Dong Lover's 'This Is America' is certified Platinum. /r/Music is saltier than Lot's wife.

38  2018-05-31 by TSwizzlesNipples


Cool story, bro


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Mayos can't handle the truth. Pathetic.

Its different, its modern, it's real, it goes back to what rap used to be about, a voice for minorities to get the truth out to the world. Now most rap is simply an ego trip.

I hate this comment.

Listen the ten crack commandments was designed to be a literal manual for dealings drugs

Rap used to be about calling hits on people you don't like and listing their addresses in a rhythmic beat lol

White people ruined it and made it about it's okay to be gay and stuff

I happen to think the white female rendition of this is america was one of the finest rap songs ever produced. Much better than the warrior poets of the 90s.

The Sugar Hill Gang taught me how to survive the streets

I, too, listened to 1990's Christian children radio shows.

EDIT: It was the Sugar Creek Gang you plebeian

lol is that a thing?

i guess “minorities” means just black people

how dare you minimize the contributions of Big Pun!

Big Punisher was physically incapable of being minor anything

You've never heard of Inuit rap?

i need you to ping this bitch

lmao gotem

but i won't ping the user


Yeah that dude's emplying an ego trip isn't the truth of the world.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand This is America. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of American Race Relations most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.

There's also Donald Glover’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Harlem Renaissance literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike This is America truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Glover’s existencial catchphrase "Don’t catch you slippin’," which itself is a cryptic reference to Stowe’s classic novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ludwig Göransson’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have a Childish Gambino tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

The veiled racist argument that most people are making against this piece is a claim that the song is objectively not good. No single person has the authority to claim a piece of music is not good.

You don't like it, and you lack the capability to comprehend that that is your own taste speaking, not your self-educated comparison to an objective pass/fail system which all modern music is held to. Most modern music is fucking lacking when you think about what the limits of music really are. But that's a completely different topic.

It is so interesting that people choose to draw the line at this song because it has few lyrics, or because it uses textures that they aren't used to. Those textures, by the way, being African spirituals, 70's pop harmony, modern rap, and police sirens. THERE IS A RELEVANT MESSAGE TO BE HEARD AND SEEN THERE. Where were these people when the top songs only said Baby,Baby,Baby, or WorkWorkWorkWorkWork? Look at Phil Collin's No More. It doesn't matter how many lyrics a song has, as long as what is being said is important.

It is not in style to deny this songs power because you don't like it, because it is different. I think there is something to be said about a racists response to this song as much as there is to be said about this song.

Lol is this a Anthony fantano pasta?

I can neither confirm nor deny that /u/ACanine has a YouTube channel.

I honestly don't.

Well, you could always make pasta for a living.

considering he has a running review series called "NOT GOOD", I don't think he'd try and seriously argue that objectively bad music cannot be a thing.

This pasta doesn't seem like something Fantano would say tbh.

Haha good meme!!

You don't like it, and you lack the capability to comprehend that that is your own taste speaking, not your self-educated comparison to an objective pass/fail system which all modern music is held to.

Nigga, you literally Rick & Morty’d a music video.

What is rick and morty?

intellectually capacity....

sure... thats why they avoid heavily math-based music or other actually interesting instrumental stuff to hear about things they think are 'real' cuz 'da stweets' and pop culture.

sure. I can respect a tiny amount of rappers -- 2pac, for example (not because the 'music' was good, but because the message was good and important). but this shit is NOT MUSIC.

its half of music. it has a beat. it has a poem. its closer to poetry than music.

and what most people listen to is absolute brainwashing garbage.

some of my favorite musicians ever were black, so dont go pulling racism on me. Im talking from musically educated, highly technical standpoint, Rap does not have anything I love about music in it.

its too repetitive, there are no real instruments being played, no solos, no strong melody line.

you can say what you like to me, but Ive already concerted myself to the idea that 99% of world population is retards, pop culture is wrong, and that most people are brainwashed. so good luck changing my mind.

Are you answering the pasta with a pasta, or did you bake this one fresh?

This is what Ambien posting looks like

I wish I had drugs to numb me from this reality.


Maybe you should take less DXM

You know you can sell your butt for drugs, right?

about that... ive been selling yours. you have an appointment at 10:30 on the corner of Fuck and You.

This is America is not just the music, the instruments, the musical artistry or technique. This is America is a journey or an experience. So it goes way beyond the music and into empathy. To fully appreciate Donald Glover, go to a quiet, secluded special place, preferably in darkness or low light, don headphones or let stereo speakers reverberate all throughout the space that you can’t hear anything else. Then listen to the song from the first beat to the last in sequence. Fully immerse in the music, the lyrics, the story, the journey. Listen beyond what your ears are hearing and delve into the feeling. Man. There’s no experience like it. It can be painful to feel so much. No mind-altering drugs necessary. That’s why when people ask... what’s your favorite line in This is America... none. The journey is not expressed by any line. You gotta take the entire song.

