Trouble in Tomatoville!

188  2018-06-02 by snallygaster

Vendor integrity is vital to heirloom farming, as poor-quality seeds and produce can destroy a commercial farmer's income and cause hobbyists to waste massive amounts of time and money. As such, news of a shoddy vendor travels quickly by word-of-mouth, and those vendors usually don't stay in business for very long.

However, one vendor has continued to survive despite unethical business practices. Lisa at 'Amishland' is a vendor who distributes 'rare' tomato seeds. Well, allegedly. The people at Tomatoland forums have caught her renaming standard heirloom varieties, exaggerating their quality with purple prose, suggesting that she is the only USA vendor with the seeds, and selling them at a premium. If the seeds even arrive to the buyer (they have been mysteriously held for reasons such as a 'funny shipping address',), the germination rate is incredibly poor, meaning that farmers paid a premium for common heirloom seeds that are much less likely to germinate than seeds from other vendors. And if the seeds do manage to germinate, the productivity of the plant and quality of the produce is a complete crapshoot due to Lisa's tendency to take 'creative freedoms' with the names and descriptions of the products. Naturally, the tomato farmers of the internet are very upset with Lisa's lies, and to this date her farm remains the only one blacklisted on tomatoville, the largest tomato-grower community online.

Like many shitty vendors across the small business spectrum, Lisa seems to have quite an ego and cannot handle criticism. Farmers who have given her reviews on a vendor watchdog website mention that she gets rude and defensive when asked even generic questions. Lisa has, naturally, responded to some of these accusations with comments that reinforce the accusations.

Will Lisa ever be brought to justice for her crimes against tomanity? Given her apparent status in the local community and the fact that she's been running her farm for decades, probably not. However, her aggressive incompetence will haunt and bewilder the farmers of Tomatoville forever more.


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. caught her -,*,

  3. renaming standard heirloom varietie... -,*,

  4. purple prose -,*,

  5. funny shipping address -,*,

  6. incredibly poor -,*,

  7. complete crapshoot -,*,

  8. vendor watchdog website -,*,

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Snally, where do you find all this stuff?

I think she found it on


Glad I could be of help

I was looking for an answer to some question I had about growing tomatoes and found someone complaining about Amishland.

If you have joined Tomatoville that's an excellent place, as well as Dave's Garden if it is still around. Carolyn at Tomatoville was a saint in answering questions for me, but I don't know if she is still there.

Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty set with my tomatoes and peppers, though I'd like to get some advice for my eggplants. Reddit seems pretty hostile towards amateurs asking really stupid questions.

Keep in mind eggplants are in the same family as tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes if you are soil growing. They are susceptible to the same things.


Yup! The thing I've been trying to figure out is whether these white things at the bottom of the branches are. They look like new growth but I can't tell what kind.

Don't know what that is. At least it isn't little black caterpillar droppings.

The white thing on the trunk is from an old leaf that dropped off. I'm talking about the white things where the stem and a branch intersect. I have them on both of my eggplants (2 very different varieties) and have no idea what they are, but they seem to be growing. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I hope they're not plant zits!

I can't really tell from the picture, but if it is powdery and you can wipe it off it is mostly likely fungus. But if it is hard feels like it is growing out of the plant, Possibly just new stem growth trying to happen in the wrong spot. Typical culprits are too humid conditions and overwatering. Root Primordia

It's definitely part of the plant. It's growing on both of my eggplants (who are of very different varieties) in every one of their 'stem joints' and seems to be forking either into two new branches or leaves per each joint. I've been looking at pics and can't find anything similar, since nobody seems to document the growth of eggplants for whatever reason, though some eggplant varieties do seem to have eggplants flowering at the same part of the plant, so I'm thinking/hoping that's what it is.

If it is happening specifically at Stem joints, or "nodes" and not randomly on the stems, I wouldn't worry about it, probably just new growth like you said.

For whats it's worth I've found adding "-tomato" to any google searches really helps to weed out the overwhelming amount of traffic geared toward your average home grower and their tomato issues.

Thanks for the advice! Especially regarding the search. Eggplant discussion seems really sparse in English-language results.

Are you growing indoors or something? What's with the purple hue?

They're cotyledon, the first leaves produced by the seed. They'll just fall off at some point don't worry about them.

post tomato plants

Here are my grow tent plants (which have started to flower!) and here are my outdoor plants. I found a shelf on the sidewalk and turned it into a raised bed, lol.


