Episode V: The NEET Strikes Back

40  2018-06-02 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Legos are important and he did the right thing

bring back bionicle

He's probably set for life with all that lego tbh

Someone just needs to put this NEET down for the sake of humanity

I just feel bad for his son. Imagine what will happen when he gets old enough to realize that his parents are complete losers. Or what will happen when his classmates find out who his dad is.

Imagine what will happen when he gets old enough to realize that his parents are complete losers.

ha it’s not that bad don’t worry

Or what will happen when his classmates find out who his dad is.

oh yeah that’ll suck

unless he’s forthcoming and dad-bashing about it, maybe

dad-bashing about it

Poor fucking kid imagine having such a pathetic father figure, like fuck I hope he has some functional male role model in his life.

that’s why domcoms were invented. hopefully the kid ends up watching good TV, but the odds are slim

His mother's boyfriend might be able to step in.

Kids don't need toxic masculinity

I just feel bad for his son.


Wait, he has a son?

Shocking isn't it?

Let's not assume his gender.

with financial help from right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

W.. Why?

you missed that? his excuse was that it’d help him get through this and get back to being an actual adult

He gave him a lifetime supply of water filters and supermalevitality™

I dont feel as bad for infowars as I do for the reporters covering what amounts to an infowars scholarship winrar

w.. Why?

Gotta help his audience.

Because Alex Jones still has "fuck money" left after his divorce. In fact, he might have even more now.

I was expecting some obese, fedora wearing, neck beard. But he looks to be in good shape! Not financially or emotionally of course.

But he looks to be in good shape!

REEEEEEEE clearly bitch mummy is malnourishing this good boy