You know what I really hate

0  2018-05-31 by feeeepo

Niggers. They are bad. They smell and they take welfare. Trump 2020.


You know what I really hate? Dinohaters. They are bad. They smell and make shitty posts like this. Dinosaurs πŸ¦– 2020

Welcome to reddit!

Woah, haven't seen you in this sub. You're a favorite r/publicfreakouts commenter of mine, glad to have you aboard.

Thanks man. Glad to see you reincarnated. Thought we lost you.



😍😍 welcome back! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

This doesn't even rise to the level of low effort.

hi /u/feeeepo how's it going?

Does /u/Ed_ButteredToast know you’re back yet?