Half of my last patio project: Early Girl: Black Prince: San Marzano:

When the others start fruiting I will post them too.

U r my inspiration. 😍

Get a better inspiration!

Who the fuck picks agriculture for their hobby?



Load farming seems like the superior career path, truthfully.

I unironically think agriculture sounds like a pretty cool hobby tbh.

You like to sow your seed?

Yeah, but to torture the metaphor what I do is the equivalent of throwing seeds in a cup of bleach.

Where most genetic material belongs, tbh

Homosexuality is the only ethical position to take tbh.

You're alright, kid.

I don't think I'd do it in a million years, but cultivating plants and stuff is definitely a legit hobby.

I'd never have the attention span to do it and I hate shit that requires effort, but yeah, I think it's cool, idk.

It's shockingly little effort after prepping the soil and seeding. You can actually be lazier because they're right there in your yard.

The issue is that if you don't have a garden, you need to give them water every so often. And it's a lot of commitment. I am barely able to look after myself, how could anyone expect me to care about plants ?

ime it's a lot easier to look after yourself when you're responsible for something else.

Given how my orchids ended, Imma go with no.

Start with something extremely easy like mint.

or babies

They are easier if you make them in groups.

Orchids are supposed to be easy to take care of too.

Not really. They need a specific climate to do well.

They're not finicky, but you can't let them get cold and you need to water them consistently without overwatering them. Mint doesn't give a shit what the conditions are as long as they have a place to grow. If you have enough space squash is also piss easy to grow but the vines spread like crazy and their pests are probably the worst of any garden pest.

That's what I and my ex-wife thought, but CPS disagreed

Were you arrested when they took your ex-wife away?

Just get some succulents. Those things can go weeks without you watering them and still be fine

Shit I haven't watered my cactus in three months, I probably should

But let's be real, this commented already exhausted my motivation

I smoke outside. Watering is something to do while enjoying a butt.

You should try growing some herbs in a window or on your porch. It's pretty damn easy and makes the food you cook taste better.

If you're remotely interested then start with something low-maintenance like mint. It's a really gratifying and calming pursuit.

I like making habitats for 🐞 and 🐛.

I grow e tomatoes and pick em. They are better than the cardboard shit at the grocery store.

Yes but my neighborhood Whole Foods assures mine are GMO and intelligence free sustainably grown.

intelligence free

This is important. You don't want another Attack of the Killer Green Tomatoes on your hand.

Have I just been extremely unlucky in my Heirloom Tomato experience? Because every time I attempted to get and use them they're pretty mushy and get bruised at the drop of a hat, and then proceed to start stinking like the day after I got them if I don't cook them immediately?

Have I been buying over ripe ones every single time? I don't get how that's statistically possible.

Well they aren't independent events because the same dummy is picking them each time.

He's buying them, not growing his own. That's his problem. Heirlooms don't keep like the grocery store crap, and are meant to be enjoyed shortly after picking. Grocery store tomatoes aren't bred for flavor, they are bred for looking pretty and long shelf life. That means less acid and sugars. That's why they look great but taste like shit.

The problem is that growers have to bring ripe produce to market in order for it to sell, which means that they're selling produce that will only last a few days even though it could have been sold as soon as it started gaining color and would still taste the same once it ripened.

I started growing vegetables two months ago and I'm completely hooked. It's a fantastic hobby. I don't even think about anything internet, politics, etc-related until all of my plants are taken care of.

I don't even think about anything internet, politics, etc-related until all of my plants are taken care of.


Heirloom tomatoes are all I used to do, but don't overlook some of the hybrids as well. Once you taste home grown tomatoes you started yourself from seeds you will never look at grocery store tomatoes the same. Here at my local HEB they sell tomatoes with a piece of dry vine still attached and call those "Vine Ripened" as some kind of stupid joke to go with the bland taste they deliver.

You're in a good hobby. :)

don't overlook some of the hybrids as well.

I'll try not to, but I'm interested in rare and unusual varieties more than anything.

Here at my local HEB they sell tomatoes with a piece of dry vine still attached and call those "Vine Ripened"

Wow, that's just embarrassing. Do you grow anything else?

Keep posting on Tomatoville and if Dave's Garden is still around, there as well. Late summer early fall they start doing seed swaps, and you can get a lot there just by trading. For instance, pick a few varieties you want to try and get those seeds. You won't use them all, but others may want to try them and send you their extra in exchange. The last and only time I participated, I bought like 5 packs of 50 seeds I wanted to use, and at the end of swapping ended up with over 100 varieties of seeds.

