfect legislation just got blamed for it" like you claimed from the start.

What in the fuck are you talking about. I'm convinced this entire account is satire. I've never seen someone pull this many fabricated strawman arguments out of their ass before. You seem completely incapable of even understanding what's being said to you.

Out of curiosity, how old are you? Because you aren't even fucking lucid.

> Hillary supported NAFTA, she also flipped on NAFTA

Promising jobs to rural retards, then calling them liars when they say she promised jobs to rural retards. Even you are flip flopping between calling NAFTA great and a Republican endeavor (which you state fucks everything up)

Flippity floppity get off my property

Hill was the fucking first lady in the 90s

Yeah and during that time she pushed NAFTA in breifings.

I swear you're trying to piss me off relinking the same shit I said a half hour ago. It's troll time

How much clout do you think she has? Is Melania gaslighting America about bullying?

I don't think either campaign was particularly interested in rural states, the rural vote was so overwhelmingly pro-Trump from the beginning that Trump didn't have to bother campaigning there. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are not particularly rural states, nor are they particularly small. It was the suburbs where the election was fought.

Well yeah Michigan motor town would probably have strong negative reactions to any candidate who promised NAFTA would give them jobs- and then turn back around and pretend she was a critic of it all along.

Neither Michigan or Wisconsin have a city in the top twenty for population though detroit ranks at #21. Maybe Rural states was the wrong term for them. She did infuriate the rust belt for sure- all along wisconsin indiana ohio Pennsylvania and michigan over her constant changes on trade deals that directly affected them.

That's like saying the only way for drug addicts to learn their lesson is to let the overdose.

Maybe it is, either way it's a win-win. Trump looks bad, rural Trumptards either stop voting or ride the fentanyl pony into the sunset.

So, what do we do when no one learns anything and instead we just end up with roughly 1/3rd of the population choosing to "ride the fentanyl pony"? Because there's no guarantee anything is going to get better.

If they ride the pony, there's fewer people to vote for Donald Trump or the GOP.

Meaning we win either way.

Every single recovering addict has a point where they 'hit bottom' and decided enough was enough.

It doesn't necessarily have to be an overdose.

Most people who hit rock bottom don't get better.

Having been there, I think most people in that situation know they've played themselves. I certainly did.

It's the willingness to change basically everything about yourself that's hard - and after you make that decision and actively strive to improve and change you get to call the point you were at 'bottom'.

Agree that nobody really survives 'rock' bottom though - to me the only things that qualify for that would be death, catatonia, or lifelong imprisonment though.

rural Americans will learn


I found a problem in your algorithm.

Hey Pizza, I know you’re from some holler in Appalachia so help me out. What should I name my new kitty?

What should I name my new kitty?

Governor of West Virginia

With any luck some of the massive car factories here will be closed and they'll outright blame Trump for it.

He just put 110,000 jobs on the chopping block in the auto industry alone

“See the millions of cars [the Germans] are selling in the U.S. Terrible. We will stop this,”

Non-retard translation: "People in the US don't want to buy the inefficient shitboxes domestic manufacturers make while still contributing to the economy. We can't have that."

What doesn't even make sense is these Germans have American factories. God forbid we realize that though, better Americans buy a Ford made in Mexico then a German car made in the USA.

He... took their jobs?

Yeah, I've thought that what needs to happen is the Dems need to sit back and let the Reps get everything they want. But, then, the Reps will have the balls to then blame the Dems for not blocking any of the things that blow up in everyone's faces. I've seen them do it before. Depends on how the Rep's base (not necessarily Trump's base) will feed into blaming Dems.

You have way more faith in them having any introspection than I do.

With any luck some of the massive car factories here will be closed and they'll outright blame Trump for it.

It'll be Hillary and Soros's fault. Or some vague reference to the deep state. Daddy could never do anything wrong.

I honestly yearn for a second term.

It will be forgotten after the next pres, especially if they are a Dem.

I thought he (kinda) walked back on the bailout? Then again, given how quickly he changes position, I am having a hard time keeping up.

Sticking it to those wall street cucks. Real America doesn’t have 401ks

Wow 200 points

Yeah that's not too much for it honestly. What's more notable is how after fairly steady growth it's been fluctuating all over the place since February because no one knows what stupid thing will happen next.

Nov to Jan was retarded, it was bound to correct.

Likely it was already worked in. That's probably why we've seen no real growth in the market in like 6 months

Burning the country down was all worth it for those lib tears

Just make sure fire burns above new salty sea level.

And Trump, unsurprisingly does.

this but unironically

It went so well for Bush back in 2002, I can't foresee anything going wrong here. /s

The President of Peace.


Trump, you are a dumbass.

all joking aside, this might be one of the worst economic policy changes in the last 2 decades

im sure you're qualified to make that call

I sincerely believe that I'm more qualified than the president

It's all negotiation. The tariffs in china rolled back. These will too once NAFTA is renegotiated. Remain calm.

I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

The East Asians(along with the Jews) are the true master race.

Hey, at least recycling metal will probably yield higher returns now.

This is bad for econcoin.

No longer will Americans security and safety be held hostage to the evil Canuck menace. MAGA! America has stood up!

what a fucking dumbass

we all saw the warning signs for america when it started listening to music like call me maybe, it was asking us to call it! it was a call for help, RIP.

I hope so I spent like 13 cents on some FUN coin I’m waiting to moon.