Regular poster /u/wil feels bad.

132  2018-06-02 by SPEZ_AKBAR


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Damn, me too, but I didn't go write an article about it.

Fking cuck.

Define Cuck:

He's raising/raised another man's children, which some people interpret as being a cuck. Personally, I'd rather just call him a dweeb who turned into an asshole.

But you wear it like a badge of honor in r/drama.

I have run out of space in my office for the awards I’ve received for my work, and as a white, heterosexual, cisgender man in America, I live life on the lowest difficulty setting — with the Celebrity cheat enabled. My life is, by every objective measurement, very very good. And in spite of all of that, I struggle every day with my self esteem, my self worth, and my value not only as an actor and writer, but as a human being.

What a fucking dipshit, lol.

Good to know that having chronic depression and anxiety doesn't affect your difficulty setting at all. "Lol that guy killed himself even though he was on the lowest difficulty setting. What a loser."

Why are these people only able to communicate with video game or movie metaphors?

Also I'm not sure if being a celebrity famous for playing an annoying little shit, and acting like him in real life, is really a "cheat."

I don't know what you mean by "these people" but Wheaton is a huge nerd. It's not surprising he uses metaphors from something that is a big part of his life.

So what would your metaphors be like? Dildos and enemas probably.

You people

It's his bit; why he gets to do voiceovers and has tried his hardest to monitize geek hobbies forcedmeme style because it worked for people more attractive/talented than him.

Look through his cringejournal-style 82k sub youtube if you want to know why he's not successful. You'll see his biggest hits were game of thrones and walking dead mashup memes.

Wow he actually has less subscribers than Noah Munck, kinda bizarre.

not really, everyone hates him, duh...

/u/will response?

muh john scalzi made a poast aboot it

lmao this is like the epitome of the numale. it'll never be as hilarious ass this.

I live life on the lowest difficulty setting — with the Celebrity cheat enabled

Celebrity cheat? This idiot needs to fuck with the Konami code. I did, and I've been living depression free ever since.

I did left right, left right, up down, up down, AB BA, start.

Now I'm a dancing queen.

dudes a fuckboi

If you say /u/wil three times he shows up.

It was at this point I knew it was just really bad standup comedy.

He forgot to put "Celebrity" in quotes.

Never heard or seen the dude before

Here's our local hero u/MasterLawlz treating him right after he cried about Legos

I think this subbed peaked right here.

The only reason I know him is because the character he played on Star Trek, Wesley, was the trope namer for "Creator's Pet" for the longest time (there was a movement a few years back to give tropes more generic titles, so "The Wesley" became "Creator's Pet". But the article is still subtitled "The Wesley").

He has literally written that before.

Scalzi said it, and the morons believed it.

Scalzi is an underrated lolcow. He’s a massive baby, but because he has his life together for the most part he goes unnoticed.

lol seriously, how do you type that shit with a straight face and go "yep, this doesn't make me sound like a dumbass at all"

The year is 2018

This guy not only went down the rabbit hole, he hit his head on every bump and turn on his way down. Real human beings who live in the real world and work for a living do not talk like this.

heterosexual, cisgender

Can someone explain the difference? What is /u/wil trying to say here?

A FtM that want to fuck girls would be be het but not cis.

I think that's called "a really butch dyke"

What is it called if Im regar gendered like everyone else's parents for the last 7000 years?


"I want to fuck the opposite sex and I don't suffer from the delusion that I was misgendered at birth". Typically go together but don't have to.

What is cis. Why do it.

Cis is the opposite of trans

Why is there a need for a new word when "normal" is already there?

Trannies don't want to be not normal,

Cis As a Latin term for same or not across has bee around for as long as trans, meaning different or across. See cisgaul (northern italy) vs transgaul or france. But yeah it's just a way to look normal when they arent

I dont see whats wrong with any of that

Because you're a piece of shit like he is. Cut from the same toilet paper, if you will.

dare I ask, in what way


what is there to explain

if you actually thinking that liking a tv show makes somebody a piece of shit, there's something wrong with you. I'm not assuming you actually think that, but it's a pretty stupid take.

An adult male liking a girls children's show about pretty pink ponies yes.

Well I would't call myself when I was watching the show, I was still fairly young. Secondly, not all the ponies are pink. Thirdly and finally, what is inherently wrong about watching a show about pretty pink ponies.

Presumably it makes you agree with human trash like will.

No matter what a bunch of freaks say, the show is fucking awful if you aren't a little kid. There is no subtext. There is no deep meaning. Stop wasting your time watching a show made and marketed to babies and grow the fuck up.

