Cats suck and people who like cats are retarded

0  2018-06-02 by Going_up_the_Country

That is all.


No u

pls no bully



you're probably just jealous of my glorious Maine Coon.

Post pics pls πŸ˜πŸ˜‹

Lol looks derpy af πŸ˜‚. Ty bb

Maine Coon.

What the fuck did you just call me?

lol nigger cat

would you believe me if I told you that as a Lovecraft fan I actually gave him that name?

nigger man is his name actually.

Your cat holds nothing on my cat

pedophile AND a catfag

Colour me shocked


This but unironically




Cats can see you for the serpents you are 😾✝

Men with cats are sexual predators

Why thank you 😁

grab the woodchipper

Uhh, I had a cat before and it never sucked my dick, what am I doing wrong?

Get a bigger cat

Get a bigger dick

Cats are fucking useless they don't even maul your kid to death smh


Cats suck

It's like having a stuffed animal... that shits inside your house, and would kill you if it could. It's all the responsibility of having a dog, but none of the benefits.

people who like cats are retarded

I've never been to a cat owner's house that didn't smell fucking awful. It's not always strong, but it's always there, and it's disgusting. "Oh, no, I have this such-and-such litter that blah blah blah." Great, glad you're spending money just so your animal can piss in the house. But you're just used to the smell - it's not helping.

I make sure my house stinks like cat to keep people away