Mayos take note, this is how you profit off of gun violence.

As part of its restructuring, Remington will now be making viral internet music videos.

They couldn't be worse at it than making guns tbh.

shots (mis)fired

Idk have you ever tried their electric razors?

Electric razors are a bad product by design.

Missed opportunity when Glover used the AK. Should have been product placement with a quality American firearm.

I can't think of a better way to bring down gun deaths than by putting a modern Remington in everyone's hand.

Maybe he was trying to allude to the Russians slaughtering American elections

They are butt buddies with Ajit Pai now, sooo

It's a really bad song. It just sounds awful.

fragile mayo


how is this even calculated

like who’s buying this track instead of just watching the video on YouTube, especially because the song itself is essentially garbage

streams count for platinum certification now, which is why the certification is useless since no one has to give up anything but time to see it.

since no one has to give up anything but time to see it.

Time is money. You sound poor.

Time is money for me, it isn't for the 11 year old kids who loop their favorite YouTube vlogger's vanity track all day.

Oldfags should know that the times have changed.

I will continue the endless cycle of whining about gotdamn kids these days as nature intended.


You're a shitposter you're not supposed to know SAT words



Poorfags, smh.

Are they not aware that gold/platinum/etc record isn't a subjective award and is based purely on album sales?

And now that streaming is taken into account and random YouTube vloggers can go platinum off the strength of cheap production and bored 11 year olds, a platinum single is worthless?

What are you talking about? It's as if he won the Nobel Prize for literature.

I mean he might've this year. Wide open contest

didn't like the song, but I don't like rap in general. The parts with the choir were somewhat decent. His dancing is pretty damn hilarious, though, and thats objective fact.

Yt be salty as hell lol


lmao of course he's super offended by being called racist. Do you honestly want people to just be like "oh ok I'm racist. That's cool. What's for lunch?"

I think stepping back a realizing the advantages different races have over each other is a good first step.

A lot of people could afford the "Oh, I'm racist" moment. Reacting to it with hostility isn't healthy. Reacting to that in a way that begs for progress is better.

Reacting to a harsh insult with hostilty is actually very emotionally healthy. Being obsequious and asking for more from the person throwing shit isn't. Points to low self-esteem and assertiveness problems tbqh.

The only people who aren't offended by being called racist are people who dont think racism is a big deal.

The only people who aren't offended by being called racist are people who dont think racism is a big deal.

I think it's the difference between people who are secure enough to see flaws in themselves, and people who are not.

Reacting to a harsh insult with hostilty is actually very emotionally healthy.

It comes down to maturity. Racist isn't an insult. It's a social label. If someone called me a racist, first I'd try to prove them right, and them counter argue. That's how you debate. Thats how you further yourself as a person.

I don't think I'm a racist. I know I am.

I was born into a life that gets to enjoy the privilege of being white and the advantages that I hold in America over people of other races.

Acting like those advantages don't exist and choosing to criticize a piece of art that highlights that fact is what I am getting at.

Calling someone something bad is an insult, numbnuts. It can be a "social label" all it likes, but it's an insult just the same.

The only way it wouldn't be an insult is if it weren't bad, which is really the natural conclusion of your train of thought.

And you don't have to respond to being called bad by calling someone numbnuts.

It's all about maturity.

Of course I don't have to, it's just fun.

What, you can dish it out but you can't take it?

I don't feel as if I've dished any vulgarity out.

I never objected to taking anything. You can say whatever you want.

Yes, a severe insult on someone's character because they didn't like a particular song is much less insulting than the word "nuts." lmfao

And the "you dont have to! you're immature!" is a bit of an objection, ya smelly dicktassle.

I'm not convinced you're paying attention. I didn't say you're immature. You're exhausting. Why are you so confrontational at every turn?

My nigga you have multiple walls of text all over that thread calling people racist for not liking a music video and you're accusing me of being confrontational? lmfao

I don't think liking a music video determines if you are racist or not. If you had a decent reading level you'd see that.

Fuck this is so boring. It's like listening someone on horse tranquilizers trying to banter.


Thats how you further yourself as a person.

😝 mayo self help urban voodoo.

Wtf is this cancer community

Clever title. Looks like this OP isn't a faggot

Yeah the whole subjectivity vs objectivity in judging music is not a closed case

default reddit posters are truly retarded

Total rip off of blood orange's last 2 videos. In other words, not gay enuff for me.