Im a few years ahead of you on that thank you very much.

smh, someone with a mlp username trying to claim the high ground

In what way am I taking a high ground. Im not mate

don't listen to the haters

Why did the liberal cliche of listing off your precise identity traits become a thing? "Look how woke I am guys!" It never makes the author look good.

I'm reminded of how in the cultural revolution, those who came from a "bad" background (upper class) background and "good" background (working class) each formed their own bands of Red Guards. And usually the ones composed of those with "bad" backgrounds committed the worst acts of violence and extremism, just because they wanted to prove themselves. And then after the cultural revolution these little twats were always the first to renounce it all and become corrupt bougie scum and good little party bureaucrats.

Damn it, we need mayocide yesterday.

For a brief moment, I felt bad for the chap. Then I am reminded it's mostly self inflicted and he deserves it.

He's gotten so fucking pathetic.


Shut up Wesley.

My boy!

Don't let Wil see this, he'll have to write an entire blogpost about it.

Wizard. Time Lord. Fake geek girl. On a good day I am charming as fuck.

Dude, you are 45. Christ on a crabcracker

Hes still a pretty famous person. Youre telling me he isnt able to be charming? Why is this thread so hostile

Shut up Wesley

the last part isn't the problem, the rest is

He's not a pretty famous person, he's literally Wesley and he should shut up.

What do you mean he's literally wesley. He claims to suffer from depression and wants to share his experience so your response is to make fun of his name?

You claim he’s super famous yet don’t know the name of his most prominent role?

I dont see how saying "he's literally Wesley and he should shut up" is any sort of legitimate argument

You go on /r/drama and expect legitimate arguments?

I dont expect anything. It doesn't change the fact that what they said is stupid

You're a brony. Anything you say is automatically wrong

you have to go back

fuck off mdefugee

Generally to be considered charming you have to have charisma and not make women's vaginas dry just by looking at them, so he fails on both counts

If you think no woman would find him attractivs you are just deluding yourself. Is this a drama sub or a bullying sub

Wil Wheaton is the definition of beta numale. He's not attractive.

ok. I don't thing you can make that claim objectively, but regardless, okay.

Secondly, calling someone a beta numale is pretty stupid to me, but again, you do you.

Dude you have a mlp username and you're white knighting Wil Wheaton. You need to take a long hard look at your life.

im not white knighting him. He is opening up about his depression and I see people on reddit talking shit for no real reason. Damn right i'll call it out

There are mods here that are more attractive.

To be honest, a lot of the mods here got recruited because they're attractive.

Is that why you got modded because I am pretty sure I have heard you are total babe.

I can neither confirm nor deny that.

How the fuck did you get here?


How did you find this place?

/u/RainbowEffingDash, WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?


[Redacted] tree supply

Is this a drama sub or a bullying sub



Sucking Chris Hardwick’s dick does not make fame

he has 3 mill followers on twitter. That's pretty famous.

This thread is messed up lmao. People taking issue at the fact that he's calling himself famous and his life easy. If he didn't, these insecure dipshits would be all like 'Yeah, whatever, he has depression, but he's famous and rich and male!'

FFS. This thread is toxic and full of grade A losers hahaha.

So what grade losers choose shitty GoT characters as their username? B? D? ZZZ???

This thread is toxic and full of grade A losers

Do you have any idea what subreddit you're in?

It's my first time here :(

♥❤♥❤♥ some of us are always 13 year old girls at heart ♥❤♥❤♥

I heard /u/wil is a child molester.

I thought this was a fucking repost. This cuck legit uses life as a cis white straight male as "easy life mode" like a catch phrase.

I am sure Obama has a harder life than some white guy homeless in the streets.

That Kenyan guy? Yeah, duh, Kenya has an HDI of 0.555.

The Kikuyu make up 22% of the population, it gained independence from the United Kingdom on the 12th of December 1963, and the Speaker of the National Assembly is Justin Muturi.

You are using nonsense words

Please rephrase so we can make fun of you because we know what the fuck you're talking about

Okay, I'll give it a go.

The country's motto is 'Harambee' (I'm not kidding! Like the monkey!) which means 'Let us all pull together' in Kiswahili. Unfortunately, men cannot 'pull one-another off together' as Homosexual acts are illegal and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

The Speaker of the National Assembly is Justin Muturi.

Ah, much better

Your motto "Harambee" has finally fixed the horrendous and chronic anal rape problem in prisons

We should really give it a go here



I am sure Obama has a harder life than some white guy homeless in the streets.

