NOFX Booted From Own Festival

67  2018-06-01 by charlesgrodinfan


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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And so it begins...

I never knew that Me First and the Gimme Gimmies was Fat Mike’s cover band.

I know huh? Total revelation.

The real casualty of this situation

Listening to modern music in current year

Lol nofx are a bunch of 50+ fat slobs that peaked 20 years ago. Modern music lol.

That's why I said modern and not contemporary, mate.

Definition of modern

1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of the present or the immediate past : contemporary

when talking about music or art in general modern refers to an already finished period while contemporary is still ongoing.

You are conflating Modern Art and Modernism (the movement 1860-1960) and the word modern. No one describes music from any past era as modern music. The truth is 90's west coast skate punk is in no way modern music. lol

what about Velvet Underground, can I still call those modern?

You can do what you want, but music is usually classified by era and genre. I'd put Velvet Underground as 70's art-rock or from a contemporary view, proto-punk.

Both of you guys should probably have your Internet access restricted after this argument.

You should have your O2 access limited bb. jk, love ya

Maybe wanna have an instant message chat? Hmu on AiM, username is jaredgayffer27


Oxygen squared?

There isn’t subscript on reddit u jizzwrangler

No one describes music from any past era as modern music.

They do, but only when talking about Stravinsky and the like, not NOFX.

Huh I actually didn't know that.

But I don't come here to learn shit, so fuck you!

Oh fucking kill yourself this is way worse than all of your pedo shit.

Do you go outside

They should have gotten the Dayton Philharmonic on the bill smh

NOFX too edgy to allow to perform

If punk's not dead it deserves to die


You've got it switched around.

Only if you (((jump to conclusions))).


Punk deserves and deserved to die for bringing us emo shit.

If I only had a brain... diddly-doopa-doop.

the emo/screamo subgenre is one of the best there is.

Depends really. A real primal scream will get me every time, but then there's that other stuff...

I'm not sure the pros outweigh the cons.

Out! Out! Out!

You know hair straighteners are bad for your hair, right?



But that's exactly why punk should be revived

We need to separate the church and the skate

Punk died when Tipper Gore got record labels to put warning labels on their albums.

Fuck that shit. If kids aren't told that they don't matter, life is meaningless, love is a lie, and we all suffer until we die alone; they might grow up to think differently.

Yes, comrade, hedonism will suffice.

Punk is and always has been shit. There was a brief period where you could argue that there was some value in that shittiness but in fucking current year we are so far past that point.

When it becomes another stale cartoon


This is so 2018. Punk bands have to be nice now.


Punk band

Lol no. The only band on that lineup that isn't complete garbage is The Descendants, and even that's pushing it

NOFX were really ahead of their time with hits like "kill all the White Men"

In the footage, Fat Mike cracks, “We played a song about Muslims and we didn’t get shot. Hooray,” to which Melvin replied, “I guess you only get shot in Vegas if you are in a country band.”

Dude I've heard edgier jokes in Ghazi. Vegas people must have thin skin if they can't take a few potshots

That's actually a well structured and funny joke.

Is not like NoFX is a pc band either, they told a lot of racist jokes back at the time in festivals

White trash, two heebs and a bean--the most marginalized band of all time

You left this part of the joke off:

“At least they were country fans and not punk rock fans,” adds Mike.

He's right, you know.

Yet Samantha Bee isn't fired for her comments on Ivanka

That’s because nobody gives a shit.

and ivanka really is a feckless cunt

Keep Yourself Safe

counterpoint: name one feck that Ivanka has

  1. She isn't one of these fright-mask liberal twats.

she looks like the mom of the kid who bites your kid

  1. She isn't a ham-faced Canadian retard that is professionally unfunny

"I think it's bad luck to put shoes on a table or to walk under ladders"

-Ivanka Trump

she might actually be retarded

"I think it is good to import Muslims and chop my dick off."

  • liberals

definitely retarded

awww you dont want to play anymore :(

I just want liberals to go back to their real jobs, like sucking dicks and designing textiles or whatever. Whoever told them that anyone cared about their opinions made a mistake.

it feels like you're taking this seriously :/

no u

That was funny, well-crafted, and original

well done

Ivanka literally did nothing wrong.

Ivanka literally did nothing

Since when did the punk scene become full of pussies? Like shit, I remember when it used to have some fucking balls.

When did punk rock become so safe?

June 28th 1993 was the day it all slowly started to go down hill.

Reminder that PC bullshit can be both right or left leaning

Being a middle-aged/old af Rockstar means you're too lame to off yourself on come and bussy.

Being a middle-aged/old Punk rocker means you're a sell out bitch, who prolly drives around in a fancy new car with more than 20 airbags. Sad


Remember when punk had balls? Remember when Jello wasn't a Bernietard pussy who cried "what about the children"?

Because i member

I'm honestly impressed. They even have black metal by the balls too.

At least grindcore is safe.


Jesus Christ, I'm beginning to understand the meaning of the world "regressive left". We're being thrown back to the 80s with this sensitivie bullshit.

For some reason, I have this memory of some pop-punk band playing on Conan or Leno or some shit back in the early 00s and they were all wearing these gawdy American flag outfits. I was thinking just the other day that no punk* band could pull that off today without a torrent of hatred. This story is another fun one. Punk is now objectively anti-punk.

*I know people who like punk don't consider pop-punk to be punk, but liking punk automatically disqualifies you from having an opinion worth caring about.

Did I ever tell you guys about the time Greg Graffin gave me a hand job at a Greyhouse bus station for a half a little debbie and joint?