Woke twitter is pissed that Kanye is still good at making music

73  2018-06-01 by Accardi_Don


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Good at making music?

What palent am I on...

A planet where hip hop is recognized as the highest art form you racist!

Oh, yes, I forgot… the art form where philosophical review of your personal morals and ethics is referred to as “dis track”.

You're using big words man, Imma take them as a dis

Ok professor Memerson

Kanye is one of the greats whether you like it or not.

Entertain me... on that planet, who else is one of the greats?

Hell if I know. I don't listen to darkie music outside of Kanye.

literally no one else


I too enjoy nothing but basic bitch 4:4 and pop intervals only in D major or similar


fuck off


Pretty triggered whenever I see this memelord tbqh yes

dead @ thinking using more time signatures makes music better, bet you are a tool fan

unironically his new album is his worst, easily

Unironically your opinions are shit and you should KYS

I keep saying it, it's all been downhill since the Americans killed Webern on a beautiful late autumn day back in 1945.

Maybe divorce artist from political considerations.

we'd have to throw out the last entire 5 years of pop culture

this is bad tho

Exactly, that's why I can still call Hitler's prose beautiful without condoning his acts.

Or enjoy Wagner

yeah but I thought we were talking about great artists



Maybe divorce artist everything from political considerations.

Like it's good for drama, but it exhausting about how everything has to relate back to politics now.

good at making music

Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop Poop, poop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-diddy-scoop Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop


Sheeeeeiiit man that track is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

He doesn't even have to use real words and that beat is the very definition of earworm

Nobody doubted his ability as a producer though.

We’re all doubting Ed’s ability to function even within the parameters of this sub


that was an awesome track and you know it

and you know it


Ed bb 😘you of all people should appreciate the art of shitposting at that high a level

Unconditional love means you never have to apologize😍😍

"I hate being bi-polar it's awesome"

that's not how bi-polar disorder works fucking moron

"I hate being bi-polar its awesome"

ftfy. Let's not spreak fake news here

I think its kinda cute

Yes it is fucking moron

Sounds like something you'd see on a Hot Topic t-shirt ten years ago



Well...about that...there's often an arguments that even 19 shadow writers can't help him overshadow his 2010 success......these arguments are known by even non rap/hip hop fans.

It is kinda funny how people will go out of their way to talk about Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino being the best things in rap today while Kanye has produced solid gold for every single one of his albums. He put 50 Cent on his ass, he put Jay-Z on his ass, he samples some really good tracks and produces some fantastic beats of his own.

If anything, Kanye has got BETTER the crazier he's got. Yeezus was great, The Life of Pablo was great and a few spins of this is really fucking dark but good. He's the best rapper in the world and knows it.


Not to mention the yacoubian devil herself TayTay 🐍🐍🐍

Pretty much yeah, like does anyone really think anyone would know those French robots without Kanye?

Kanye has produced solid gold for every single one of his albums.

808s and heartbreak was bullshit and you're a fake fan

The Life of Pablo was great

uhhh ok

He's the best rapper in the world

white people smh

I mean it's a surprisingly good breakup album but I don't suppose people like you are capable of being loved, let alone breaking up with someone.

yeah i just know you're bumpin "Love Lockdown" when your girl decides she's had enough

the fuck outta here

808s and Heartbreaks was a solid album, people just hated on it at the time because of autotune oversaturation.

Yes, and after releasing genre defining work it was sad to see Knaye follow a trendy artistic convention.

did you cry

I did salvia and watched that fucking video with all the african shit in it and got super pissed off and started ranting to my roommate about one of the Kool Keith album covers

and also cried, yes

Sounds rough, sorry I made that joke. Clearly I don't know your trials and tribulations.

dont lose the lesson


Kys for dissing a album that literally shaped so much of hip-hop now. You're an idiot

whats your favorite hip hop album

808s and TLOP are his two best albums though

wat is wrong with people


Out of all the albums you can shit on, you pick 808?

This album is actually trash lol. Only the last two tracks are decent smh tbh.


I like Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West, they're both pretty good at what they do. Kanye West was very transformative for the hip hop genre, when he started hip hop was mostly a genre of mindless dance tracks and stale edgy gangster rap (NWA was interesting when it came out, then we had a decade of cruddy imitators who just glorified the lifestyle without any of the social commentary). He opened the door to the more artistic, introspective hip hop acts we see today (like Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamar). Graduation outselling that 50 Cent album nobody remembers marked a huge shift in the nature of the genre.

