"You’re right, they aren’t compatible. Samantha just said words. Words you may not like but harmless words. Rosanne made a racist comment. A harmful tweet that hurts people. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you Sean, you Dull cunt." Kaj-Erik Eriksen™️ on Twitter

5  2018-06-01 by itsnotmyfault


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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For those not in the know, Rosanne recently said something racist and got her new show cancelled. Now Samantha Bee called someone a cunt and now Republicans are super butthurt. Cue loonies saying "words are violence, but only when someone we don't like uses them".

In other news: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-pitting-samantha-bee-s-comments-against-roseanne-s-another-ncna878891

It is, of course, a completely different dynamic for a woman to refer to another woman as a crass epithet and for a white woman to refer to a black woman as a racist trope but...

smug liberals and their fragility amirite?


🦄♻️️👞 theory proven once again!

"Retard says something retarded"

Literally who's this guy?

Ugh a leaf descended from squareheaded immigrants, the worst combination.

Would bang, tbh.

Americans who use the term cunt are the most embarrassing group of people on Earth. its even worse than saying "bloody"

Shut up, cunt.

Surething cunt

I'm sticking to my original conclusion. My original conclusion was two-fold:

  1. She is not black. 2. She does look a bit like the female chimp from the original Planet of the Apes.

"No bad tactics just bad targets" - the Modern Left