Google listed “Nazism” as the ideology of the California Republican Party

115  2018-05-31 by PossibleYoung


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Is that why I’ve been seeing all those marches lately?

The March for Science thing definitely felt a bit off.

Tbh the only difference between Republicans and Nazis is that the Nazis actually loved science. 😳

Nah they just liked experimenting on conscious Jews.

That's science

That's science in the same way shit in a jar is art.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand a shit in a jar. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also the jar’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from 2 girls 1 cup literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike a shit in a jar truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the jar existencial catchphrase "shit me harder daddy," which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump’s American epic The Art of the Deal I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chuck Berry’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Eh the tranny and HAES crowd are equally anti-science.

I’m honestly tired of playing, “no u the nazi!” We need a new meme ideology to call one another.

Cummunists are famously anti-facts

theyre used to being able to just kill people with bad opinions an pretending they never existed, so theyre not used to having to justify their ideas

When Soviet scientists heard of the lobotomy, they immediately declared it barbaric and banned it nationwide. Meanwhile the West gave the discovery the Nobel Prize in medicine and proceeded to rip apart the brains of thousands of people with glee.

They also starved millions

OTOH, Lysenkoism was a thing.

When Soviet scientists heard of the lobotomy, they immediately declared it barbaric and banned it nationwide.

Same can be said about Stalin and faggotry.

Believe it or not the prefrontal lobotomy did actually help some people in an era where there were very few antipsychotic medications and ablative neurosurgery is still in use today. Of course it was drastically overused, but that's the kinda nuance I doubt you're capable of.

My system of oppression is better than yours

another Stockholm victim syndrome sufferer

The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to know. An old alternative exists, covered up and smeared by spin doctors paid for with drug money, shutting out doctors who care enough about their patients to keep them away from the magic pill menace.

The treatment is called lobotomy. Anyone can perform it with minimal training, and it's far safer and effective than any drug. It requires an ice pick and steady hand, smashing away the dysfunctional brain cells responsible for all mental illnesses. Psychosurgery is the ultimate miracle cure, and it's time to bring the good old days of medical treatment back. No more opioid epidemic! No more war on drugs! BRING BACK THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHICH AMERICA DESERVES!

Incels is here baby


Not a meme if it kills people lol

Tide pods were a meme.

Fentanyl is a meme

don't forget the anti-vax hippy granola faggots

possibly the most blatantly anti-science movement the libtards have ever conjured

let me cure you with crystals! said a woman who's name is also coincidentally, Crystal

Don’t forget the steamed vaginas!

They loved science so much that they went full feels != reals and rejected The Theory of Relativity because it was authored by a Jew.

They loved pseudoscience... definitely science had to fit their ideology.

is that why nasa poached all of them

Aren't leftists the ones who deny everything that is obvious about anthropology? Republicans just don't touch it.

it quickly turned from a march for science into another march for hurt feelings and "i fucking love science"

march for milky way desktop backgrounds

So others don't have to read the article, tl;dr Google accidentally put up a bogus listing about Repulicans being Nazis and took it down when Vice told them about it.

Republican = Nazi

I mean it's right there in the name 😆

What Republican Party in California? There isn't one left after they allowed millions of illegals to takeover the state.

In the bag?

Incels hopping the border into this wholesome sub smh

Rapefugees raus!

More then 40% of latinos vote republican retard

Latinos make up 18% of the voting population

Imagine adding that to Florida or Ohio. It would be the end of the Republican party in those states. Illegal immigrants turned California into a one party state.

most illegal immigrants dont vote and hispanics are not a monolithic cohesive blob that are biologically certain to vote democrat. in texas 30-40% of hispanics have voted republican tho it was only 19% in the 2016 election for obvious reasons

in California 10% voted republican however 33% of hispanics consider themselves politically conservative compared 39% considering themselves liberal. if rebublicans played their cards right they could win California. but trump rhetoric has squandered that chance for a number of years

This is r politics worthy retardation. California is lost because they let 20 million burritos flood the state. It used to be a Republican state before illegals turned it into Mexico. Even your statistics prove it. Getting 30% of the vote is a landslide loss.

being this retarded

And no one was surprised.