Sweet, will definitely do!

Here at my local HEB

South Texas represent

It is an ableist, white, middle-class hobby that can't be engaged in by people who live in their vans. It's divisive and exclusionary tbh fam

I don't even think about anything internet, politics, etc-related until all of my plants are taken care of.

white people smh


I built a herb spiral in my garden. Awesome project.

post pics!

Very nice! How long did it take you to do this, and which herb varieties did you use?

Gathering all the rocks happened pretty gradually. Once those were collected, myself and a friend did most of the building over two days, but gave it two weeks to let the soil settle down and fill in all the gaps in inner structure before planting anything.

There is sorrel, french tarragon, Thai coriander, some reddish variety of basil, oregano, two kinds of lavender, a buchu plant, some lemon balm and fennel.

The silvery one is a dwarf curry leaf plant. I threw some swiss rainbow shard spinach / fordhook giant spinach plus some cos lettuce round the other side which isn't visible since they'll still do fine in partial shade.


I do. It’s the only way I can guarantee vegetables that have been grown with full vegan principles - no pesticides, all organic, no manure for fertilization, non-fluoridated water. Only the purest vegetables for me and my cat.

Tomatoes are as poisonous as the lies of the anti-dinosaur 🦖 liberation front

If dinosaurs were real I'm pretttty sure we'd notice them

(((They))) are hiding them from us. Get woke.

I hope she comes to the sub and spergs out like that vinyl lady

No one will ever top the ranch lady.

Why do only women come and rage on the sub? Do men just go and shoot someone irl to take out their rage?

Men who come and rage generally become part of the more ambient noise in the sub I think.

Men (or "holes" as I call them) in general are quite boring so it's not very notable.

Men definitely come here and rage

There was the guy, and a whole bunch of others that I can't remember offhand

yeah but vinyl lady was way more insistent

No one is more insistent than ranch lady! She's been going at it for over a decade and has shown up in random-ass places like a fucking men's shaving forum. Stand down! My queen is better than your queen.

Plus yours is actually real. There's no way the vinyl lady, no matter how entertaining, wasn't a troll.

I thought we all agreed vinyl lady was a front for the dude?

Vinyl lady was obviously the male owner of that business

Vinyl guy is the correct terminology

Who was the ranch lady?


This isn't your normal lolcow btw. Her career is like 7 years longer than Chris Chan's.

Somehow I missed that one, holy shit thats grade A insanity.

She is greater than /r/drama. The fact she even showed up here is kinda impressive. Even /u/snallygaster would struggle to keep up with her insanity

Even /u/snallygaster would struggle to keep up with her insanity.

I did do a write-up a while back. Though I have had the opportunity to speak with her since then.

I don't want to prod. Your ability to communicate with the dregs of society shouldn't be messed with.

I still say you don't know what she's up to nowadays now because I'm sure there is a snail-racing forum where she is currently fighting people about how much time the word "hello", wastes that you aren't aware of.

She's pretty much exclusively on reddit but will go to other forums that mention her. I think she's found her home.


I love her so much. It's the purest, most persistent lolcow insanity ever. When are we gonna mod her?

iirc she was a mod at some point but she either removed herself or somejne else removed her.


HOLY FUCK. She's here too?!

> thinking that was a legit sperg out and not some drama regular trolling the rest


You don't have to hope, you can do the ole ego bait and anonymously PM her on wherever she hangs out at and bait her here.

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Wow, I hadn't thought of visiting there in years. Did get a lot of good advice when I was active. I still grow heirlooms, but just haven't found the need to post there. Thanks for bringing this place back up. Will start visiting again.

What are you growing this year? I started gardening this year, and I've got tula and kellogg tomato plants, and both of them just started flowering after like 2 months!

I just got back into it this year, after taking a few years off due to living arrangements(I rent). This year in March I planted Early Girl determinate variety, Black Prince, and San Marzano. Early Girl and Black Prince both have produced a lot, and Early Girl is just about done. Both are delicious with Early Girl being more tangy, and Black Prince being sweeter and milder. The mockingbirds here in Texas and my room mate preferred my Early Girls. I plan on growing more Early Girls next year, but probably not Black Prince. The San Marzanos are just now getting to full ripe, and the flowers are still fruiting even now in this horrid Austin TX heat. I plan on starting to pick them tomorrow. :)

I planted 4 others that I planned for a late run, but they are already blooming now. Purple Cherokee, Caspian Pink, Sungold, and Green Zebra. No fruit yet as I planted them later.