Childish Gambino, what can I say. I'm a fan of Donald Glover and obviously the visuals in the music video were great, but as a song it doens't compare to Kanye West at all.

He's the best rapper in the world and knows it.

Kanye West is the best producer in the world. He's an average MC, you can really tell on any sort of collaboration track the guest almost always totally blows him away. Kendrick Lamar is probably the best rap lyricist, and he's a great producer too with his Jazz fusion style... but damn, his vocal quality is something you really have to get used to. Frank Ocean is God.

My opinion of Kanye West the person remained exactly the same before and after he announced he was a Trump supporter... he is a massive douchebag. I'm not going to falsely claim he's not good because of that though. Likewise, Kendrick Lamar's music is not garbage that shames the Pullitzer because of a 30 second incident in one of his shows that made you mad.

I am so far from the loop in rap music. I know what some of these guys look like, but couldnt tell you which song is which now a days.

Are you saying West is ##woke? In the sense it doesnt matter if he supports literal Trump but still is talented? I remember feeling funny inside for liking Beck's tunes when we learned he was fucked in the head, but a pretty good artist regardless. _@_/

Tbh what I listed there was pretty much the entire extent of my knowledge of rap music. The only rap albums I've listened to are from those three artists I mentioned, everything else I've heard is just singles. I linked it together in grandiose style and pretended to be knowledgable enough to develop a grand theory on the subject because of my intense narcissism, and ungodly amounts of adderall.

Are you saying West is ##woke?

West is slept. But he's a genius nonetheless. I'm not going to buy into the current political pillarization of society where people refuse to consume media from someone outside of their tribe.

everything else I've heard is just random singles

Honestly, the vast majority of hip hop music is about singles, not albums, so it's probably as valid a way of consuming it as anything. I don't really know a lot of people that go out of their way to consume entire albums of artists they enjoy, outside of a few artists like Kayne, Kendrick, and J.Cole.

The only rap albums I've listened to are from those three artists I mentioned,

Yeah that was pretty obvious

Are you saying West is ##woke?

West literally raps about how he goes out of his way to make people who love him, hate him, and how he's rather be a dick than a swallower.

He's a giant troll. He's also unhinged and on pills, but there's definitely a deliberate choice to do what people don't want or expect him to do.

Kanye is nowhere near the best producer in the world. He’s not even the definitive best in hip hop, there are tons of other talented producers with more technical and musical knowledge, and more interesting experimentation, but Kanye is different cause he’s huge. He’s an influencer above all, that’s his biggest merit

samples some really good tracks

Man you’re bugging none of his albums have topped college dropout.

Wtf lol politics aside this new album is probably his worst. The beats aren’t even that great

if you refer to the production of a song as the "beat" your opinion is probably trash


literal harm 🤔🤔

To be honest, I don’t listen to music from people who love and support Trump and say slavery was a choice.

Are these people so stupid that they think Kanye was talking about literal slavery and not mental slavery? Or are they just pretending?

I think they just operate off the assumption that Kayne is so crazy he meant literal slavery. Most likely because it makes them feel better if they assume he's just completely bugfuck crazy.

Or are they just pretending?

Mostly pretending. Everything now is about cutting up and taking shit out of context and taking everything literally.

It all dates back to Trump's infamous "mexican rapists" quote.

It all dates back to Trump's infamous "mexican rapists" quote

Do you think people didn't twist each other's words before Trump?

Not to the extent we see in the present day with things like the media refusing to acknowledge the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal alien

What the “listen to Kanye for music not politics” takes miss is that America is facing a crisis. If we want to keep moving forward, we can’t have celebs & companies with huge platforms supporting this dangerous President’s agenda. Some things are bigger than music, football, etc.

yes saying mean words and deporting people isn’t good but neither is bombing Muslims and killing our own citizens trump is like -1 on the list of problems he literally doesn’t matter

Bombing Muslims is a great name for a band

The Kanye West Prestige Theory

Imagine being this retarded

gay lol\

You know the funniest thing? Twitter is also "woke" if you change languages. You have the same uncultured idiots praising and hating Kanye West on portuguese. I didn't knew the mix of cultures would lead to the homogenization of opinions.

Woke twitter is pissed

Imagine that

linking to the search result page for "kanye"

i know this is /r/drama but a teeny tiny bit of effort would be nice

Let me fuck your mom's putrid cunt first and then I'll try to meet your standards you miserable excuse for an abortion.

They just got whoopity poop scooped