Holy shit. Have you tried heroin yet. That wasn't a question mark for a reason.

if rebublicans played their cards right they could win California.

It would require a 180 turn on illegal immigration. Even if they identify as conservative, they will vote blue if a bill involving Illegals comes up every time. It's funny watching people try to convince Republicans to budge on platforms for groups that are diametrically opposed to them.

Right, more amnesty. More accepting illegals. That's my whole point, people don't want to do that and for every Mexican that might vote Red because we didn't send him back Republicans would easily lose just as many if not more voters from reduced turnout anyways.

yeah, reps should basically keep their mouths shut about immigration. either way they lose votes

As evidenced by the cheeto managing to win on a platform of "burrito people go home".

Latinos in Florida (Cubans) vote republican

Only about a third of Florida's Latinos are Cubans, and the demographic isn't that Republican anymore because of newer arrivals who came mainly for economic reasons, rather than Batista babies who fled because they were going to have to share their mansion.

Latino is meaningless now. The only thing coming over from Cuba now is negroids.

taking out your frustration on racial and ethnic minorities is a bad cope

Why put off the inevitable? Go ahead and kill yourself now, you ugly incel loser. You will not be missed by anyone, but you already know that.

Florida is like 20% Latino. Also the vast majority of the Latino population in California isn't illegal.

Another r politics level post. Of course they're not illegal. They're the children of illegals. The birth rate for illegals in California was near 4.0 for a couple of decades. Latino is meaningless term.

California lets illegals vote in local elections.


Calling 3rd world animals what they are doesn't stop them from flooding our nation. Same thing with incels.

god i wish this were true

You're just jealous no one will let you taste their fish tacos

Old latinos that do vote, vote republican because of the amnesty from Reagan.

undocumented immigrants don't/can't vote, but I don't think they give a shit who's in power.

well it was led for a number of years by a charismatic Austrian who liked to wear the flag

sounds about right

The sadder thing is that it sounds like nobody actually noticed until Vice did and contacted Google, who fixed it.

Outrage? Please. They didn't even know. The only impact will have been to give them a new round of fodder to convince their donor class to line their coffers.

The sadder thing is that it sounds like nobody actually noticed until Vice did and contacted Google, who fixed it

It hardly had anything to do with Google, it was because someone edited the Wikipedia page and added "Nazism" under the "Ideology" section for the party.

Huh. I thought the article indicated differently. Oh well. Either way it was an opportunity to play the victim.

Republicans are Nazis. But Democrats say it's okay to kill Nazis, (which means Republicans, which means white people) thus making them the Nazis, so the only safe space is libertarians and Jewish groups (which are somehow white but not nazi)

Libertarians aren't safe either. I've seen r/politics comments try to argue that Libertarians are secret fascists and therefore opposed to like 75% of their core ideology.

/r/politics is where intelligent conversation goes to die.

To be fair there are a lot of fascists rebranding themselves as libertarians and outnumbering them, so for ignorant normies it's all the same.

They don't have enough Milton Friedman in their lives.

Whatever brings us closer to omnicide inshallah

Ah, so that's why I spontaneously orgasmed this morning, synchronized with every other leftist in America.

someone just changed the wikipedia page for the california republican party. That's it. Google didn't do anything other than show what's in the wiki.

But it's more fun to believe you're being victimized by a private company.

Like the NFL?

Where's the mistake?

You are it.

Probably just some "woke" intern or low level employee who thought he was being real subversive. But Google is still responsible for hiring these people and creating a welcoming environment to that type of loon.

The information panel in the image automatically draws information from the party's Wikipedia page. You can see the edit that was responsible for the "Nazism" thing here.

Ah well then it was some "woke" wikipedia editor instead

that neon haired google intern sure got them until it gets changed back

They changed it back after Vice told them about it; read the article you illeterate mayo.


guys we can totally trust google to determine what’s fake news and what’s real

They do have a Nazi running for the Cali election So that's why

Fucking boomers