Mayocide: the Asian Option

0  2018-06-02 by 254mmPianist

The fact that white culture has been hijacked by Jewish intectuallism is not a subject that needs any further discussion as that it is self evident. If being a white male is automatic thought crime, I say if you can't beat 'em, then agree and amplify (feel free to visit TheRedPill if you don't get the reference).

Do you know who is impervious to the Jewish propaganda? Northeastern Asians. And those women are craving white dick, just Google it. I'm talking about the Japs and the Koreans, here, don't settle for second rate Philippine pussy.

It's a marriage of the best of both worlds. Your Asian woman will bring her traditional feminine nature to the table along with a higher IQ. All you gotta bring is your White awesomeness, which is an ideal balance of testosterone and intelligence. Personally, I've got a pretty standard 6" cock, which in the western world is just not cutting it with all the negros running around just hitting and quitting these vapid brainwashed white women. Let the Jews have their cesspool, let the migrants in and watch it all burn! Asia is the next superpower; the mayocide has begun. I implore to white men everywhere, let's get on (and in) the winning team.


Get out Cringe Anarchy assclown.

C'mon, bro, do you even lift???

This is all very interesting, but how much do you squat? Let's quantify the progress in absolute terms we all understand, like pounds on a bar through full ROM.

If you put an hb9 on both sides of the bar, I could rep them enough times to make them slaves to my 6"cock (that's girth, not length)

No cat, only dog r/dogfck

You have to go home. You can't stay here.

What moron thinks like this?

What moron can't detect satire? Ur dumb, lol (Maybe ya need to breed some Asian poon so ur kids aren't retarded like you 🤔)

I detected someone who really thinks about race mixing and shit all the time attempting satire. This site is so weird.

Jesus Christ PoJoM, go father some half-asian kids!

Fucking right. I'm cooking some stirred fried pizza right now

XD, your memes are so lit famsquad.


That was my wife's line, I thought I'd throw her a bone, if ya know what I mean

Pls describe your imaginary wife

Not Asian 😓

I do but only ironically

I'm talking about the Japs and the Koreans, here, don't settle for second rate Philippine pussy.

/u/Honk4Tits, sounds like you and this guy should have a duel or something

I'm game

Bring it on bitch

Sorry for the late reply. I tried to read through your comment history and fell asleep. Here's the thing, bro: I'm entertaining. You?...not so much.