Next year my only ones I plan to do set in stone are Early Girl, and Ferris Wheel which are excellent if you ever come across them.

It was at either Tomatoville or Daves Garden I participated in a seed swap and ended up with over 100 varieties of seeds that I've had in an air conditioned storage for about 7 years now. I have to go get and see what I got, but don't know if they will be good anymore. Trays are cheap though, and I'll see what grows.

Damn, that's ambitious. How much land do you have? Do you grow anything aside from tomatoes? Are you planting them all in full sun?

No land. I rent LOL. I made a jungle out of my last apartment patio, and my neighbors loved it as I was giving away tomatoes all the time. I did about 12 varieties that last time, and used 5 to 10 gallon pots. Tomatoes can grow into monsters in containers if you do regular watering every night. I got 10 foot plants and used kite string for trellising.

One advantage container growing has is that many diseases heirlooms are susceptible to are soil borne. In potting soil you don't have that. Potting soil can also be thrown out after plants have died from frost, containers cleaned and sterilized of any diseases the last plant left behind and ready to use next year. With tilling in the ground if the plant had any disease problem that will still be present in the soil. That's why people always suggest rotating crops. Don't plant tomatoes, peppers, or potatoes if any were grown in that same soil the season before. That isn't a problem in containers.

When did you use the 10gal containers and why? All of my plants are in 5 gallon containers aside from the squash. And you water every night? How much?

I used 10 gallon containers at the time(2012 or 2013?) because I had a couple of them. Don't anymore. 5 gallons seemed to work as well. HEB has 10 "wood barrell" type containers right now that look nice for $10 a piece. Thinking of getting a couple for the Caspian Pink and Cherokee Purple and just getting a couple of 5 gallon buckets for the other 2 tomorrow, and drilling holes in them.

The whole idea is more room for the root system to grow, which makes for a stronger plant. I really didn't see any difference, but so many say otherwise my experience alone shouldn't be a factor.

5.0 gallons = 18.93 litres

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About a gallon each. Water drains out every night, and each evening before I water the plants look happy. Make sure you have good drainage. If you let the plants start looking droopy between watering the fruit will get cracks after you water them after a dry spell.

I never did answer your second question. The patio garden faced south east, so they got full morning to early afternoon sun. That helped a lot in Austin where late afternoon sun is miserable. My current plants are facing south west and getting more late afternoon heat. The Cherokee Purple and Caspian Pink will be moved to the SE side tomorrow, and maybe even the Green Zebra. We will see. They are still small enough to move(another advantage of growing in pots). I will leave the Sungold where it is. Cherry tomatoes don't seem to give a fuck about heat in general from my experience.

I've never grown either of those, but both have very good reputations. I was thinking of Tula or Black Trifele next year for a black variety. Kellogs are supposed to be monsters and wonderful, but probably won't try them next season as I only want to have a few beefsteak types next year. We will see. The fun is in planning this out.

Order your seeds in the fall, and plant the seeds in early winter is the way to do it here in this zone.

I'll let you know how the tula tastes. What's your favorite variety?

Order your seeds in the fall, and plant the seeds in early winter is the way to do it here in this zone.

Will do! I fucked up big time and planted way too late. It's pretty much a miracle how well all of my plants have done despite all of my fuckups.

Mistakes will be made along the way(we've all made them), but am glad to see you went to a good place to learn. Growing good food for yourself is a passion I wish more would take up.


lisa is why i'm not a libertarian

Why "Friends First" Doesn't Work | Psychology Today

I don't disagree with anything Cornish says, but why does she make it seem like ... I also have friends who don't share their different friend circles, for fear of social miscegenation. ... I know some people are capable of masking their true feelings, a la Joey Potter, ... Attraction is also the feeling of being in sync with someone.

Snally you're the only poster I actually read anymore honestly. You're magic.

You really have not thought about writing a book on the history of drama or something like that?

I'm really reluctant to 'put myself out there' or else I would have made a podcast or something years ago. It feels too proud.

Good point. I'm glad your humbleness made you stay within this sub.

Wait, is this some sort of video game?

And I thought gamergate drama was autistic

incredible amish drama and everyone's gonna overlook it for that one retard's bussy

I appreciate your posts but really, why bother?

Call me spoiled but I'm going to need screenshots with ms paint rings and arrows and maybe some reaction images but definitely some highlighted text portions that have been resized in MS paint.

Not joking