Some might even say, that what matter the most is the social class you are in. We could even call the difference in classes something snappy, like class struggle.

Well Obama did indeed genuinely come from pretty much nothing, probably not the best comparison. Obv he has a better life now though. He was born with the superpower of somehow being half black genetically but being in the 99th percentile of whitest people on Earth.

I actually don't think there are any big, wealthy black dynasties in America at the moment. The Obama's are likely to become the first. Oprah could have made one but she has no children.

Came from nothing? His parents were highly educated including Ivy League.

Well Obama Obongo did indeed genuinely come from pretty much nothing Kenya

Obama’s father went to graduate school at Harvard and his mom earned a PhD. Barack traveled frequently as a child receiving a diverse education at private schools, and for awhile lived in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Jakarta.

I actually don't think there are any big, wealthy "privileged" black dynasties in America at the moment.

Michael Jordan is a billionaire and has 4 legitimate offspring.

How many illegit?

Lebron James is making moves.

So you rebuttal to straight white men's life being easy is to literally compare him to a former president hahaha.

That's like saying 'oh his life is great because he has two cars? I'M SURE BILL GATES' LIFE IS BETTER THAN HIS!'


You guys are insecure as fuck. Get a life.

That actually isn't what I said at all.

Nobodies life is automatically any easier only due to their gender, race or sexuality, it has a lot more to do with background and social status.

Did you even read his comment or did you just skim it for a name or two?

Surprisingly, thinking you don't deserve to have the stuff you have, and thinking you oppress large swaths of the population just by existing, leads someone to depression.

He shouldn't be ashamed because of the "chronic depression and anxiety" part. He should be ashamed because of the "Wil Wheaton" part.

Someone prescribe him a gallon of ice cream a day so we can call him Wil Weighton.

Maybe if he stopped seeing everything good that happens in his life as a result of his "white privilege", but as a consequence of his work and effort, he wouldn't feel like a worthless sack of shit

That would have required him to put any actual work and effort into anything he did after "Stand By Me."

Or maybe he should spend his extra money and time helping out the people he feels should fuck his wife? He is the quintessential representation of progressive mayos who cry about the plight of poor minorities while happily indulging in all the rewards of ""being white."" Someone should tell him that woke articles written by hypocritical cucks do not emancipate poor blacks from inner city schools that can't afford basic textbooks.

Look at this fucking mayo

The guy who says my issues don't matter cause I'm a white guy? Shut the fuck up, /u/wil

shut up mayo

Again with this? Didn't he posted something really similar a few months back?

Are you Eastern European?

No, why?

You have that vibe. It's endearing!


The squatting. The track suits. The cigarettes. The abercrombie shirts.

I only have adidas running shorts, not tracksuits

I'm Eastern European! Am I endearing too?

Endearing to my enlarged diseased prostate!


Do you have dozens of weird moles all over your body? How often do you squat while weird Adidas brand clothing? When you walk outside of your post-communist housing complex, does it feel strangely like the world is in black and white even though everything's painted in ugly, garish pastels? Are you currently in the process of moving to the UK, while simultaneously voting for far right Nazi-ish parties to protect your own homeland from the hordes of lower-status-culture barbarians you imagine at the gates? While in actuality even they have literally zero desire to move to the shithole dump you call a country, and are mostly glad you closed your border because it means they have higher odds of being assigned to Germany or Sweden?

Then yes! Absolutely adorable!

That's oddly specifc. I was about to agree about the world being gray outside because of the gray commieblocks but then I realized you're absolutely buttblasted. The only thing I don't know is why.

It's his schtick


I’d have chronic depression too if I was wil Wheaton.

How small is your dick, to post this as drama.

You have issues op.

Wil writes this like he's some outstanding role model who will help millions of struggling kids. He's really just a contentious asshole who somehow pisses everyone off in whatever he touches. He should be celebrated by r/drama for being so crazy but he's so reviled here that we even make fun of his depression post. He's even come into the sub and got roasted by Uber autisomo u/MasterLawlz.

OOTL what has Will done? I know he's a popular guy in """nerd culture""" but that's it.

He is the consummate lolcow. This is the guy that called the police over the navy seal pasta.

Oh god what a moron

Michael Phelps writes on the impact of depression too.

Honestly, its a decent piece will writes. I dont even know who he is. Or why you are so jelous when he writes about his success.

I think op and you are a lot darker and are self reflecting your inadequacies. You find it contemptful, if someone succesful can also be depressed.

