*pats you on the head and blocks you*

15  2018-05-31 by ahbslldud


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Wait.. You can block people on this site?


You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.

Oh my god thank you. I couldn't find the superior emojipasta version

That's wayyyyyy to much text for me. I ain't reading that!


It has been 5 0 minutes since a drama poster took the bait

Proud to continue this brave tradition bb 😘

/u/s0nicfreak Do your kids celebrate you for mothers or fathers day, or both?

What part of "man who gave birth" don't you understand? Happens all the time. Educate yourself, sweetie.