Six Reasons Why I Didn’t Say 'Stop' Even Though the Sex Was Bad

26  2018-05-31 by CommonWrongdoer


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  1. I wanted a way to promote my shit novel. 😒😪

ngl, mattress girl gets a lot of respect from me for the hustling her way into relevancy and a career out of a useless degree.

There are a myriad of ways to con social justice buffoons without accusing an innocent person of a grievous crime, though.

But it is the most expeditious

I thought it was "I wanted to keep my options for later"?

Also an excuse to post a "look at how sad I am because woman" picture of herself

That's the Zeroth Law of Slactivism.

Makes me wanna agree with u/pizzashill lol 😜

Jesus Christ white women.

I'm pretty sure you could become a professional journalist by just stealing the diary of any whiny mayo gussy and copy-pasting the contents to a news sites.

The first link she looks like Jordan from scrubs if she got hit by a truck.

Jordan from scrubs

Oh shit I always wondered why she seemed familiar

"He was my best friend and I loved him, but he had the kind of jobs that didn't come with an office, so I dumped him."

Jeeeeeeeeesus. Women were a mistake.

I remember this one. They all die miserable and alone, which makes my life more meaningful. I drink their suffering 🍷

Christ. I can at least feel pity for someone who has trouble finding a partner who cares to begin with, but the woman is literally saying she found him annoying because of his job or the car he drove.

It's just way less socially awkward to try to get it over with quickly than actually stop it most of the time.

Yeah, when the person you're having sex with doesn't matter to you at all 'getting it over with' is an excellent choice

Or when you have a headache and you love them enough to want them to be happy but are tired enough that you're wishing their orgasm came ten minutes ago.

I wasn't getting that vibe from the linked article. Acts of service is a love language, acts of I need to feel better about myself and will bone someone who compliments me isn't.

I definitely didn't get that vibe overall. It was the various reasons, both for herself and the other person, why she didn't feel like she stuck to her boundaries. Low self-esteem past part of it, but so was consideration for the other person and the kind of uncertainty that makes one want to err on the side of being kind over being blund.

1) I'm a stupid bitch

2) I'm a stupid bitch

3) I'm a stupid bitch

4) I'm a stupid bitch

5) I'm a stupid bitch

6) I'm a stupid bitch

7) I'm a stupid bitch

Reason #1284622 why not to sleep with mayo women.

Mayo men have a higher chance to be /r/KotakuInAction or /r/drama users though. Between a man and a woman, I'll pick the woman every time.

I blame our mayo ancestors who thought letting femoids vote was a good idea

Men are the ones who voted for Trump.

Male suffrage has to go.


You're not Ed!

53% of mayo thots voted for Trump.

Democracy in general needs to go.

This but unironically

It’s always taken me a long fucking time to have an orgasm.

ugh, women, get your shit sorted 🤮

That happens to me too when I have pickup sex with some rando I don't have any feelings or interest in. Which, from the sounds of it, is the only thing she's ever done.

Narccists don't connect with other people well.

It’s always taken me a long fucking time to have an orgasm. I compared myself to the women I saw in porn who had an (often totally performative) orgasm in five minutes. Or I read erotica where a woman had an orgasm on page 5, and I was like, “Damn, I wouldn’t come until at least page 21.” When I got into bed with someone, I was already worrying about this.

I don't even have a vagina and even I know that dicking down won't get her to orgasm, women in 2018 lol.

also she compared her experience to what is shown in porn lol

You do not need to be smart to write, all you need to do is keep writing.

Don't tell autists who think that blogging needs any braincells, might hurt their feelings.

I don't know which is worse, thinking porn = reality, or thinking fake orgasm = real orgasm.

Fuck man, some of the man jizz is fake.

I don't even like gussy, and yet even I know that shit.

I thought there was something wrong with me.


This is truly what I wanted to read as a millenial.

Because this doesn't happen to men either amirite.