"hey bby want fuk?" - Our glorious leader

8  2018-05-31 by itsnotmyfault


There's some backstory worth telling here, which in my official capacity as /u/xNotch's twitter historian I am now about to tell.

A long time ago a GamerGater named HarmfulOpinions arrived on the scene and made a name for himself with insightful commentary and a "wait, that's not text-to-speech" voice. He blew the fuck out of Bindu Reddy, who was shilling her Candid app among all the other Rational Skepticsβ„’ and free speech youtubers. He single handedly exposed everyone who signed with Candid (the "free speech platform") as having signed away their ability to criticize the app, loudly publicized the fact that the app was just gathering data to learn how to auto-censor people, that the app was shadowbanning its users, and that it was REALLY, REALLY easy to create secret imagesharing groups that were hard for other users to find (and therefore report). AKA, Candid was a great CP site for a bit. This guy literally crashed Candid to the ground, almost all by himself. He did other great stuff too, but that's for another time.

Most importantly, his avatar was a very attractive floating brain. Notch liked the avatar. Notch wanted the avatar. Notch greedily coveted the avatar. And so, Notch bought the floating brain for his new company "RubberBrain"

@HarmfulOpinions hey can i buy your logo art? we kinda sorta named our new company "rubberbrain" and need a logo.

As usual, I don't know if I'm joking or not, so let's just decide I was serious.

It's funnier to buy his. Both because it's a silly think to do, and because it'd trigger people if it ever gets any use.

There was also brief time that HarmfulOpinions had a flaming brain minecraft cube as his avatar. https://twitter.com/Sock_Cuck/status/850759601389797376

Notch briefly had a fedora on his flaming brain, iirc. https://twitter.com/AdriftLegend/status/868119352796626945 https://twitter.com/datnofact/status/854362133437575168

People enjoy sending fanart of their favorite streamers and YouTubers. Today, Harmful tweeted his waifu form: https://twitter.com/CyberHarm/status/1002274088742801408

Notch nearly immediately replied with "hey bby want fuk?"



Notchposting πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

I thought this was about Daddy at first.

It was.

Good looking 2d girl 😍😍😍

Can you please explain how this is dramatic?

Notch is a mod.

In other words, no, I can't explain because it's not dramatic.