I find it contemptful when a whiny celebrity who constantly bitches at other people writes a blog on depression to score sympathy points. He's no different from anyone else who has dealt with depression, but he's got his trumpet out so everyone knows how hard he has it and will excuse his obnoxious behavior. u/wil

You completely missed the point. You are oficially braindead.

You dont get sympathy. There is a stigma involved with depression and mental illness. IF anything it is brave to speak out about it.

This entire thread is proof of the stigma.

You're retarded. There's no stigma against people with depression. Half this fucking site is about all the weebs talking about how they're depressed. I'd bet at least a 10% of the country is on some sort of medication for depression. u/wil is just upping his nerd cred even more. There's literally nothing brave about saying I feel sad a lot. I'm all for celebrities getting help and support so we don't have any more Robin Williams scenarios, but Wil has been a giant asshole for so long that his motive for writing this is clear and nauseating.

Robin Williams did it because he found out he had a bad disease, afaik.

Robin Williams had a degenerative disease that was physically making Swiss cheese out of his brain. I think he had the right to decide when to call it, I’m sad that he had the disease and felt he had to end his life the way he did.

Avicii’s recent suicide might be more applicable. He had severe health issues from his lifestyle touring but it seemed it was the pressure to tour again that got to him.

Half this fucking site is about all the weebs talking about how they're depressed

>he thinks reddit norms and real-life social norms are the same

This thread actually amazes me. I didn't think people could be this stupid, insecure, and pathetic - all at the same time. Don't worry about it. You're not the weirdo here. Everyone in this thread is.

They're just sad.

Welcome to r/drama.

Is this self-aware? If so, that'd be hilarious.

Some are, some aren't. The purpose of this sub is to be as dramatic as possible.

Oh, okay. I kind of missed the memo, lol.

Where do people like you come from

The most hysteric of normies smh

Mauro Ranallo did a entire movie about his bipolar disorder and it never had a "Me me me me" feel to it. Why do people exploit this shit?

I couldn't bring myself to read this one, but didn't he say he was self diagnosed in the last post?

Anne must be very proud that her wife has the courage to speak out about her difficulty transitioning into an overprivileged cisgendered man in America.

Whiny faggot acts like whiny faggot. More at 11.

This is only insulation for the incoming rape/pedophilia accusations of the "male feminist".

Then shortly after he'll chester himself.

/u/wil I said it the last time you wrote an article like this (which presumably didn’t get you as much attention as you hoped hence this one) but if your life is as easy as you say it is how have you managed to fuck it up this badly?

/u/wil anti-gamergate is full of rapists and pedophiles, but muh unprovable harassment is treated as a worse problem than your sexual abuse hate group.


why did you even bring this up

it's like you lit the autism signal

I'm just curious why people would support or be a part of a rapist hate group like /u/wil is. How many more women have to suffer because /u/wil was super mad over criticism of game journalism?

I have run out of space in my office for the awards I’ve received for my work

The fact that he chose to use this as part of a presentation about depression is pretty insulting. I get it - he's saying "See? Even recognition doesn't equal happiness..." so, then what in hell is your point? Are you then saying that trying to achieve things is thereby meaningless? What kind of message is that sending? This is so wrought with smugness that I feel particularly sorry for this guy. For any of us that do suffer with depression or bipolar disorder, alienating ourselves through boastfulness is not an answer.

Too much soy, Wesley. Take some test and lift weights.

why is /u/wil such a spineless mayo

/u/wil Shut up Wesley!

/u/wil, do you seriously think you’re telling anyone who suffers from depression things they don’t already know? The take a walk, shower, eat a meal stuff - that’s basic advice that even Reddit comments would give.

Also, no one cares about whether or not you can now talk about your struggle. No one is going to look at you and say “well shit, Wesley Crusher is being open about depression so maybe now I should tell everyone about every little fee-fee I have”. No. You are inspiring no one. Get out.

It sounds like 100% of this is attributable to his shitty fucking parents drop-kicking him into a stressful fucking hollywood shitshow at the ripe old age of infancy.

Shut up Wesley!

u/wil hey if your lifes so good and youre so accomplished then shut the fuck up

i suspect it isnt though and youre overcompensating

You're a man, no one cares how often you write these pleas for help.

And if someone did care, it would be only because they hate wahmen.

If anyone wants to see the guy get mad at a girl over a tabletop game -

THe mere face that he believes that enough people give a personal shit about his woes is the exact reason he is depressed.

Just fucking get off the internet and live your life how you want to dumbass. Jesus stop whining to people who don’t care and go fix yourself before you decide to eat a bullet