Fragile mayokins and fragile chocolate-kins see who can cry harder about which was worse: Apartheid or Cummiemunism?

10  2018-06-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Now matter how local rulers name their new policies, this "new ideology" most likely will only slightly mirror even the bare ideas of socialism.Somehow I just don't see South Africa becoming a socialist paradise even if they take the land from mayos.

I lol at the idea that some south africans think that they will get enlightened socialism when the land will be taken away from local crackers....

You ain't getting shit boys.

They will get breadlines though.

Can't have breadlines if there aint no bread

There might bread, but ain't no one have time for no butter.

Breadlines are in fact mandatory when there’s no bread to make it look like there is

imagine caring about South Africa


Mayo South Africans are literally the worst type, and that's a competitive category.

That sub is infested with them. 🀒

Mayos are getting uppity again, you're at zero, even with me upvoting you, lol.

Mayos are getting uppity again, you're at zero even with me upvoting you, lol.

South Africa was a mistake.

which was worse: Apartheid or Cummiemunism?

Bitching in this sorry site.